Presentations for CIS50 - Oracle and SQL

Powerpoint presentations of material. These presentations can be opened or downloaded for future viewing.
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Notes on relational
database design
Normalization - information on third normal form
      Separate speaker notes for normalization presentation
Relational database information - information on 1 to 1, 1 to M, and M to M
      Separate speaker notes for relational database information
Introduction to Oracle and SQL Introduction to SQL in Oracle
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to SQL in Oracle
Create a table in SQL
      Separate speaker notes for Create a table in SQL
SQL Conditions
      Separate speaker notes for SQL Conditions
Working with SQL
      Separate speaker notes for Working with SQL
SQL and SQL*Plus More on maintaining an SQL table
      Separate speaker notes for More on maintaining an SQL table
SQL functions - part 1 character
      Separate speaker notes for SQL functions - part 1 characters
SQL functions - part 2 numeric & date
      Separate speaker notes for SQL functions - part 2 numeric & date
More SQL functions (includes DECODE, ways to edit SQL code and nested functions)
      Separate speaker notes for more SQL functions
Group functions
      Separate speaker notes for group functions
Relational database notes and examples Goes with notes Introduction to multiple tables (relational) - joins - uses donor, donations and drive tables
      Separate speaker notes for relational database presentation
Normalization - information on third normal form
      Separate speaker notes for normalization presentation
Relational database examples - order system
      Separate speaker notes for relational database examples - order system
Student system relational database example
      Separate speaker notes for student system relational database example
Zipped zersion of subqueries. Problem with version online.
      Separate speaker notes for subqueries
More on Subqueries
      Separate speaker notes for More on subqueries
Using Input Variables
      Separate speaker notes for Using Input Variables
More on variables with Oracle's SQL*Plus
      Separate speaker notes for More on variables with Oracle's SQL*Plus
Table maintenance revisited (again)
      Separate speaker notes for Table maintenance revisted (again)
Continuation of table maintenance revisited (again)
      Separate speaker notes for Continuation of table maintenance revisted (again)
Introduction to views
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to views
Introduction to Reports
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to reports
Indexes in Oracle - An Introduction
      Separate speaker notes for Indexes in Oracle - An Introduction
Primary and Foreign constraints with a relational database
      Separate speaker notes to accompany primary and foreign constraints with a relational database
More on Primary and Foreign Keys also info from questions
      Separate speaker notes for More on Primary and Foreign Keys etc.
More on views
      Separate speaker notes for More on views
Database Objects in Oracle
      Separate speaker notes for Database Objects in Oracle
PL/SQL Introduction to PL/SQL
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to PL/SQL
PL/SQL - Using IF statements
      Separate speaker notes for PL/SQL - Using IF statements
More on PL/SQL IF statements
      Separate speaker notes for More on PL/SQL IF statements
Introduction to loops
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to loops
Data manipulation in PL/SQL - introduction
      Separate speaker notes on Data manipulation in PL/SQL - introduction
PL/SQL User Defined Types - record and table
      Separate speaker notes for PL/SQL User Defined Types - record and table
Covers: Cursors in PL/SQL, cursor example and continuation of first cursor example
      Separate speaker notes for Cursors in PL/SQL, cursor example and continuation of first cursor example
Covers: Another set of cursor exampes
      Separate speaker notes for Another set of cursor examples
Exceptions in PL/SQL
      Separate speaker notes for Exceptions in PL/SQL
Introduction to PL/SQL Procedures
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to PL/SQL Procedures
Introduction to PL/SQL Functions
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to PL/SQL Functions
More on Procedures - Internal Procedures
      Separate speaker notes for More on Procedures - Internal Procedures
Introduction to Triggers
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to Triggers
More and Still More on Procedures and Functions
      Separate speaker notes for More and Still More on Procedures and Functions
More on Triggers
      Separate speaker notes for More on Triggers

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