Advanced Interactive Programming - CIS258/CIT72

Weekly Schedule

Week Information
Assignments due in one week unless otherwise stated. I may add some things during the week, so double check the schedule each week!
Week #14
Week of May 1st
Your project/final is to bring together some of the things that you looked at this semester or do a more far reaching project using at least two of the areas we went over. You need to submit your project for approval and tell me what you will do.
The project should be more complex then a weekly assignment since it counts about twice plus as much.
Pass in what you have and note that even the things I sent back get partial credit when I calculate grades.
Week #13
Week of April 24th
Continue research on AJAX.
Look at the examples using AJAX with JQuery at w3schools. Ajax and JQuery
Ajax and JQuery
Make three different examples using AJAX and JQuery.
Week #12
Week of April 17th
Please do some research on the use of AJAX and check back!
Week #11
Week of April 10th
We will continue with JSON this week. You should also keep looking at JavaScript and DOM as you use them.
There are a lot of web sites that deal with PHP and JSON, so do some research and some experimenting.
I would like you to write two programs using PHP and JSON as your data source.
Week #10
Week of April 3rd
This week, continuing our introduction to some of the things to know in web development, we will start looking at JSON. There are notes/presentations in pdf and examples at my site.
You should also do some research on your own to figure out what JSON is and how it is used.
Continue checking out DOM.
Note you can validate your JSON at jsonlint to validate
A student who has done this class is really happy with an editor he found called sublimetext. I know several have asked about editors so I thought I would pass it on.
Set up payroll data using JSON. You should have information about employee, pay, job, medical and you should have three different deductions where you need to specify the type and the amount and eamil where you have work and personal. Set up at least 3 employees and then access and print out the information from one of the records and all of the records.
Next you want to make the JSON data external and again access an individual record and all of the records.
Incorporate jQuery excr.
Week #9
Week of March 27th
This week, continuing our introduction to some of the things to know in web development, we will start looking at JSON. There are notes/presentations in pdf and examples at my site.
You should also do some research on your own to figure out what JSON is and how it is used.
Continue checking out DOM.
Week #8
Week of March 20th
I want you to continue looking at DOM
I want you to go back to CIS122 and find your final project that included JavaScript and do it more effectively using DOM.
I also want you to make a page(s) that use a variety of things we covered in CIS122 or that you have discovered in your exploration. Include 15 different things using DOM.
If you did not take CIS122 then you need to make a significant web site using DOM. Check with me if you have questions
Week #7
Week of March 6th
Please read this article:
JQuery and DOM
This week I want you to go back and review DOM in Javascript.
Next week is Spring Break.
Check back!
Week #6
Week of February 27th
Presentation on RWD I found interesting
Please continue reading about JQuery.
Week #6 Assignment: Look at the rest of my examples on JQuery and again experiment and send me at least 10 examples of what you did.
Again, copy the JS onto a document and send that with the working code and again you can combine as long as you tell me what you did.
Week #5
Week of February 20th
I do not know what my error was but this did not get uploaded. Somebody just let me know!
We are going to start looking at JQuery. One of the books I really like is available at it-ebooks (thanks Sandy!), it is JavaScript and jQuery the missing manual by David McFarland. The address to download is: JavaScript and jQuery
There are a lot of examples zipped up under examples and some pdf files to accompany them under presentations.
There is a lot on YouTube as well - I like Little Web Hut and JQuery Tutorials Playlist and I have found some others but don't remember their names.
Week #5 Assignment: Look at the JQuery JavaScript covered through the basic3 set in my examples. Pick a variety of the things that I illustrate and try them out. I want you to try a lot of the things that look more complex. I want you to write 15 different things and test them (multiple in one js for all our sakes) and I want you to copy the js you write onto a document and send the document along with the working html and js code. In other words, I want you to experiment.
Week #4
Week of February 13th
Continue with JQuery Mobile. You should look at the rest of the examples that I have and also do some research on your own.
Check back!
JQuery Mobile and php
Week #3
Week of February 6th
I would like you to do some research on how to integrate both background images (background to a division etc) or regular images effectively into a page that will work on all sizes of media. Then show me your results.
We are now going to move on to looking at JQuery Mobile.
Look at the examples under basic examples to get started and second group of basic examples.
The zipped examples are there and there are accompanying Smartboard pdf files that cover some of the things.
JQuery Mobile site
There are a lot of excellent JQuery Mobile tutorials at YouTube.
Experiment a little!
RWD and jQuery mobile are two ways to write code usable on mobile devices. A book I found really helpful when I was starting to learn JQuery Mobile is jQuery Mobile First Look by Giulio Bai. Look around on the web for information about it if you are interested.
You should look at my examples (I have included everything I am asking you to work with) and my accompanying pdf files examples.
First: Show me what you came up with for the background image experimenting I asked you to do.
Second: JQuery Mobile basic assignment
Week #2
Week of January 30th
Continue reading about and reading RWD both at sites and on youtube, there is a lot of interesting information.
I would like you to do some research on how to integrate both background images (background to a division etc) or regular images effectively into a page that will work on all sizes of media. Then show me your results.
Your first assignment is to draw your own original layout of 8 or more boxes (include some images) and the arrangement they would have at different screen sizes and then implement your design. The current wisdom is to start out with the smaller device and move to the bigger.
Your second assignment is to make a RWD page that is inspired by the research you have done. I want something reasonably complex and it should include one or more images and a background image.
Your third assignment is to look up UX Design and send me a page explaining what you found.
Check back!
Week #1
Week of January 23rd
Please read some of the articles on Responsive Web Design that I have listed under links and presentations (and any others that you find). Definitely listen to the first two videos I have posted under links I would also suggest looking at some other videos at YouTube and looking at my examples and the presentation.
First: I want you to experiment with writing a page that decreases columns and changes other aspects of the page. Essentially experiment with something that would work on full screen, on a pad and on a phone.
Second: Changing layout Your next assignment is to create a page that shows the 6 boxes and their movement as the screen increases and decreases. Follow the images on the pdf.
Third: Write a third page that experiments with other layout changes that you encounter in your research. Please include an image that diminishes in size to fit the layout.


Send e-mail to Priscilla Grocer:

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