Status Sheet for CIS250

Spring 2023





Do you need help deciding on courses for next semester?

How much time on the average did you spend each week on this course?

I would strongly prefer you enter the grade if the assignment has been returned. Tell me if the assignment has been done, done and graded, if you plan to do it or if you will probably never do it!
Let me know if I forgot something, I would figure it out sooner or later anyway...

  • Week #1: JS Invoice Problem
  • Week #2: DOM etc assignmeent
  • Week #3: Loop, if DOM, functions etc
  • Week #4: Programs for week 4
  • Week #5: Program like PETS
  • Week #6: JSON real estate tax bill
  • Week #7: JSON cont
  • Week #8: Search and object-oriented
  • Week #9: Drawing
  • Week #10: Hangman
  • Week #10: Menu assignment
  • Week #11: 20 to do
  • Week #12: Project store
  • Week #13: Background with scrolling
  • Tell me if I missed anything in the list!

    This has been a difficult semester. If you have information I should know or remember you should include it now. Some of you have contacted me to explain your situation and we have decided on a solution. Now is the time to tell me the solution so I am sure that I remember and we agree.

    If you have not contacted me but you have information that you think I should know, now is the time to explain it to me.