Oracle assignment on creating and maintaining a table (and also a few queries)

  1. Create an Oracle table with a minimum of two varchar(2) fields (one should be a persons name), a char field, a numeric field with decimal places, a numeric field for a whole number and a date field.
  2. Show me a description of the table.
  3. Populate the table with data you should put in a variety of data so that it can be effectively queried.
    The name varchar(2) fields should contain a name in the format last name slash first name middle name or initial if any. For example:
  4. Change two fields on a record and show me the before and after.
  5. Make a change that effects more than one record (but not all)
  6. Add a record to your table and show me the before and after
  7. Delete the record you just added and show me the before and after
  8. Alter the structure of the table by adding a column/field and populating it. Show me the results
  9. Alter the structure of the table by adding characters to a varchar2 field. Show me the results.
  10. Do a search and find out how to alter the structure of the table by deleting a column. Demonstrate and show me the results. Site the address where you found the explanation.
  11. Do a search and find out how to alter the structure of the table by renaming a column. Demonstrate and show me the results. Site the address where you found the explanation.
  12. Do a query that does a sort on two fields. Tell me which field is the primary sort and which is the secondary sort. varchar2 field. Show me the results.
  13. Do a query that looks for one thing that has to be true and either of two other things.
  14. Do a query that does a calculation for the results where you add two things together and divide by something.
  15. Do a query where you test for null or something else.
  16. Do a query that uses NOT and explain what you tried to accomplish.
  17. Do a query using like and explain what you tried to accomplish.
  18. Do a query where you convert to upper or lower case to test.
  19. Show me a list of tables (generated in Oracle) of the tables you have created.
  20. Backup one of your tables. Show me the instruction you executed and show me the list of tables including the backup.