Notes, examples and presentations for CIT11


Notes Click on links to retrieve
Binary, hexadecimal and computer codes Numbering systems and codes
Smartboard Notes:
Binary and Hex (html from word format)
Binary and Hex
Binary numbering systems (4/13/06) Accompanying audio
Hex and binary (4/14/06) Accompanying audio
Hollerith, EBCDIC and ASCII (4/20/06) Accompanying audio
Binary numbering systems (4/13/06) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Binary and hex numbering systems (4/14/06) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Hollerith, EBCDIC and ASCII (4/20/06) Accompanying Smartboard presentation


HTML examples helloworld.html
Images used with these pages:
XHTML examples For a complete list of examples used in the PowerPoints and more, go to XHTML examples for CIS44
Note also that the first listing has 4 lines that should be used at the top of your page for validation. Some of the examples are earlier versions and only have two lines of code - these do not validate as well.

Code with first 4 lines of XHTML
Separate 4 lines of code in text file
embedlist.html (embedded list that validates - validates strict
morefeatures.html (definition list, em etc) - validates strict
colorbkCSSnewrev.html - revised version which seems to work better in more browsers - test it
colorbkheadCSS.html (CSS in head - notice browser differences) - validates strict
colorbkheadCSSrev.html - revision of example above - works better in more browsers
Embedded list example


Powerpoint presentations of material. These presentations can be opened or downloaded for future viewing.
Free PowerPoint viewer for users: Click here for a Free viewer for PowerPoint

HTML and Web Sites HTML in steps
Getting started with web pages
    Separate speaker notes to accompany getting started with web pages
Getting started with HTML
    Separate speaker notes to accompany getting started with HTML
Putting your web site up on the web
    Separate speaker notes to accompany getting your web site up on the web
XHTML and Web Sites (for use by those who already know HTML) Get started with HTML and XHTML
Presentation covering introduction to XHTML code - topic INTRODUCTION to XHTML
      Separate speaker notes to accompany introduction to XHTML code - topic Introduction to XHTML
Presentation covering style XHTML - topic INTRODUCTION to XHTML
      Separate speaker notes to accompany style in XHTML - topic Introduction to XHTML
Presentation covering using links in XHTML - topic INTRODUCTION to XHTML
      Separate speaker notes to accompany using links in XHTML - topic Introduction to XHTML
Presentation covering tables in XHTML - topic INTRODUCTION to XHTML
      Separate speaker notes to accompany tables in XHTML - topic Introduction to XHTML
Presentation covering images with XHTML - topic INTRODUCTION to XHTML
      Separate speaker notes to accompany images with XHTML - topic Introduction to XHTML
Presentation covering Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) with XHTML - topic CSS
      Separate speaker notes to accompany CSS with XHTML - topic CSS
Excel Introduction to Excel
    Separate speaker notes to accompany introduction to Excel
More on using excel (excel2.html)
Zipped version of excel2 that can be downloaded and opened

SmartBoard Presentations:

Best viewed in Explorer

SmartBoard Using Paint