Oracle and SQL (CIS50)

Weekly Schedule

Schedule by weekInformation to cover
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Note that the speaker notes are provided on a separate Word document if you are having trouble accessing them!
Week #15 Assignments
Week of December 11th
Some homework is coming in Monday, so I will take a couple of things on Monday, but that is absolutely it!!! Homework is due by the last day of classes - I will take a few assignments per person over the weekend - I cannot correct a massive amount so I will hold them and correct them over break and resubmit a grade if you send me tons of work after the last day of classes.
We will have catch-up days this week - your final is scheduled for December 21st at 2:45. That means it has to be emailed to me prior to that start time if you are passing in via email. I will send it prior to the 14th so you can look at it and ask questions on the 14th. If you do not receive the final via email by the 14th, please let me know and I will resend it. Actually, please confirm that you received it!
See help schedule above.
Required Status Sheet
Everyone must complete the status sheet. If you are requesting an incomplete, I need a plan.
Note that on question #10 in part II there was a typo where it said majormode instead of majorcode.
Week #14 Assignments
Week of December 4th
Catch up week! Thursday we will finish triggers.
Week #13 Assignments
Week of November 27th
We will continue functions and procedures and introduce triggers next week. Please read the notes and look at the PowerPoint presentations. We will spend the next couple of weeks on these topics.
Internal procedures
More on internal procedures and functions
Still more on procedures and functions
Introduction to triggers
More on triggers
More on Procedures - Internal Procedures
      Separate speaker notes for More on Procedures - Internal Procedures
Introduction to Triggers
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to Triggers
More and Still More on Procedures and Functions
      Separate speaker notes for More and Still More on Procedures and Functions
More on Triggers
      Separate speaker notes for More on Triggers
A site to check out: Tutorials
I am going to list the assignments for the rest of the semester so you can work on your own schedule.
Assignment: You can do this assignment by modifying existing programs or creating new ones. Use the three kinds of exceptions in a PL/SQL program or programs(s).
Extra credit project
If you have had a pattern of lateness, if you have received some bad grades, if you are nervous about doing well on the final or just if you want to learn more about Oracle, the extra credit project is for you!
Function, procedure and trigger assignment
Last quiz
Week #12 Assignments
Week of November 20th
We will move to exceptions and start looking at procedures and functions. We will continue working on the examples below next week.
Introduction to exceptions
Introduction to procedures
Introduction to functions
Exceptions in PL/SQL
      Separate speaker notes for Exceptions in PL/SQL
Introduction to PL/SQL Procedures
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to PL/SQL Procedures
Introduction to PL/SQL Functions
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to PL/SQL Functions
Multiple cursor assignment
Week #11
Week of November 13th
I am going to the conference on Friday the 17th, so class will not be held. I do suggest you meet and work on assignments together.
Thanks to everyone who came to the speech - it was wonderful to have such a great audience!
Advisement starts this week. I will be available for online advisement on Monday from 9-10 and then on campus accourding to the signup on my door. You can also email me or IM me for advisement. We will focus on cursors this week (actually we started them last week). Be sure to look at the handouts on cursors. Please note that there are Smartboard explanations on cursor examples.
Please read the following notes and watch the slide presentation.
Example 1 using cursors
Continuing example 1 using cursors
Another set of cursor examples
Covers: Cursors in PL/SQL, cursor example and continuation of first cursor example
      Separate speaker notes for Cursors in PL/SQL, cursor example and continuation of first cursor example
Covers: Another set of cursor exampes
      Separate speaker notes for Another set of cursor examples
Check back!
Loop and cursor assignment
Week #10 Assignments
Week of November 6th
Next Tuesday, Igor Kholodov is coming to speak to CIS students at 10:00 - room to be announced. Anyone that comes and then gives me a short statement about what was said will get extra credit. Igor Kholodov is a programmer that developed a board game on learning programming and then went thru the process of learning how to go into business to develop and market the game. He was written up in wired and it sounds like he has an interesting story to share - please try to come!
Data manipulation in PL/SQL - introduction
Record and table types
Data manipulation in PL/SQL - introduction
      Separate speaker notes on Data manipulation in PL/SQL - introduction
PL/SQL User Defined Types - record and table
      Separate speaker notes for PL/SQL User Defined Types - record and table
We started cursors - so we have already done the first handout for next week.
IF and LOOP assignment (posted last week)
Essentially this is a catch up week!
Week #9 Assignments
Week of October 30th
Be sure to review the if statement examples we started last week and then move on to the loop examples.
Introduction to IF statements
More on PL/SQL IF statements
Introduction to loops
Also please look at the accompany presentations:
PL/SQL - Using IF statements
      Separate speaker notes for PL/SQL - Using IF statements
More on PL/SQL IF statements
      Separate speaker notes for More on PL/SQL IF statements
Introduction to loops
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to loops
Then we will go back and look at the introductory material in PL/SQL. I feel more confident that it will make sense after you have looked at if and loops.
