Syllabus Spring 2003


Visual Basic CIS56


Instructor: Roger M. Proulx


Course Description (from catalog):


This course will cover procedural and object oriented Visual Basic. The student is taught to analyze a programming problem, design a logical solution and write and execute the program using Visual Basic. The course will emphasize the strengths of Visual Basic and its wide variety of uses as well as covering a wide range of programming applications.


Course Objectives:


The primary objective of this course is to teach the student to program in Visual Basic. At the completion of the course, the following objectives should have been reached:


        The student should understand the concepts of object oriented programming as implemented in Visual Basic

        The student should understand how to design, write, run and debug a Visual Basic program

        The student should have introductory experience with Visual Basic as a macro language


Programming in Visual Basic 6.0

Julia Case Bradley and Anita C. Millspaugh


ISBN 0-07-251874-X


Topics to be covered: (Not necessarily in the order listed)


1.      Introduction to Visual Basic and problem solving

2.      Visual Basic environment

3.      Fundamentals of programming in Visual Basic

4.      Variety of controls

5.      Using the debugger and running in break mode.

6.      Formatting displays of data

7.      Variables, constants and calculations (variable data types)

8.      Decisions and conditionals

9.      Data files

10.  Editing Data

11.  Procedure and sub procedures

12.  Functions

13.  Menus

14.  Multiple forms

15.  Lists

16.  Loops and repetition

17.  Printing

18.  Arrays

19.  Object-Oriented programs

20.  Sequential files

21.  Random access files

22.  Database controls (Using Microsoft ACCESS)

23.  Error handling

24.  Data handling grids, validation, selection, sorting

25.  Intro to VB as a macro language ( as time permits)

26.  Other elements/topics as time permits


Requirements and Grading:


The student will be expected to complete all assigned work.

Homework assignments/Quizzes will be due one week from the date assigned.

Programming assignments will be due two weeks from their assigned dates.

A mandatory final exam will also be given at the end of the course.


Letter/Number grade equivalents:

        A+ = 95 -100

        A = 90 - 94

        B+ = 85 - 89

        B = 80 - 84

        C+ = 75 - 79

        C = 70 - 74

        D = 60 - 69

        F = below 60

The following is a list of factors that will be considered when grading a program assignment.


        Following directives

        Use of documentation

        Use of logic

        Organization/appearance of code

        Design of forms

        Demonstration of effort and understanding of the course material

        Degree of extra work in their assignments

        Originality and creativity in the design and implementation of their programs.

Attendance: The in class student is allowed to cut two class sessions. The Web student must communicate once a week. Students that are mixing class and Web must communicate the weeks they are not in class! Two failures to communicate is equivalent to have missed two class sessions.

Methodology: The course is given using a lecture/presentation method and the student is encouraged to ask questions at any point during the lecture. In addition, students will have the opportunity to work on projects which will enhance their abilities in problem solving and program modification techniques.

This SYLLABUS is not to be construed as a CONTRACT in any way, shape, manner or form. This SYLLABUS is a SUGGESTED course OUTLINE and will be GENERALLY followed, subject to change according to the INSTRUCTOR'S discretion and needs. Academic FLEXIBILITY is important!