Introduction to you - written in HTML
Your first assignment is to write a web page, using HTML, that
introduces yourself. It should include how you came to Bristol, the jobs
you have had, experience with, development in the computer area, time
management and learning style. Do some research on time management
and how you are going to manage your time in this course to be
successful. Also do research on learning styles and again how you are
going to use this knowledge in this course. You should use the
HTML examples in week one to help develop your page. I want you to
use a variety of the tools I have in my examples.
Here is the assignment:
- Look at my examples and videos on HTML
- Do some research on learning styles and time management. Site the
articles you read. Include finding and taking a quiz on learning styles. My
goal here is for you to become comfortable with your learning style and
the need for time management.
- Write a web page introducing yourself, it must be done with HTML
that you write from scratch using notepad or notepad ++ or another text
editor. You cannot use a code generator or AI.
- You need to use CSS in your page.
- Include your name, your major and if you are in the CIS major the
option you have chosen.
- Include a little about your background. What led you to come to
Bristol and choose the major you chose. What kind of jobs you have had, is
this your first semester in college etc.
- What are your goal or plans for after Bristol.
- Include a picture of yourself (don't forget you need to send me the
picture along with your page).
- Your page should include information you found about your learning
style and how you can use this information to help you in your course. I
want some analysis based on your research.
- Your page should include a plan about how you will manage your time
to handle homework, reading and studying.
Extra credit: Create multiple pages and link them.