I would also be sure to read the book and check out the Smartboard/audio.
Introduction to PL/SQL
More examples of inner/outer procedures
Introduction to PL/SQL
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to PL/SQL
Check back and see how we are doing!
IF and LOOP assignment
I will give you some inclass time to work on some of this to make sure it is making sense.
Week #8 Assignments
Week of October 23rd
Keep reading about SQL - we will go up to the security chapter this week. Look at these notes and presentation.
Information on database objects
Script for input data
Database Objects in Oracle
      Separate speaker notes for Database Objects in Oracle
We will start looking at PL/SQL and then come back and tie up some loose ends at the end of the semester.
Start reading the introductory handout on PL/SQL and look at the PowerPoint presentation!
I do not like the introduction to PL/SQL that I followed which is why I looked briefly at the introduct and then went to the IF statements. I will return to the intro and the more examples this week. Be I would also be sure to read the book and check out the Smartboard/audio.
Introduction to PL/SQL Only look at the structure on the first page - we will come back to this later
You should also get started on the following:
Introduction to IF statements
More on PL/SQL IF statements
Also please look at the accompany presentations:
PL/SQL - Using IF statements
      Separate speaker notes for PL/SQL - Using IF statements
More on PL/SQL IF statements
      Separate speaker notes for More on PL/SQL IF statements
I will be out on Tuesday - I suggest that you meet anyway and use the time to work together to get some things done. I am away at a conference from Friday (10/20) through Wednesday (10/25) so no email help available! I have had upload problems so the audio for the week of October 16th has not gone up yet.
First PL/SQL Quiz
Week #7 Assignments
Week of October 16th
Read the information on indexes, keys etc. We will start them this week.
Please read the following (again this will hopefully be started this week and will be completed next week):
Indexes in Oracle - An introduction
More on Primary and Foreign keys
Notes on key questions
More on views
Be sure you read about indexes, keys etc in your text as well. Also please look at the accompanying presentations:
Indexes in Oracle - An Introduction
      Separate speaker notes for Indexes in Oracle - An Introduction
Primary and Foreign constraints with a relational database
      Separate speaker notes to accompany primary and foreign constraints with a relational database
More on Primary and Foreign Keys also info from questions
      Separate speaker notes for More on Primary and Foreign Keys etc.
More on views
      Separate speaker notes for More on views
Oracle keys assignment
This week I will try to give you Friday to work in class. Check back!
Week #6 Assignments
Week of October 9th
This week I will not be able to have the open labs - Tuesday is Monday's schedule and I have to go to a meeting on Thursday.
We started looking at Table maintenance revisited (again) but did not get to the continuation of table maintenance revisited (again) so we will start there this week. Then we will look at views and reports.
Read the information on views and reports.
Introduction to views
Introduction to reports
You should also look at the accompanying presentations:
Introduction to views
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to views
Introduction to Reports
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to reports
Views and reports
As always, please check back!
Week #5 Assignments
Week of October 2nd
Keep reading along in the book - picking appropriate chapters to read or using it as a reference - you should make sure you have read the information on all of the topics we cover. If you read about a chapter a week you will be in good shape.
Please read the following information about subroutines:
More on subqueries
You should also look at the presentation on these topics especially the one that accompanies More on subqueries.
      Separate speaker notes for subqueries
More on Subqueries
      Separate speaker notes for More on subqueries
This is an example that you might find helpful:
Examples Solution
I got ahead of myself and started looking at these topics this week:
Using input variables
More on variables with Oracle's SQL*Plus
Table maintenance revisited (again)
Continuation of table maintenance revisited (again)
Using Input Variables
      Separate speaker notes for Using Input Variables
More on variables with Oracle's SQL*Plus
      Separate speaker notes for More on variables with Oracle's SQL*Plus
Table maintenance revisited (again)
      Separate speaker notes for Table maintenance revisted (again)
Continuation of table maintenance revisited (again)
      Separate speaker notes for Continuation of table maintenance revisted (again)
Thursday we will have a day to work in class on the quizzes - we continued for part of the day on Friday.
Quiz #3
Assignment (mostly on subqueries) At school, I believe you can access the emp, dept, and salgrade tables by using the scott/tiger login. Please use the create table ... as to make a copy with your name. Please do not change or modify the emp table under scott.
Week #4 Assignments
Week of September 25th
I have gotten a little ahead in class, so I started looking at relational databases last week.
Please read the following information about relational databases in Oracle.
Introduction to multiple tables (relational) - joins
Relational database examples
Look at the relational examples in these presentations:
Relational database notes and examples Goes with notes Introduction to multiple tables (relational) - joins - uses donor, donations and drive tables
      Separate speaker notes for relational database presentation
Normalization - information on third normal form
      Separate speaker notes for normalization presentation
Relational database examples - order system
      Separate speaker notes for relational database examples - order system
Student system relational database example
      Separate speaker notes for student system relational database example
Be sure you read about using JOIN in your textbook and also look at the handout: Oracle Join
Check back - I may add something to this list.Assignments:
Quiz #2
Implement your oil design (the one you did during the first week of classes Note that you should have the designed approved by me before you implement.
