



<head><title>CIS Department</title></head>


<h1>CIS Department - options</h1>

<form action="" method=post>


<input type=text name=name size=25><br><br>

<b><i>Degree Option:</i></b><br>

<input type=radio name=option value=0>Programming Career<br>

<input type=radio name=option value=1>Networking Career<br>

<input type=radio name=option value=2>Webmaster Career<br>

<input type=radio name=option value=3>Business Information Systems Career<br>

<input type=radio name=option value=4>Multimedia and the Internet Career<br>

<input type=radio name=option value=5>Computer Science Transfer<br>

<input type=radio name=option value=6>Information Systems Transfer<br>


<input type=submit value="SUBMIT">

<input type=reset value="RESET">









#courses required

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

use CGI qw(:standard);

use strict;

#declare variables

my ($stuname, $stuoption);

my @courses = ("CIS17/CIS53/CIT20",







#assign input to variables

$stuname = param('name');

$stuoption = param('option');

#web page

print "<html><head><title>CIS Department Options</title><basefont size=5></head>\n";

print "<body>\n";

print "Student, $stuname, should take the following courses: \n";

print "$courses[$stuoption].\n";

print "</body></html>\n";






<head><title>CIS Department</title></head>


<h1>CIS Department - options</h1>

<form action="" method=post>


<input type=text name=name size=25><br><br>

<b><i>Degree Option:</i></b><br>

<input type=radio name=option value=P>Programming Career<br>

<input type=radio name=option value=N>Networking Career<br>

<input type=radio name=option value=W>Webmaster Career<br>

<input type=radio name=option value=B>Business Information Systems Career<br>

<input type=radio name=option value=M>Multimedia and the Internet Career<br>

<input type=radio name=option value=S>Computer Science Transfer<br>

<input type=radio name=option value=I>Information Systems Transfer<br>


<input type=submit value="SUBMIT">

<input type=reset value="RESET">









#courses required

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

use CGI qw(:standard);

use strict;

#declare variables

my ($stuname, $stuoption);

my %courses = ("P","CIS17/CIS53/CIT20",







#assign input to variables

$stuname = param('name');

$stuoption = param('option');

#web page

print "<html><head><title>CIS Department Options</title><basefont size=5></head>\n";

print "<body>\n";

print "Student, $stuname, should take the following courses: \n";

print "$courses{$stuoption}.\n";

print "</body></html>\n";






<head><title>CIS Department</title></head>


<h1>CIS Department - options</h1>

<form action="" method=post>


<input type=text name=name size=25><br><br>

<b><i>Degree Option:</i></b><br>

<input type=radio name=option value=P>Programming Career<br>

<input type=radio name=option value=N>Networking Career<br>

<input type=radio name=option value=W>Webmaster Career<br>

<input type=radio name=option value=B>Business Information Systems Career<br>

<input type=radio name=option value=M>Multimedia and the Internet Career<br>

<input type=radio name=option value=S>Computer Science Transfer<br>

<input type=radio name=option value=I>Information Systems Transfer<br>


<input type=submit value="SUBMIT">

<input type=reset value="RESET">









#courses required

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

use CGI qw(:standard);

use strict;

#declare variables

my ($stuname, $stuoption);

my %courses = ("P","CIS17/CIS53/CIT20",







#assign input to variables

$stuname = param('name');

$stuoption = param('option');

#web page

print "<html><head><title>CIS Department Options</title><basefont size=5></head>\n";

print "<body>\n";

print "Student, $stuname, should take the following courses: \n";

print "$courses{$stuoption}.\n";

print "</body></html>\n";






#courses required

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

use CGI qw(:standard);

use strict;

#declare variables

my (@syscode, $key);

my %courses = ("P","Programming = CIS17/CIS53/CIT20",

"N","Networking = CIS53/CIT20",

"W","Webmaster = CIS13/CIS44/CIT20",

"M","Multimedia and Internet = CIS13/CIS44/CIT20",

"B","Business Information Systems = CIS11orCIS22/CIS13/CIT20",

"S","Computer Science = CIS73",

"I","Information Systems = CIS17orCISelective");

#web page

print "<html><head><title>CIS Department Options</title><basefont size=5></head>\n";

print "<body>\n";

print "<h1>CIS options and course suggestions for first semester</h1>\n";

@syscode = ("P","N","W","M","B","S","I");

foreach $key (@syscode) {

print "$courses{$key}<br>\n";


print "</body></html>\n";






<head><title>CIS Department</title></head>


<h1>Math Facts</h1>

<form action="" method=post>


<input type=text name=name size=25><br><br>

<b><i>Math Facts:</i></b><br>

Enter start number for math facts:

<input type=text name=startnum size=5><br><br>

Enter end number for math facts

<input type=text name=endnum size=5><br><br>


<input type=submit value="SUBMIT">

<input type=reset value="RESET">









#courses required

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

use CGI qw(:standard);

use strict;

#declare variables

my ($stuname, $stustartnum, $stuendnum, $ans, $ct);

#assign input to variables

$stuname = param('name');

$ans = $stuname;

$stustartnum = param('startnum');

$stuendnum = param('endnum');

#web page

print "<html><head><title>MATH FACTS</title></head>\n";

print "<body>\n";

print "<h2>Math Facts</h2>\n";

for ($ct=$stustartnum; $ct<$stuendnum+1; $ct=$ct+1) {

$ans=$ct + $ct;

print "$ct + $ct = $ans<br>\n";


print "</body></html>\n";






<head><title>CIS Department</title></head>


<h1>Math Facts</h1>

<form action="" method=post>


<input type=text name=name size=25><br><br>

<b><i>Math Facts:</i></b><br>

Enter start number for math facts:

<input type=text name=startnum size=5><br><br>

Enter end number for math facts

<input type=text name=endnum size=5><br><br>


<input type=submit value="SUBMIT">

<input type=reset value="RESET">









#courses required

use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";

use CGI qw(:standard);

use strict;

#declare variables

my ($stuname, $stustartnum, $stuendnum, $ans, $ct, $cti);

#assign input to variables

$stuname = param('name');

$ans = $stuname;

$stustartnum = param('startnum');

$stuendnum = param('endnum');

#web page

print "<html><head><title>MATH FACTS</title></head>\n";

print "<body>\n";

print "<h2>Math Facts</h2>\n";

for ($ct=$stustartnum; $ct<$stuendnum+1; $ct=$ct+1) {

for ($cti=$stustartnum; $cti<$stuendnum+1; $cti=$cti+1) {

$ans=$ct + $cti;

print "$ct + $cti = $ans<br>\n";



print "</body></html>\n";