Using MYSQL on the CISWEB server:

Logging into putty.exe to use mysql;


·        Click on putty.exe

·        Type in the Host Name (or IP address) box.  You can save these settings by typing cisweb in the Saved Sessions box and then click the Save button.  Now click Open to start the session.

·        At the login as: prompt type your username, web15(or whatever your number is)

·        Then you will be prompted for your password, which is web3333! (Or whatever your number is …don’t forget the exclamation point!)

·        At the $ prompt type the following to use mysql :

$mysql –u web15 –p (then hit the enter key)

Enter password:  web3333!


You should get the mysql> prompt.  Then you have to type the command to use your own database as follows:

mysql>use pebo1(whatever your database is named).  Keep in mind that you will only have rights to use your own database.