Presentations for CIS159/CIT32 - PHP and MySQL

Note: These accompany older examples although most still apply. Currently I rely more on Smartboard and Audio to explain.
Powerpoint presentations of material. These presentations can be opened or downloaded for future viewing.
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There is a problem with many of the individual presentations - something went wrong with the server storage. I have put up a zipped version when I catch it, download and open the zipped version.
MySQL Creating Donor database off line
    Separate speaker notes to accompany creating Donor database off line
SQL Introduction to SQL
SQL functions
SQL continued
SQL multiple tables related
Zipped SQL presentations
Relational Database Normalization - information on third normal form
      Separate speaker notes to accompany normalization presentation
Relational database using donor
      Separate speaker notes to accompany relational databse using donors presentation
Relational Database Student System
      Separate speaker notes to accompany relational database student system presentation
Relational database order system example
      Separate speaker notes to accompany relational database order system example
PHP fundamentals Beginning PHP
Beginning PHP continued
Zipped beginning PHP (2 above)
Boston Tea Party
If with flowcharts and pseudocode and PHP
For loops
While loops
Other structures
PHP functions
Zipped presentations
PHP arrays
PHP arrays (zipped)
PHP email
PHP Built in functions
MySQL and PHP Connecting PHP and MySQL
Maintaining MySQL database with PHP
From CIS47 course:
PHP and MYSQL database
    Separate speaker notes to accompany PHP and MYSQL database
More PHP Submitting information
Zipped Zipped presentations thru other structures
Zipped presentations thru submit info

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