Presentations for CIS12 - Introduction to COBOL

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Note that the speaker notes are provided on a separate Word document if you are having trouble accessing them!
NEW Introduction to COBOL Hello World PowerPoint presentation
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Hello World PowerPoint presentation - HELLO.CBL
Display/Accept program with Add
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Display/Accept program with Add - ADDDA.CBL
Mathematics with Display/Accept program
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Mathematics with Display/Accept program
Loops in COBOL screen programs
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Loops in COBOL screen programs
Totals in COBOL screen programs
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Totals in COBOL screen programs
Topics - Full Screens Screen section
    Separate speaker notes to accompany screen section
Standard Introduction to COBOL Presentation on first program - SAMPLE1.CBL
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Presentation on first program - SAMPLE1.CBL
Download programs from the Internet
    Separate speaker notes to accompany download programs from the Internet
Final Totals
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Final Totals
Topics - IF statements IF statements
    Separate speaker notes to accompany If statements
Presentation on second programming assignment
    Separate speaker notes to accompany second programming assignment
Presentation on program if88in1.cbl
    Separate speakers notes to accompany program if88in1.cbl
More on screen processing Screens using standard DISPLAY/ACCEPT with color or formatting
    Separate speaker notes to accompany screens using standard DISPLAY/ACCEPT
Topics - Editing Edit screen program - user input to edit
    Separate speaker notes to accompany edit screen program
Edit Program notes
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Edit Program notes
Topics - Breaks Minor break logic and processing
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Minor break logic and processing
Minor, Intermediate and Major break logic and processing
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Minor, Intermediate, and Major break logic and processing
Topics - Tables Introduction to tables
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Introduction to tables
Presentation on 2 and 3 dimemsion tables
    Presentation on 2 and 3 dimension tables

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