Visual Basic - CIS56

Weekly Schedule

Week Information

Assignments due in one week unless otherwise stated.

Please note that I am not going to stay with the text - it moves to slow at the beginning and I want to cover more of the fundamentals quickly to give you more flexibility when you write your programs. However, the text is important because it will fill in some information that I may not emphasize. I want you to read the text chapter by chapter and I also want you to use it as a reference. If you are having problems with a concept, look it up in the text.

Week #1 Assignments
Week of May 26th
Read chapter #1 and chapter #2 in the text.
View the presentations on introduction, settings and pay examples (including PFirst98). Note that if you go to the PowerPoint presentations part of this web site you will find separate speaker notes available.
Starting in Visual Basic
Introduction to Visual Basic
Settings in VB
Pay examples (projpay)- basic calculations
PFirst98 which includes basic pay
Look at the programs under Demo, ArithFst, FirstDay, Calculate, Pay #1, Pay #2 and First98. Sample programs - where the programs you should look at are located
Notice that the programs can be downloaded or simply viewed through the html listing.
assign1.html Try Visual Basic
Please send me all things ready to run on the root of the A drive - I am running into directory problems and I think that is the best solution. That means after all is working, save to the A drive and test there. Send me that working model and I too will test off the A drive!!!!
Check back!
Week #2 Assignments
Week of June 2nd
NOTE: The text book is mainly for reference. The material and the order of the material that I will cover is more closely covered in the PowerPoint presentations and the sample programs that are covered in class. This is especially true at the beginning of the course. The book is dealing with a lot of things that are good to know and you should take note of them because they will help as you write your programs. So... Read chapter #3 and chapter #4 in the text.
You should look at a series of programs - you will find them under sample programs in the following catagories:
Style with lines and shapes
Inventory - IF
Bill and Bill IF
If Calculate
Inventory Easy
You should look at the following presentations:
Style with lines and shapes
    Separate speaker notes to accompany style with lines and shapes
Inventory programs (inven1, inven2, inven3 etc.)
    Separate speaker notes to accompany inven1, inven2, inven3 etc.
Bill examples - using IF
    Separate speaker notes to accompany bill examples
Calculate examples
    Separate speaker notes to accompany calculate examples
Inventory example (inveasy)
    Separate speaker notes to accompany inventory example (inveasy)
Twenty things in VB
Week #3 Assignments
Week of June 9th
It does not appear that anyone is taking VB this summer. If you are taking this course please let me know and I will continue to post assignments.

Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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