Note that you can go over to window and change things liked color – I changed to a white background with black font and saved it as ciswebcolor. Now I cam going to highlight to select and open ciswebcolor.
I have used the username and password that I was given and have typed in the information to use MySQL.
Now I want to see the available databases – you are assigned two databases and those are what you should be using. I can then decide on which database I want to work with.
I am going to use the database called another and then I want to see what tables it contains. As seen below, you can see it only contains one table which is named first.
Now I am going to look at the structure in first and then see what records it contains. You look at the structure by using desc. You examine the records by selecting the records. The syntax is:
select * from first;
where * means select all fields and first is the name of the table. Note that it is followed with a semi-colon.
Now I am going to create another table called second.
Now I am going to look at the description of this table and populate it.
Now I am going to insert some more records (populate the table) and then view them.
Now I am going to query the table for all CI majors.
Now I am going to do a query getting selected fields and place my conditions in an AND relationship.