Links, tables, images assignment

I want you to create two pages and validate them. The things that must be included on the pages are:

#1) Link from page 1 to page 2

#2) Link from page 2 to the top of page 1

#3) Link from the bottom of page 1 to the top of page 1

#4) Link from the bottom of page 1 to an area embedded on page 1

#5) Link from some where in the middle of page 1 to an area embedded on page 2

#6) Link to the CIS122 page at my site

#7) Embed an image on page 2 (the image should be in the same folder as the page)

#8) Embed an external image on one of the pages

#9) Embed a centered image on either of the pages

#10) Embed a table where you have a cell that contains an image, a cell that contains a link, a cell with a background color, a cell with a list, and a cell that contais color and font text.

#11) Create a table that experiments with borders and includes colspan and rowspan.

#12) Set up a paragraph with a specified color for the font and that uses font-family, font-size and font-style.