You run a limousine company. After a preliminary talk with the owners, you have determined that this is the information you need to keep.  I want you to think about it and possibly do some research and see if you think additional information is needed.


For each limousine, you need to have information including an id number, what kind of limo it is (make, model, year), seating capacity, codes for amenities such as movies screen etc, the date you acquired the limo, the license number, the condition, last inspection date.  You also need information about maintenance on the limo including date, type, mileage at the time of the maintenance.  If an accident or other incident occurs, you need to know the type of accident/incident, the date, who was assigned to the limo, the type of incident, the details and the resolution.


You then have to deal with customers who want to reserve a limo for a particular event and you have to deal with drivers who you schedule to drive for the event.  You should know information about the customer, information about the booking of the limo and information about the assigned driver.


Design the tables you will need for the data and explain the content, why you set it up as you did, information you felt was needed.


This one I want you to design individually.


Next week, we will open your design up for comments so I suggest you do it using docs and spreadsheets.