Introduction to Programming (COBOL) CIS12

Weekly Schedule

Schedule by week Information to cover - links are from other locations at this site
Unless the assignment specifies differently, written assignments are due in two class days for the on campus class and within a week for the Internet class. Check the week schedule to determine when the assignment was posted. Assignments over a week late cannot receive an A.
Free viewer for PowerPoint! Students are reporting easier use with Netscape! Note that the speaker notes are provided on a separate Word document if you are having trouble accessing them!
Week #1
Week ending September 7th
You need to get a copy of COBOL if you plan to do the programs at home. The version used at the college is MicroFocus COBOL. It is available at: Information about a student version of COBOL. Note: There are other alternatives - this is compatible with the COBOL installed at BCC.
Please look at the following notes and the PowerPoint presentation as well as the program:
    Notes on Hello World program - HELLO.CBL
    Hello World PowerPoint presentation
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Hello World PowerPoint presentation - HELLO.CBL
Information on downloading from the Web:
    Notes on downloading programs from the Internet
    Download programs from the Internet
    Separate speaker notes to accompany download programs from the Internet
Information sheet - must be filled out and submitted
Week #2
Week ending September 14th
Please look at the following PowerPoint Presentations:
Display/Accept program with Add
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Display/Accept program with Add - ADDDA.CBL
Mathematics with Display/Accept program
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Mathematics with Display/Accept program

Please read the following Notes:
Notes on ADDDA.CBL
Notes on mathematical calculations
Notes on numeric data
Notes on the COMPUTE statement

