Advanced Visual Basic - CIS256/67

Weekly Schedule

Week Information
Assignments due in one week unless otherwise stated. I may add some things during the week, so double check the schedule each week!
Week #15
Week of December 12th
I will not be in this week, for family reasons.
Just rechecked the calendar and Friday is officially the last day of classes.
I can be contacted via email and Mark and Wayne will be there for all of my classes to help with any problems.
There will be an open lab from 9:30 to 3:15 on Tues and Thurs and Mark and Wayne will be there for help.
I will email you your final by this Tuesday the 13th and it is due by noon on Tuesday the 20th.
Weeks #13/#14
Weeks of November 28th/December 5th
You need to read chapter #9 and #10.
Last assignment: You need to set up a project that deals with chapter #9 and chapter #10. I want you to deal with validation, multiple forms and accessing and writing data to a database.
Week #12
Week of November 21st
I want you to look at the things we did with the web last semester and I want you to read chapter #8, #9, #10. You also need to get a free Brinkster account if you do not already have one.
Put up one or more web pages that include a variety of the ASP.NET controls covered in chapter #8 (try 6 of them). I also want You should make sure you are using effective forms.
Week #11
Week of November 14th
The last major thing we are going to look at is using the web. I want you to start by reading chapter #8 and by reviewing the web information that we covered in CIS156. Check back!
Write a program that illustrates some of the things you learned from the text. The original assignment was not correct so I am giving you a choice of what you want to do. My preference would be for you to experiment with using SQL Server.
Week #10
Week of November 7th
Continue with the information from chapter #6 and working on the tutorials I asked you to work with.
Please read chapter #7 on LINQ and SQL.
Using a database that you have (one with multiple tables) apply the information in this chapter to doing a series of queries on the tables and updating the tables.
Week #9
Week of October 31st
Please send me an email and tell me how you are doing.
Chapter #6 has some very intense things. Read it carefully.
What I want you to do is pick a problem/problems similar to the ones done in the tutorials. I want you to go through the tutorials and essentially do what they do. So you should do something very similar but different topic and different info so you have to think as you replicate! Go through each of the tutorials in chapter #6. Pick two of them to make similiar models of to pass in.
Week #8
Week of October 24th
Continue working on chapter #5 and the ways that you can maintain data in a database. Last semester we looked at writing your own code, now we are looking more at the way to make it happen within so please refer back to both my examples from last semester and to chapter #10 in the first semester text book.
Continue working on the assignment from last week and before. Catch up week!
Week #7
Week of October 17th
Please read chapter #5 and review the use of databases in CIS156.
Your book is using SQL Server and I use Access, your call. A lot of the SQL was covered in CIS156.
I want you to create a database with multiple tables in third normal form and populate the table. You can send me the layout for confirmation if you want to. I want you to be able to display information from multipe tables and also maintain the tables using SQL.
Week #6
Week of October 10th
Read chapter #4 in the text and this section I want you to work with the wizard. Then I want you to go back to CIS156 and see how similiar things are accomplished using your own code. Note that I am using Access, not SQL Server.
Look at two basic examples I put up and two sets of notes that I did as I wrote the code.
Start out by writing a simple program using a grid and then write a second simple one using separate text boxes (similiar to what I did in the examples noted above. Modify them so they use different SQL and send a form with the different SQL versions on them. The SQL you use should include different AND and OR combinations and definitely a condA and either condB or cond C. Try 5 different SQLs.
Check back!
Week #5
Week of October 3rd
In addition to reading the part of chapter #3 that deals with LINQ, I would like you to also look at some Microsoft information on this:
I want you to also look at console applications in VB. There are some good tutorials and videos on youtube that you might look at.
Some other sources to look at: LINQ query
LINQ connect
First lets look at console applications. Look at the very basic program that I did called ConsoleApp2. I want you to write a program experimenting with setting things like color and size, if statements, looping etc. Go beyond what I did!
Please run through these tutorials and create your own program that creates the output that they create:
LINQ example 2008
LINQ example 2010
Week #4
Week of September 26th
This unit I want you to read chapter #3 in the text. We will stay there for a while. Please look at the examples under Programs (2010). Under my programs for 2010 there is a program called EmpArrayList, please spend time making sure you follow what is going on.
I want you to write a program dealing with inventory (or another topic you choose) that processes in very similar ways to EmpArrayList. In other words, I want to make sure you understand how this program works and can create your own version.
Week #3
Week of September 19th
This unit is chapter #2 in the book. Please read it and spend time looking at the tutorials. They cover a variety of concepts very well. I have put two programs that deal with validation out on the web.
I would like you to do a program that deals with validation and I would like you to write a program on the idea of the Kayak program but dealing with what computer option a student should major in. So gather some information and offer some choices. You can pass in two programs or you can combine into one!
Week #2
Week of September 12th
Be sure you get the advanced book and read chapter #1. I strongly suggest playing with the tutorials they give you.
I have also put up a few examples. Note in one of my examples I should have handled the message differently in true OOP style. Note on EmpClassRev2010
Note that notes, slides and examples to accompany the text are available at:
Using the programs posted under Programs 2010, send me the answers to this quiz:
Quiz #1
Pick one of the coding challenges at the back of chapter #1 (other than problem #1), and write the program.
Week #1
Week of September 5th
Please read the last chapter in the introductory book (chapter #12). It covers classes, collections and scrollable controls.
I will be posting examples as we go along and some SmartBoard as well, so please check.
Once you have the new book, please read the first chapter. The intro book was mainly a filler until you got the new one.
Good starting information from Microsoft.
I do not know how comfortable you are with object oriented programming from other courses - please let me know.
First assignment: Write a program similiar to the one in chapter 12, tutorial 12-1. I want you to do yours on basic payroll. Have a idno, name, pay type code with an S for salaried or an H for hourly, also have a salary field, a pay per hour field and a hours worked field. Calculate hourly with overtime of 1.5 for those working over 40 hours. Use object oriented techniques.
Check back!


Send e-mail to Priscilla Grocer:

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