First JavaScript Assignment

Pass in the JavaScript that I can run.

Problem #1: Copy and paste the code in this link and complete the program. invenprob.txt
The directions are listed as comments in the program. Note that you should change the extention to .html when you save it.

Problem #2: Take in the inches of snow from three storms. Calculate the total amount of snow that fell and the average snow fall and display both results.

Problem #3: Take in the water bill for each of the four quarters. Tell me the sum of the bills and the average of the bills. If the sum is greater than 400, write a message about conserving water, otherwise write a message that says ok.

Problem #4: Take in the height, width and length of a box and determine the volume. (remember volume is height times width times length). Display the result. If the volume is greater than 100 display the message that says extra fee otherwise display the message that says ok.