Visual Basic - CIS156/56

Weekly Schedule

All assignments are due the last day of classes, May 10th

Video contest for CIS majors: Information about the Department Video Contest and Prizes

Week Information
Information: Assignments due in one week unless otherwise stated. I am going to try to stay with the text to some degree but... The important thing is to follow the topics in the week of. We are using VB 2010 in the labs and the book comes with the Express Version. You can get other versions through MSDN. Check the schedule several times a week, I may add some things during the week. Please keep copies of all work you submit until you receive your final grade at the end of the semester.
Week #15
Week of May 7th
We will wrap up and have open labs this week. However Matt Medeiros is coming in on May 8th to talk about careers in networking and web development so you are invited to come for that if you can. He will talk about a half hour and the rest of the day is an open lab. That means there will be help available from 9:30 into the late afternoon and I can even stay in the evening if enough people want to stay. Thursday May 10th will also be an open lab in K101 from 9:30 - until around 3:30. Monday I have a 10 office hour and I will be available from 12 to 2 in K101.
The final exam is due by 12:45PM on Tuesday, May 15, 2012.
This is an individual project - the only person you can ask questions of is me at the labs this week or via email. I will be around Tuesday morning for questions.
Final Exam
Required status sheet
Week #14
Week of April 30th
I am available Monday at 10 in my office and Tuesday and Thursday at 1:45. I will stay until at least 4 and can stay into the evening if people let me know want to stay. Thursday I will be there until 7 or later Mark is also available and will be available on Friday if enough people are interested.
We are going to look at web development this week.
Bring your book to class please.
Write an ASP program that uses some different tags including a button that causes processing. Upload the program on Brinkster and get it working.
Write an ASP program that connects to a table to view the data - if you can get an update working lots of extra credit.
Week #13
Week of April 23rd
I am available Monday at 10 in my office and Tuesday and Thursday at 1:45. I will stay until at least 4 and can stay later on Tuesday if people need it. Mark is also available and will be available on Friday if enough people are interested.
This week we will continue with ADO.
Please go to Brinkster and set up a free account, we will be looking at ASP next week.
There was a problem in ADOlookupadd12 when a catch error occured. Adding this line to the catch fixed the problem. donationDT.Rows.RemoveAt(donationDT.Rows.Count - 1)
ADO update start
Please finish this program so you can add a drive, remove a drive and change information about the drive. Use the add delete example I went over in class as a model.
Write an update of your own to update one of your tables (no wizard). Extra credit if you want to go in and develop an update with the wizard.
Week #12
Week of April 16th
I am available Tuesday at 1:45 and Thursday at 10 and at 1:40. The 10 is in my office - the others are in the lab. Mark is also available after class on Friday if you request it.
We will continue with ADO - please check back and if you have a copy of the text, please bring it to class.
I want you to experiment with the wizard. Do some exploring on your own and send me the results.
Things I want you to try:
1) Do something involving two tables with a one to many relationship. Show information from the one side in the text boxes and information from the many side in a grid. Play around with the bars at the top that let you move through the records.
2) Work with using a list box.
3) Work with adding some processing code to a program created with the wizard.
4) Something you learned through experimenting.
Week #11
Week of April 9th
I am available Monday at 10 and 3 and Tuesday and Thursday at 1:45 - Tuesday I will stay for quite a while, Thursday I will only be there about an hour. Advisement starts this week and it would make sense to check in with me Monday or Tuesday if you want to or via email.
We will be looking at some more ADO code - I have posted examples. There was a problem with SQLdiffcode12 in class today. Easy fix, just set rowIndx = 0 before you do the FillTextBoxes() in both of the button click events
Information about Access 2010:
Sample Access 2010 database
Access 2010 example explanation
Presentation on using SQL queries in Access
    Separate speaker notes to accompany fusing SQL queries in Access
From some other courses
Presentation on SQL in Access - a little more
    Speaker Notes to accompany SQL in Access - a little more
Generic notes on SQL
Normalization - information on third normal form
      Separate speaker notes to accompany normalization presentation
Relational database using donor
