Information Technology Fluency II - CIT12

Weekly Schedule

Week Information
Assignments due in one week unless otherwise stated. I may add some things during the week, so double check the schedule each week!
Notes and assignments #14 Continue with reading and contact me when you are ready for the final - you will have one week to do it. If you need an incomplete, just let me know!
Please read the handout on Systems Analysis and Design under notes and handouts.
Continue working on projects.
Notes and assignments #13 Continue reading the text - again the goal is to complete all of the chapters.
JavaScript on the Web
Notes and assignments #12 I would like you to continue reading the textbook with the goal of finishing the reading by the end of the course. I want you to focus on reading and getting caught up so there are no new assignments.
Notes and assignments #11 Please read chapter #19. Be sure to look at the PowerPoint presentations and examples of JavaScript. Use them as needed to help you understand JavaScript.
Before you do the problems below, you should draw the logic flowchart or write the pseudocode to solve the problem. Then you should write the program in JavaScript embedded in an HTML document.
JavaScript assignment
Notes and assignments #10 Please read chapter #18. I would also look for a good tutorial on JavaScript events and read it.
I want you to look at the presentation on JavaScript events - it is the second presentation in the list under JavaScript. I also want you to look at the examples under JavaScript events.
JavaScript events assignment
Send me the address of the tutorial you found on JavaScript and post it on the current bulletin board.
Notes and assignments #9 Please read chapter #17.
This week I want you to start to build a eportfolio to show people what you have learned about computing. The portfolio should be done on line. For now, you can use eportfolio at elgg or another site that you find.
Your portfolio should be totally professional aimed at showing a prospective employer what you have learned.
Notes and assignments #8 Please look at a tutorial for PowerPoint (I have listed a few options below) or find your own.
PowerPoint tutorial from Florida Gulf Coast University
PowerPoint tutorial
Another PowerPoint tutorial
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation on a topic of your choice. There should be at least 5 slides and you should use at least 10 different features for a grade of 80. The more you demonstrate your ability to use PowerPoint, the better your grade, so add more features. Note: A feature is something like background color, drawing, using text in a box etc.
Notes and assignments #7 Please read chapter #16.
We are going to continue to work with relational databases. I want you to design one taking some hints from the ones we did last week.
More complex student database to design
Notes and assignments #6 I want you to continue reading about Access and about relational databases and normalization. Be sure to read all of the text in the assignments below.
Using Access, I want you to create the following two databases:
Student database example
Payroll database example
If quiz
Notes and assignments #5 Please read chapter #15.
Be sure you have looked at the presentation on if statements that I assigned last week:
Presentation on logical if structures
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on logical if structures
Also be sure to look at the PowerPoint presentations about SQL. They are located Presentations
Check back as always!
Access assignment within presentation
Second assignment: I want you to draw the logic flowchart segments for the queries you did. You can draw them using word or you can make a PowerPoint presentation if you are familiar with PowerPoint.
Notes and assignments #4 Please read chapter #14.
Continue to look at the things you can do with Access. Be sure to look at the presentation on if queries in Access.
Design your own table - Access
Notes and assignments #3 Read chapter #13.
Start to get acquainted with Access. If you are not comfortable with Access, you can buy the optional Office XP bundle set of books. There are a series of PowerPoint presentations that will take you through the basics for this assignment. You will find them under presentations - look for the one about asgn #1 and if statements. There is also a sample database that you can download under examples.
First Access Assignment
I would also like you to do a creative project with LOGO. I want to see the sequence of steps you wrote and the results.
Notes and assignments #2 This week we will continue exploring with StarLogo. I also want you to reread/review chapters #11 and #12 in the text.
I am assuming no one is taking this course until they have completed CIT11, if you are working on it prior to that point, you need to let me know.
Logo assignment
Notes and assignments #1 The topics will be posted as 14 sets of notes and assignments. You need to plan your schedule to cover all 14 sets. The summer is not 14 weeks, so plan accordingly.
The Fluency with Information Technology text is required. There is an optional Office XP bundle that should be purchased if you are not comfortable with Access as well as Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
Please read the pages under About This Course which include Introduction to CIT12 and the Syllabus.
Read chapter #10.
We are going to start out this semester looking at StarLogo. You will find a presentation under presentations and you will find a list of StarLogo commands under notes.
You should also look at the information about StarLogo procedures which you will find under Notes.
If you do not want to work in the labs, you will need to download and install a version of StarLogo which is available at:
On campus, StarLogo is available in K130 and in K205.
Please read two articles about StarLogo from the MIT site - tutorials, information etc and send me a list of the two articles and a summary.
Logo assignment

Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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