Programming Assignment Part #2:

For this assignment you are going to read and process the file that you created last time. Remember the file must have exactly the same layout as it had when the file was created. This is the layout that I gave you when you wrote the first half of the assignment:
Columns used Data for that column
1 - 5 Student Identification Number
6 - 25 Student Name
26 - 27 State
41 - 42 Major
43 - 45 Number of credits earned
46 - 49 GPA (three decimal places)
50 - 56 Loans (two decimal places)

Second Program

Write a program to read and process the file. You should show the following information on the output screen: For extra credit display the answer to the following:
If the student has a particular major code (you choose the code) and a GPA greater than 3.000 display the message eligible for honors. You should also display the student GPA.