For inclass discussion Students not in class when we discuss should layout a design and send it in for check off only.
Check back!
Week #3
Week of September 18th
I want you to use the text as reference and to read along in it one or two chapters a week - I go through the course in the order that it was given at Oracle so I may not be totally in sync with the book. Last week and the beginning of this week we covered what is in chapter #2 and #3. We will then move into chapter #5 and #6 as we talk about functions. The following week we will do chapter #4 which is joining tables.
I have passwords for students who want to use BCC labs - if you were not in class and you plan to use our labs, you need to send me an email asking for your userid and password.
These are the notes that I will attempt to get through this week. I still have a little left last week, so I may not complete everything.
More on maintaining an SQL table
SQL functions
More SQL functions
Group SQL functions
You should also look at the accompanying PowerPoint presentations:
More on maintaining an SQL table
      Separate speaker notes for More on maintaining an SQL table
SQL functions - part 1 character
      Separate speaker notes for SQL functions - part 1 characters
SQL functions - part 2 numeric & date
      Separate speaker notes for SQL functions - part 2 numeric & date
More SQL functions (includes DECODE, ways to edit SQL code and nested functions)
      Separate speaker notes for more SQL functions
Group functions
      Separate speaker notes for group functions
We started looking at relational databases - the notes and presentations will be listed under next week, but they are the next thing in the list of notes.
Oracle create, maintain and query assignment
Oracle quiz This will be done in class by inclass students - distance students should do at home - I am interested in having you play computer - I do not want you to use the computer to get the results. You can check your results if you want to, but please do it on your own
Week #2
Week of September 11th
I have reserved K-101 for 11:00 on Tuesday for question/help etc., essentially a lab support office hour. So if you want to go over anything, please plan to come at that time. This will be every week unless I post otherwise. If no one is in the lab, I will go back to my office in K-112.
Read chapter #2 in the text (hopefully it will be in this week). Note that I work more off the notes so sometimes I am not totally in sync with the text. Please use the text also for reference. Look up things that I am covering that have not yet appeared in the text. I really leave reading the text up to you - your responsibility.
Read the notes and study the presentations for: Introduction to SQL in Oracle, Create a table in SQL, SQL Conditions and start reading Working with SQL.
Many of the notes and presentations were done with an earlier version of Oracle. It does not matter when you are working from the SQL prompt. When it does matter, I will point out the differences. Notes:
We actually started the first two sets of notes in class on Friday. Theere is an audio section on the class activities that can be listened to with the notes.
Introduction to SQL in Oracle
Create a table in SQL
SQL Conditions
Working with SQL
Introduction to SQL in Oracle
      Separate speaker notes for Introduction to SQL in Oracle
Create a table in SQL
      Separate speaker notes for Create a table in SQL
SQL Conditions
      Separate speaker notes for SQL Conditions
Working with SQL
      Separate speaker notes for Working with SQL
Note the first few slides in Working with SQL show login procedures using scott and tiger.
If you want an Oracle password for BCC please let me know.
Check back - we may look at more on maintaining an SQL table.
Oracle assignment on introductory material
Working with Oracle (lab work not to pass in)
A few people are having trouble with the download or the installation, if you are having problems please post what is going wrong on the class blog. Those of you who got things working, please check the blog and try to help those who are having a problem. Thanks!
Week #1
Week of September 4th
Read chapter #1 in the text.
You should take this time to get a copy of Oracle if you are working on a computer outside the labs. You can use 7.3, 8, 8i, or 9i. Version 9i comes with your book. You can also download from Oracle. See information under Using Oracle. You will be given a password for using Oracle at BCC - hopefully next week.
To give you some time to get a copy of Oracle installed, we are going to deal with the theory of relational databases this week. If you are without access to Oracle, please let me know what your problem is so we can try to get you up and running!
Be very careful when you install, Oracle leaves a lot of footprints that makes reinstalling ver difficult.
Please read information about third normal form and relational databases. I have put a variety of links to sources on the Web on the site under links and links to my site are listed below. Apparently it takes a few days for Oracle to email back the registration key so it would pay to get the process started soon.
Please read the handout on definitions: Normalization definitions
Please read the two examples - the first two postings under notes.
Also view the slide presentation on normalization information about relational databases:
Normalization - information on third normal form
      Separate speaker notes for normalization presentation
Relational database information - information on 1 to 1, 1 to M, and M to M
      Separate speaker notes for relational database information
Other examples can be found at my web site under Notes and handouts - Normalization and Relational Database (scroll down to the bottom of the notes and handouts screen to find them).
Set up relational database for an oil company (very basic) Note this should be a design only - it should not be done using Oracle
Note: Please note that I have put up additional notes that might help with this assignment - they are under Notes and Handouts - Normalization and Relational Database and Misc (scroll to the bottom of Notes and Handouts).
You should check back to make sure there have been no additions!


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