Quiz #2 - SQL

Problem #1: Assuming the donor table shown, what output would be produced from the following code? Explain the results.
IDNO  NAME            STADR           CITY       ST ZIP   DATEFST      YRGOAL CONTACT
----- --------------- --------------- ---------- -- ----- --------- --------- ------------
11111 Stephen Daniels 123 Elm St      Seekonk    MA 02345 03-JUL-98       500 John Smith
12121 Jennifer Ames   24 Benefit St   Providence RI 02045 24-MAY-97       400 Susan Jones
22222 Carl Hersey     24 Benefit St   Providence RI 02045 03-JAN-98           Susan Jones
23456 Susan Ash       21 Main St      Fall River MA 02720 04-MAR-92       100 Amy Costa
33333 Nancy Taylor    26 Oak St       Fall River MA 02720 04-MAR-92        50 John Adams
34567 Robert Brooks   36 Pine St      Fall River MA 02720 04-APR-98        50 Amy Costa

SQL> run
  1  SELECT name, stadr, city, DECODE(state,'MA', yrgoal*2,
  2                                         'RI', yrgoal*3,
  3                                               yrgoal*4) altered_goal, yrgoal
  4* from donor

Problem #2: Use the donor table shown and tell me the output that would be produced. Explain the results.
SQL> select state, count(contact), sum(yrgoal)
  2  from donor
  3  group by state;

Problem #3: Use the inventory table shown and tell me the output that would be produced. Explain the results.
SQL> select * from inven;

---- --------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -- -- ----
1111 Good Night Moon        24        30        40         8     12.99 BK BY X100
1212 Heidi                  12        25        25        10     14.99 BK CH X112
1234 Adven Reddy Fox         5         0        10         9     14.75 BK CH X100
2121 Teddy Bear              5        20        40        15     19.95 TY CH X115
2222 Building Blocks         4         0        15        48     51.99 TY CH Z200
2345 Doll House              2         5        10        45     55.98 TY CH Z212
3333 Basketball             24        25        50        14     17.99 SP BK Y200
3456 Net/Hoop               12         0        25        25     27.95 SP BK Y200

8 rows selected.

SQL> describe inven;
 Name                            Null?    Type
 ------------------------------- -------- ----
 ITEMNO                                   VARCHAR2(4)
 ITEMNAME                                 VARCHAR2(15)
 ONHAND                                   NUMBER(5)
 ONORDER                                  NUMBER(5)
 REORDPT                                  NUMBER(5)
 COST                                     NUMBER(6,2)
 PRICE                                    NUMBER(6,2)
 DEPT                                     CHAR(2)
 ITEMCLASS                                CHAR(2)
 LOCATION                                 VARCHAR2(4)

SQL> select itemclass, sum(price), avg(price)
  2  from inven
  3  where onorder > 0
  4  group by itemclass;

Problem #4: use the inven table above and tell me the output that would be produced. Explain the results.
SQL> select dept, sum(cost)
  2  from inven
  3  group by dept
  4  having sum(cost) > 30;

Problem #5: Use the inven table above and tell me the output that would be produced. Explain the results.
SQL> select dept, sum(onhand), sum(onorder)
  2  from inven
  3  where cost > 10
  4  group by dept
  5  having sum(onhand) > 25
  6  order by sum(onhand);