      Separate speaker notes to accompany relational databse using donors presentation
Read chapter #10 in the VB book
Payroll database example for you to develop and populate
First: Write a program to access one of the tables in the database from VB using code not the wizard. Have these SQL Selects as part of the program. Have one working and the others commented out, but test them all.
Write the SQL query within VB (using VB code) to access information from one table using the following criteria: conditionA and either conditionB or conditionC. Display the results in a grid.
Write the SQL query within VB (use the same program that you used above) that does a grouping by department number and shows the sum of the salary for each group.
Second: Write a program that uses two tables and shows the employee number, employee name, department number, department name. Do it using a one select that combines the information from the two tables.
Third: Write a program that shows employee number and employee name in text boxes and then shows the information from the EmployeeProject table in a grid. Have a match button that will match the employee number and just show the project information for that employee. Please check back!
Week #10
Week of April 2nd
I will be around Monday at 10 in my office (K112) and Tuesday and Thursday after my classes are done (1.45) in K101. Contact me if you need help at a different time.
You should be up through chapter #9 in reading. Again, if you need a text book for reference, let me know.
This week we will look at the examples under files under VB 2010/2008/2005, we will review Access and we will start to look at ADO.
Look at the ADO examples under2010/2008/2005 (we looked at the first four - more are being added). Note that we are not using the wizard at all. We are writing our own code. Please check back!
This is an experiment with what we looked at this week assignment:
First: Using the streamwriter write a file. Extra Credit: Use the append.
Second: Using the streamreader read a file and display on the screen.
Third: Using an Access database within VB (no wizard allowed - I want code you write) bring up information from individual records and show them in textboxes on the form. Be able to move forward and backward and have a find as well.
Fourth: Using an Access database within VB (no wizard allowed - I want code) - bring up the information from a table in a grid. Your select should show certain fields and have a where clause to only bring up certain records.
Week #9
Week of March 26th
I will be around Monday at 10 in K112 (my office) and Thursday from 1:45 until around 4 in K101 or K112. Tuesday is an open lab from 9:30 until 3 or 4 depending on when students leave - I will not be on campus and Mark will be running the lab. Please come for as long as you can and try to get caught up!
We will finish up with arrays (chapter #8) on Thursday and go back and look at multiple forms and maybe even modules and menus (chapter #7). Check back!
I want you to write a program that uses multiple forms and one of the forms should have a menu. Set up modules as well. Pass information from one form for display on the other form. Throw in an array for good measure.
Week #8
Week of March 19th
I will be availabe Monday at 10, 1:40 (I felt terrible so I left). Tues and Thurs I will only be available to sometime between around 2:30 ish but I am going to ask Mark to stay longer in K101.
This week please spend time on arrays which are covered in chapter #8. Let me know if you want a reference book, I have several.
I want you to write a program that will meet the following specifications:
1) Set up a structure with multiple types of data that will be used as the type for an array – the structure should have a dept number, a dept name and a dept budget
2) The dept numbers should be something like 11, 18, 29, 33, 36, 38, 41, 44, 47 (note there are significant gaps between the numbers)
3) You should take in a dept number from the user and use it to access the department name and the department budget
4) Use redim to establish the size of the array
5) Use redim preserve to increase the size of the array and add to the populating data
Second assignment - can work on this with small groups on Tuesday if you want to or can do it individually: Please modify my bubble sort program under VB.NET examples to do a top down sort (the top down sort logic and the bubble sort are explained in PowerPoint presentations).
Week #7
Week of March 5th
I am available Monday at 10, Wednesday at some times (an hour here and there between meetings - I will tell you when I know) and Thursday at 1:45 until around 3:30/3:45 in K101 and then my office K112.
We will start looking at functions and procedures this week. We looked at the examples under 2010 and looked at the VB functions which is the last program (FuncinVB) under the .NET examples.
We worked on the assignment in class so no audio or video. Note that information about reading or writing files is under VB.NET in Sample Programs under If examples with files and the programs are zipped with If programs.
