Queries on multiple tables

Part 1 has queries related to the payroll database you did from my example (last week).

Number the queries 1, 2, 3 etc. so I can tell which you you are doing.
  1. Show all employees and their department number and department name>
  2. Show all employees and the projects they worked on (include the project name), the date they worked on the project and the hours they worked on the project.

Part 2 has queries related to the complex student database I asked you to design last week. This week I want you to implement the query.

Before you do this assignment - make sure that you have gotten the student database back and have made any corrections that will make it work more effectively.
Please number your queries 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 to match the questions.
  1. Write a query using the query user interface that will display the student id, student name, student major, course id number for each course the student is taking.
  2. Write a query using the query user interface that will display the student id, student name, student major, course id number fo each course the student is taking, course name for each course the student is taking, number of credits for the course.
  3. Write a query using the query user interface that will display a course id, a course name and the student id number and student name for each student taking the course.
  4. Write a query using the query user interface that will display student id number, student name, student major, student GPA and course id number for each course the student is taking for students who are CI majors and have a GPA greater than 3. If you used a different major code than CI, you can substitute your code in this query.
  5. Make up a query using three tables where you only show students that meet criteria in an OR relationship. The query above showed only students in an AND relationship when I asked about CI majors and GPA > 3.