Example of creating a new record and then updating the record with information that is keyed in. Note that you could check the data before doing the update.
  Private Sub cmdAdd_Click()
          wkIdno = InputBox("Enter ID for new record")
          wkName = InputBox("Enter Name for new record")
          wkMajor = InputBox("Enter Major for new record")
          wkCity = InputBox("Enter City for new record")
          wkGPA = InputBox("Enter GPA for new record")
          wkYrEntered = InputBox("Enter Year Entered for new record")
          ADOStudents.Recordset!idno = wkIdno
          ADOStudents.Recordset!Name = wkName
          ADOStudents.Recordset!Major = wkMajor
          ADOStudents.Recordset!gpa = wkGPA
          ADOStudents.Recordset!city = wkCity
          ADOStudents.Recordset!yrentered = wkYrEntered
  End Sub
Your assignment is to write a program that will allow the user to do the following:
  1. Find a record on a database table and change the data on the record.
  2. Add a record to a database table.
  3. Delete a record from a database table after finding it and showing it to the user so they can confirm the deletion.
EXTRA CREDIT: Edit the data so that only valid data is written on to the database table when an add or a change is done.