Numbering Systems(Binary/Hex/ASCII)


Binary conversion:


1101102  = ____________10


8310  = _____________2


1010001012  = _____________10


22210 = _______________________ 2



Binary arithmetic:


  110      11101      110111     110101

 +111     + 1010     +101101    +111111



Extra credit subtraction:


  111       1010      110111     100001

 -110      - 110     - 11011    - 11111


Hexadecimal conversion:


D916 = ____________10


336310 = ____________16


A2DE16 = ____________10


561410 = ___________16


1100001110012 = ___________16


D6E16 = ______________2


10110111101011102 = ________________16


E5C916 = ____________________2



Code Conversion (8-bit ASCII):


What does this say (give me the letters and/or numbers)?


010000110100100101010011 ______________

01000100010001010100111101010011 _____________

0011000000110111 _______


This is the decimal equivalent of the 8-bit ASCII code.  What does it say?


7069668285658289  ______________