Cursor and exception assignment

Below are two sets PL/SQL that produce the same output, the output is shown at the bottom of this assignment.

First problem:
Explain the code in the first example (line by line).
Explain the code in the second example (overview). Be sure to comment on the open/close of cursors and draw appropriate conclusions about the FOR in this situation.

  v_driveno      donation.driveno%TYPE;
  v_drive_name   drive.drivename%TYPE;

  CURSOR drive_cursor IS
     SELECT driveno FROM donation
     ORDER BY driveno;

  CURSOR drive_name_cursor IS
     SELECT drivename FROM drive 
     WHERE v_driveno = driveno;

     OPEN drive_cursor;
       FETCH drive_cursor INTO v_driveno;
       EXIT WHEN drive_cursor%NOTFOUND;
       IF drive_name_cursor%ISOPEN THEN
         CLOSE drive_name_cursor;
       END IF;
       OPEN drive_name_cursor;

         FETCH drive_name_cursor INTO v_drive_name;
         EXIT WHEN drive_name_cursor%NOTFOUND;
         INSERT into drive_info 
            VALUES(v_driveno, v_drive_name);
       END LOOP;

       CLOSE drive_name_cursor;
     END LOOP;

     CLOSE drive_cursor;

  v_driveno      donation.driveno%TYPE;
  v_drive_name   drive.drivename%TYPE;
  v_NameFlag     BOOLEAN;

  CURSOR drive_cursor IS
     SELECT driveno FROM donation
     ORDER BY driveno;

  CURSOR drive_name_cursor IS
     SELECT drivename FROM drive 
     WHERE v_driveno = driveno;

     v_driveno := '   ';
     FOR v_DriveIDData IN drive_cursor LOOP
       IF v_driveno != v_DriveIDData.driveno THEN
         v_driveno := v_DriveIDData.driveno;
         v_NameFlag := FALSE;
         OPEN drive_name_cursor;
         FETCH drive_name_cursor INTO v_drive_name;
         IF drive_name_cursor%FOUND THEN
           v_NameFlag := TRUE;
         CLOSE drive_name_cursor;
       END IF;
       IF v_NameFlag = TRUE THEN
         INSERT into drive_info 
            VALUES(v_driveno, v_drive_name);
       END IF;
     END LOOP;

SQL> select * from drive_info;

--- ---------------
100 Kids Shelter
100 Kids Shelter
100 Kids Shelter
100 Kids Shelter
200 Animal Home
200 Animal Home
300 Health Aid
300 Health Aid

8 rows selected.

Second problem:
Design, develop, and run your own program using a single cursor.

Third problem:Using your COPIES of the employee and department tables provided by Oracle or using similiar tables that provide employee, salary, job and dept in one table and dept number and department name in another table write the following program.
Use the dept table to step through sequentially and bring up the records with the same department from the employee file. Using an IF calculate a new salary based on the job. Update each record on the employee file with the new salary. In addition calculate the total salary for each department and create a new table with the department number, the department name and the salary.

Fourth problem:
Write an anonymous block of code that will catch an Oracle defined error. Be sure to include WHEN OTHERS THEN in your code.

Fifth problem:
Write an anonymous block of code that will catch a user defined logic error.