Database Programming and Management with Access - CIS61
Professor: Priscilla Grocer
Office: K-112
Course Description:
This course will teach the student to program using the programming language available in a relational database system. The student will learn to work with a variety of Access components including Structured Query Language and Access Data Objects. The student will analyze, design, develop, manage and execute projects in this powerful database environment. Prerequisite: CIS11 or CIS22 or permission of the instructor.
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to help the student become an effective database developer using Access. At the completion of this course, the following objectives should have been accomplished:
- learn to develop a normalized relational database
- learn to setup and maintain a database
- learn to develop a database to meet a business need
- learn to write a SQL
- learn to write Visual Basic script
Course Outline:
- Understanding Microsoft Access
- Building a database
- Design
- Relational
- Build
- Modify
- Working with data
- Using datasheets
- Queries
- Importing, linking, and exporting
- Using forms
- Form Basics
- Building Forms
- Customizing and advanced forms
- Publishing Information
- Reports
- Advanced Reports
- Web
- Creating an Application
- Macros
- Automating
- Using VBA
Text Books:
Recommended Text:
Running Microsoft Access 2000
John Viescas
Microsoft Press
ISBN 1-57231-934-8
There will be a mid-semester and final exam. If the class is producing a lot of work, the instructor may not feel that a mid-semester exam is needed. The mid-semester may become optional for those who are caught up or possibly the class can vote on having or not having a mid-semester. Quizzes will be given on an as needed basis. They will be announced or take-home quizzes. Development projects will be the main emphasis of the course. Weight will be based on complexity - programs at the beginning of the semester will not carry as much weight as the more complex programs at the end of the semester.
Students should check the Web site for schedule, assignments, programs and exams on a regular basis.
The student will be expected to complete all assigned work. In addition there will be a final exam.
Grading percents are:
- 80% Homework, projects, quizzes
- 10% Class participation, responsibility about work, keeping up to date, quality of work, adding extras that are above and beyond, showing initiative, figuring out problems etc.
- 10% Final
Assignments and programs are graded using either number grades or letter grades based on the following (A=90-100), B=(80-89), C=(70-79), D=(60-69), F=below 60). The students grade for the course will use the same scale and will be based on the percentages explained in the grading section. Plus and minus grades will be given.
Many of the assignments in this class are open ended - the grading will be based on how well
the project demonstrates mastery of the material. Students who do a minimum of work will be graded
accordingly. Resubmission is allowed on open-ended projects to improve grades.
Note: Non open-ended assignments that are completed accurately, with no errors, according to the parameters of the assignment will be
graded as A. To achieve an A+, students must have done sufficient extra work in design or implementation that makes the
assignment standout. In doing assignments, students must do their own work. Relying too heavily on my examples or working
too closely with someone else will be penalized.
The student is allowed to cut 6 hours of classes.
- Class students: The course is given using the lecture method and the student is encouraged to ask questions at any point during the lecture. When appropriate, class exercises and problem solving techniques are used. The "computer on wheels" will be used for many classes.
Web students:
This course is available on the CIS61 Web site. Handouts, PowerPoint presentations, assignments and other resources will be available on the Web.
This SYLLABUS is not to be construed as a CONTRACT in any way, shape, manner or form.
This SYLLABUS is a SUGGESTED course OUTLINE and will be GENERALLY followed, subject to
change according to the INSTRUCTOR'S discretion and needs. Academic FLEXIBILITY is important!
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