JavaScript Assignment

You should come up with examples that are different from mine when I ask you to do something with a particular aspect of programming - be creative!
You can combine multiple things into one page for many of these or you can do separate pages, your choice.
  1. Do something with a function so that you pass information to the function.
  2. Do something with an IF with an embedded IF.
  3. Use the technique in lesson 2 in the tutorial I recommended to put scrolling text on your page. Scrolling text in tutorial lesson 2
  4. Fix the math facts program (you can use mathfor1.html, mathfor2.html or mathfor2a.html) so that if the student gives a wrong answer, a while loop will stay there saying no until they get the right answer and then it will give the right answer and move on.
  5. Set up code where you give people two or three links where they could go and when they role their mouse over the icon/link it changes the look changes. See rollovers in the tutorial I have referenced before: Rollovers in tutorial lesson 12