The following problems need to be written using php and I need the location to run them and the attached php

IF problems:
#1: Display a product with a dept of HDW and either a price over 100 or a cost over 75. Do this using one if statement.
#2: Redo #1 using separate if statements for each condition.
#3: Display a student with a major of CI or BU that has taken more than 45 credits and has a gpa >= 3.2.
#4: Given a numeric average, figure out the letter grade using the ifelse structure.
#5: Redo #4 using a case structure.

Loop problem: Write a program to do the algebraic equation x = a(b+6-c)/2 multiple times within loops that vary a and b and c. The variable a should start at 1 go to 10 and increment by 1. The variable b should start at 2 and go to 10 and increment by 2. The variable C should start at 0 and increment by 5 until it reaches 20. When you display the answer show the formula in php. I want you to do this four times: once with a, once with a do...while, once with a while without using endwhile, once with a while using an endwhile.