Look at programs ADDDA1.CBL through ADDDA6.CBL which deal with the samples discussed in the slide shows. They are listed under Sample Programs for CIS12.
First program to write This program does not have to be run on the computer - it simply needs to be written and passed in - there is extra credit if it is run!
First data editing/formatting assignment Will be started in class - try to get in my early next week
First math assignment Will be started in class - due at the end of next week
Week #3
Week ending September 21st
Second data editing/formatting assignment
Note: individual edit assignments can not be resubmitted because of the level of correction - an optional make-up assignment will be posted
Please read the following notes on loops and files and check the program examples that it discusses.
Notes on looping examples: ADDDALP.CBL, CREATE1.CBL, READ1.CBL
Please look at the accompanying slide show presentation (note you should read the notes and look at the presentation because they convey different information!).
Loops in COBOL screen programs
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Loops in COBOL screen programs
Week #4
Week ending September 28th
We did not cover READ1.CBL in class last week - this will be covered this week.
First program assignment There are two programs in this assignment - the first will be assigned this week and the second will be assigned at the beginning of next week.
We will now start to look at traditional introductory programs that produce a simple report.
Introductory notes on programming in COBOL
Sample program with audio explanation
Sample program (SAMPLE1.CBL) with comments and input/output
xsample1.html This is the program to view and download following the download instructions.
Introductory concepts of programming These notes should be read now and read again later after you have done some programming. Some of the concepts will be easier to understand then.
Fill practice Note I did not do this in class, please look at it and if you decide to do it you will get extra credit!
Week #5
Week ending October 5th
Note that I have put out the second part of the programming assignment!
Last week I started headers. Please read the notes on headers and look at the sample programs. I have not put the links for the samples here. If you go to sample programs, they are listed under headers.
Notes on headers
Program with input and output
Report layout and output of headers from SAMPLE2.CBL
Note that I have put out the second part of the programming assignment!
We are going to spend some more time talking about math and editing this week.
Please read the notes on math and editing and look at the sample programs under numeric.
Some of this will be review, but that is good!!!!
Notes on literals
Toys1 program with audio - this program is really an example of headers on page 1 with some numeric data editing
Toys1 program with input/output - covers headers on page one and some numeric data editing
Examples of data editing
Same examples of data editing, but with audio explanation
Notes on calculations
Notes on constants
Notes on working with percents
The next topic is totals. I did get to totals - see the listings under next week for specifics! Read the notes on final totals, look at the PowerPoint presentation, and look at the sample programs!
If you did not like your grade on either of the edit assignments, you may do this one to replace a grade: Make-up edit assignment.
Math assignment: Second math assignment.
Week #6
Week ending October 12th
Be sure you go over the notes and sample programs for final totals.
These are final total notes for putting final totals on a report
Note that there are two presentations - one under New Introduction to COBOL presentations and one under Standard Introduction to COBOL presentations. Be sure you look at the following programs:
readtot.html putting totals on the screen
final total program
Look at the other sample programs under Programs with final total lines - you will especially need to look at the fintot series since there is an assignment on them!
Assignment: Assignment on totals
I would like to spend some time on flowcharts and then we will start IF statements. Please read the following flowcharting notes:
Introductory notes on flowcharting
Flowchart for simple read/write program - sample1.cbl
Flowchart with final totals
Start reading the notes on IF statements:
Notes on IF statements
Week #7
Week ending October 19th
Read the notes on IF statements and view the PowerPoint Presentation on IF statements!
This assignment will be started in class Must be done by all students!
Look at the programs - including the ones that put the results of IF statements on the screen (under NEW programs with IF). Program #2 Assignment - to be written and run on the computer:
Second programming assignment
Data file for the second programming assignment.
Be sure to watch the PowerPoint presentation on the second programming assignment for some pointers on how to do it!
Continue studying the notes and examples on IF statements. Be sure to look at the PowerPoint presentation on IF statements - it contains lots of examples!
Assignment: IF statements - pick correct solutions
Week #8
Week ending October 26th
It is getting close to mid semester time. If by the end of October, you have finished the first two programs in programming assignment #1 (that means they are running and I have them) and have started programming assignment #2 (and I have the start) which was assigned last week, you can opt not to take the mid-semester exam. In that case the 10% of the grade will be included in homework and programs. Email me or ask me in class if you have questions!
Please look at all the sample programs under IF statements and be sure you look at this handout: Math IF statements
Look at other sample programs under the IF section - these will include level 88, case structure and implied IF statements.
Because I was out sick today, I will extend the deadline which was originally Wednesday, Oct 31st to the end of the week (yes that includes the weekend, but it does not include Monday). Anyone who meets the original deadline will get extra credit.
No assignment - just work on your programs!
Week #9
Week ending November 2nd
The class on Tuesday will be held in K-104 for people having problems with their programs.
Continue working on your programming assignments.
We will continue looking at the if statement and level 88, case structure and implied if statements. Be sure to look at this program: Level 88 with more detailed screens
There is a slide show presentation to accompany this program, you should look at it as well:
Screens using standard DISPLAY/ACCEPT with color or formatting
    Separate speaker notes to accompany screens using standard DISPLAY/ACCEPT
Week #10
Week ending November 9th
Please note the slide show presentation that I added to the end of last week!
The midsemester exam has been posted! Please open the document to read what is required - even if you have been excused you should look the exam over!
Mid semester exam
We are going to start looking at the screen section in COBOL. There are two powerpoint presentations, notes on screen sections and programs on screens that should be looked at! Essentially you should find all of the information about screen processing and make sure you understand it.
The next topic will be edit programs. Again there are notes, examples and powerpoint presentations. Be sure to look at this program: Sample edit program using screens being discussed - .html version
.cbl version of program above
Week #11
Week ending November 16th
Be sure to look at the program below and the PowerPoint presentation that goes over it!
Edit screen PowerPoint presentation
Separate speaker notes to accompany edit screen PowerPoint presentation
Sample edit program using screens being discussed - .html version
.cbl version of program above
Note that advisement begins on November 19th. I am your advisor, so please be sure to sign up for an advisement slot on my door (K-112).
Advisement information is available on the second page of my Web Site under Advisement - Spring 2001! It would be helpful if you printed out the course check list and brought it with you to advisement!
Your next programming assignment is:
Programming assignment 3 - EDIT program
Week #12
Week ending November 23rd
I will be on campus at 9:00 on Monday for advisement so office hours will be either on campus during the day Monday or Monday evening over the web!
We will start looking at minor totals!
Week #13
Week ending November 30th
Read the notes, look at the sample programs and the PowerPoint presentations dealing with Break Processing.
Last Programming assignment:
Break assignment
The .cbl version of the program you need to modify
The .html version of the program you need to modify
The data for the break program
Homework Assignment: Break questions
The next topic will be Tables and so at the end of the week, you should start to look at the material about tables.
Week #14
Week ending December 7th
By popular demand, I started to look at tables last week and will continue this week!
Tuesday is in class question and answer - if you don't have enough questions, I will continue with tables.
Please read the notes on tables, look at the sample programs and look at the slide presentation on PowerPoint.
Table assignment to work with one table
Questions and problems dealing with tables
The last topic will be group printing and group indicating. Look at the sample programs under Break processing! I may not get to them until next week. By the beginning of next week you should have looked at everything under Break processing and Tables.
Friday some computers are available in K104 at 11:00. We may have to take turns and do some debugging by hand since there are only 10 computers available. Class will be in the lab!
Week #15
Week ending December 14th
I did get to group printing and group indicating, so be sure to look at those sample programs. This week I will answer questions, look at programs that cover tables and breaks, and answer questions about the final. On Friday I have again reserved K104. The final is posted and is due at 10:15 on Wednesday, December 19th. If it is not ready to pass in, you need to take the final at that time!
Final Exam
December 19th at 10:15
You have three choices for the final - the introduction to the final should be read and the three choices should be reviewed. You can then select which final you want to take! The final must be passed in by December 19th at 10:15 or you must take choice 3 during the time allocated for the final! The final may be emailed to me or passed in to me. If you email, send it to the usual account and also to
You must pass in the status sheet to complete the course!
I will be on campus on Reading Day to help with debugging! Students who have not completed the course and who would like help over break, should send me an email and check this site for times I will be on campus!
The status sheet is a requirement for all students. It must be emailed to me if possible (I will take it if it is handed to me, but I would also like an email copy for a paper trail).
This is the information about the final - it should be read!
Final choices:
    Final - choice #1(colbreak.dat - the data file for choice 1)
    Final - choice #2
    Final - choice #3
Catch up time
January 2002
The first time I will be on campus is January 3rd. I will get there around 9:30 and leave around 4 or 5. I have to go to a meeting at 11:30 that will last a maximum of two hours! I am available for programming help the rest of the time!
Check back here for additional days and times! I will be in on Tuesday, January 8th all day - arriving 10:00ish (in other words it might be 10:30) and leaving around 4 or 5 - if you need programming help this would be a great time to come in! Unfortunately I have a bad ear ache and will not be in today! I will definately be in the morning of January 17th - I don't know whether there will be any other time because I have a couple of seminars I have to go to!

Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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