XHTML assignment:

This assignment is going to create a series of pages. I would like you to put them up at your web site and send me a link to the first page. I want to be able to move from page to page and see all of the things I listed. On each page, there should be a link back to the first page so I can check it out.

The first page should contain a table with all of these criteria listed. There should be two columns. One where you list the criteria I am looking for and the other where you tell me what page in the set of pages you do shows me your coding to meet the criteria.

Here are the criteria:

  1. Span multiple rows in a table

  2. Span multiple columns in a table

  3. Put an image in a cell that you find somewhere on the web

  4. Show using borders and not using borders

  5. Center a table

  6. Show cell padding

  7. Create your own image and show it

  8. Show an image outside a table with alignment to the left

  9. Show an image outside a table with alignment to the right

  10. Show an image outside a table that is centered

  11. Use a background image

  12. Size an image (both height and weight)

  13. Use an image as an icon to move to another page

  14. Use an image outside a table that has text wrapping around it

  15. Create a frame page that has a frame across the top and beneath it three frames in columns (at least one frame should contain a page that you created and put at your site and at least one frame should contain a link to my home page.

  16. Have a page with multiple frames and include target self

  17. Have a page with multiple frames and include target top

  18. Have a page with multiple frames and include target blank

  19. Have a page with multiple frames and include a named target

  20. Use an image in one of your frames