Procedures/functions assignment
We worked on this in class so no audio or SmartBoard for March 8th.
Week #6
Week of February 27th
I am available Tues and Thurs from 1:45 until 3 (K101) and Monday from 10 to 11 (K112).
We will be continuing with Chapter #5 material on Tuesday. Please check back.
This week we will finish up loops by looking at a few more of my examples.
There were some questions about audio and this site looks like a good resource.
Audio using resources
1) Fix the Minor/Intermediate/Major program under Loops and Breaks under VB.NET so that you only have to click once to see all of the data.
2) Write a program that uses three different boxes (other than text boxes), that loads the data into the boxes in different ways and that uses three different kinds of loops. You should also include 5 coding types of things that help you do things like the with, Selection..., Enabled etc. Having corrected a few, I realize I need you to tell me where the 5 things are!
Week #5
Week of February 20th
I will be available Tues at 11 and also around 4 to 5:30 hopefully in K112.
We will finish up chapter #5 this week (hopefully). Spend some time looking at the .net examples because they have a little more detail. Look at the different methods to set up random for the quess game. Check back!
On this assignment, try to make it look fun to play.
Rock, Paper, Scissors Assignment
Write the program in VB 2010.
Week #4
Week of February 13th
This week I will be available Mon at 10 and possibly 3:30 in K112 and Tues and Thurs at 1:45 in K101.
We will start the week continuing the if in class assignment and then we will start to deal with loops. Be sure to look at basicLoops under chapter #5.
Insurance assignment
Week #3
Week of February 6th
This week I am available Monday from 10-11 in K112 and then 3:30ish (might be a little earler) until 4 in K112 and then from 5 to 6 in K112. Tuesday I will be available from 1:45 until around 3:30 (I might leave a little earlier if no one is there) in K101 (or K112)) and on Thursday I am available from 1:45 until 3ish in K101.
We are looking at decisions this week - you should look at the basic if statements under chapter #4.
In class assignment means that it is started in class if you are in class. All students are required to do all in class assignments.
In Class IF assignments (we will continue working on this next week - some time in class)
IF assignment
Week #2
Week of January 30th
I will be available for help Monday at 10:00 in my office (K112) and Tuesday right after class in K101 (if there is a room problem we can go to my office or I will find a lab).
I will not be in this Thursday (it is a hybrid class remember), I am posting a quiz along with the homework assignment. My recommendation is that you come in on Thursday and work on the quiz in small groups - it has a focus on debugging and I really think that this is most effective with multiple pairs of eyes. Each team (maximum 3 people to a team unless there is a really good reason) can pass in one solution. If you choose to do it alone, that is fine, just send me your individual answers.
We will finish the examples under chapter #3 this week. We had time so, we started to look at if statements. Below is a presentation on the structure of IF statements.
Presentation on logical if structures
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on logical if structures
Visual Basic program week #2
Quiz for Thursday (due with homework by Feb 11th): Quiz #1 (zipped file)
Week #1
Week of January 23rd
This course will use Visual Basic 2010 (.NET).
Read chapter #1 in the text, I would also start to read chapter #2.
You should be looking at the beginning examples and programs and the beginning PowerPoints. Note many of these were done for the .NET version and while the code works, there are development differences. The software for this course is available through the text and it is also available through the Microsoft alliance. For information about using the alliance to acquire software for this course: MSDN Alliance Software
This week we went over Payroll Calculations (intro), Basic Project (chap #2), and we are looking at Variables and input (chap #3). Not sure how far we will get in chapter #3. We looked over the first two examples and started to look at the exception example.
Remember that homework is due the Saturday after it is assigned at midnight so this assignment is due Feb 4th at midnight.
For your first VB assignment, I want you to:
a) use labels, textboxes and buttons
b) have at least one button to process, one button to clear and one to end
c) do a couple of calculations (one should be an add)
d) format the form (things like color, font)
e) define and use a variable
f) include something else from the book or from other examples we covered


Send e-mail to Priscilla Grocer:

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