First remember that I tend to capitalize my tags - new recommendations suggest that lower case may be the wave of the future. It is your choice!
In writing this HTML, please note how I show the < and the > then symbols - go into the source code to see this.
This code is used because the < and > have special meaning to HTML and so showing them as text can become problematic. Note that there are extensive lists of these characters that can be used to show foreign characters as well as things that are confusing to HTML.

Adding emphasis to your page can be done using the <EM> tag.
I want these words to stand out from the rest.

There is a third kind of list (we have looked at ordered and unordered) which is called a definition list. This list uses the <DL> tag which stands for definition list. Within this list you can define the term you are using with the <DT> tag and the definition with the <DD> tag. For example:
Hypertext Markup Language
Cascading Style Sheets

Preformatted text lets you enclose text in the <PRE> and </PRE> tags and have the text appear using the original format. I use this a lot when I want to show programming code on my web pages. The text between the tags is usually shown using a fixed width or monospaced font which means that each character of the text has the same width. See the example below:

If wrkWeight < 17 Then
   wrkCost = cstFirstLb
   wrkWeight = wrkWeight - 16
   wrkCost = cstFirstLb
   Do While wrkWeight > 0
       wrkCost = wrkCost + cstEvery4oz
       wrkWeight = wrkWeight - 4
End If
Be sure to check the source code to see how these were coded!