Fall 2001



Please read all of the information on this sheet!






I will be available over break to help people in the labs. If you are interested in coming in and receiving this help, please tell me what days and times are best for you. I cannot meet everyones schedule, but I will try to pick some times that are workable. You should check the CIS12 web site to see when I will be available or you can email me to find out my schedule!

Status of Homework: Enter one of the following. (1)Completed and returned (if you have the grade, please enter it) (2)Completed but not returned (3) Not complete

First screen programming assignment (run for extra credit)

Finish program

First data editing/formatting assignment

First math assignment

Second data editing/formatting assignment

Fill practice (extra credit)

Make-up edit assignment

Second math assignment

IF statements assignment started in class

IF statements - pick correct solutions

Break questions

Table assignment to work with one table

Status of Programs: Enter one of the following or your own explanation: (1)Completed and already passed in, (2) passed in today, (3) coming sometime this summer or fall, (4) never coming, (5) we need to talk. If you have the grade please indicate what it is!

Program #1 - Part 1 (create a file)

Program #1 - Part 2 (reading the file you created and writing a report)

Program #2 - Testing codes and calculating

Program #3 - EDIT data

Program #4 - Break program that you complete

Which final exam option did you choose?

Status Questions:

Have you completed the course?


If not, what are your plans? Be as specific as you can!





Depending on the amount and quality of work you did, you may get the grade you deserve with the option of changing it or you may get an incomplete. If it is important to you to get either a grade or an incomplete please tell me here and explain why! If possible, I will try to honor your request, but it does depend on how much work you have completed and the quality of the work! Completing an incomplete may also mean doing different work than was assigned during the semester! You need to check with me! Remember, if you take an incomplete, the highest grade you can earn in the course is a B+. If you take an incomplete, you need to talk to me about the method of submittting work. I want the work submitted together as a project as opposed to piece by piece.