First Visual Basic Assignment

Problem #1: Calculation
Write a program using Visual Basic that will let the user key in to textboxes the hours worked, the pay per hour and the amount they want to withhold. Have the computer then calculate the pay and display it in a textbox. I also want you to have a message box that will display the message, I need a raise if the calculated pay is under 1000 and display a message saying OK if the calculated pay is not under 1000. I want to see some color and some bold, italics or a change of font on the form.

Problem #2:
Write a program to take in an exam grade, a project grade and homework grade (they should be entered as numbers). You should then calculate the average giving each one equal weight. Finally you should display the letter grade that the student will receive using IF statements.

Problem #3:
Write a program that contains a loop that you will do 5 times. Inside the loop, you want to use an InputBox to take in an amount and add it to a total. When the loop is done, you want to print out the total in a text box on the form. The loop should be started by clicking a command button.