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Introduction to Internet Developer CIS122/44

Welcome to the Internet Developer course, CIS122/44. This course will cover browsers, Web page development issues, XHTML, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and web site issues. A portion of in class time will be spent working on Web assignments. People taking the course over the Web can do these assignments on their own time. The course will cover a lot of material and help you to become proficient with the Web as a tool and with creating and maintaining your own Web site.
If you are taking this as a Web based course it is extremely important that you either own a computer or have daily access to a computer. For students taking the course over the Web, the computer is your only source for information and the way you will communicate with the instructor. If you do not have a computer available and you are not comfortable working on the Web, you should be taking this course using the classroom option (see below).

The Web site:

The Web site that you are currently visiting will contain all information for this course. It is a resource for students in the classroom and the method of delivery for students taking the course over the Web. The class notes, sample XHTML, HTML, CSS and JavaScript as well as PowerPoint presentations on the material will all be posted at the site as well as the assignments. The site will also list tutorials and other sites on the Web where information can be obtained. For students who want a reference book, I suggest a reasonably comprehensive book on XHTML and possibly HTML and an introductory book on JavaScript as references.
The weekly schedule is a week by week schedule to help the student keep current. I usually update the site four or five times a week, so be sure to check it on a regular basis. Note: Assignments will not be handed out in class, they are available on the Web.
The site for CIS122/44 also has a blog where I can post information that is important and you can post information or questions. Other students can respond to your postings as well as myself.
I have changed my web site, so if you find something that does not connect, please let me know about the bad link so I can correct it. Hopefully everything will go smoothly, but perfection I do not expect!
Note that this is material from a wide variety of browsers in the examples and on the PowerPoints. I have upgraded some of them but have left others because in fact you should write code that is supported by all reasonable level of browsers - not just the latest.