Advanced COBOL - CIS51

Weekly Schedule

Schedule by week Information to cover - links are from other locations at this site
NOTE: This page will be updated during the week - the information posted should be checked multiple times during the week.Feel free to work ahead of the schedule if you want to control your time better!
Week #1 Assignments
Week ending June 1st
Review the notes on 1, 2 and 3 dimension tables.
Review the notes on screens.
Review the sample programs under tables and screens.
Look at the PowerPoint presentations on tables.
Read the first 3 notes on Table search (don't have to read the binary search yet!)
Look at the PowerPoint presentation on table search.
Review the programs under Indirect subscript - searching a table.
This may spill over into next week - you can hope!!!!
Week #2 Assignments
Week ending June 8th
It did spill over - we are still discussing searching a table using an indirect subscript.
YOURSRCHYou may not use the search verb for this assignment!
Data for YOURSRCH program - ins.dat
We will deal with other ways of searching in a week or two - binary search and the search verb.
Read the information about filling an empty table and look at the PowerPoint presentation on this topic.
Week #3 Assignments
Week ending June 15th
Complete fill table program: Fill assignment
YOURFILL Due in two weeks
Data for YOURFILL program - stuuour.dat
Read the notes on the binary search. Try to code the routine that would do the binary search for your own benefit. I will send you a solution if you send me your attempt!
Read the notes on the search verb.
Read the notes on editing data. (Review from CIS12)
Week #4 Assignments
Week ending June 22nd
Modify the search program (YOURSRCH) to use the search verb.
Read the notes on check digits, look at the presentation on Mod11 check digits and look at my sample program on Mod11 check digits.
Write the rough code to handle the check digit described in Notes on another check digit. Extra credit if you get it running. If you choose to do this you can modify my Mod11 program.
Week #5 Assignments
Week ending June 29th
Continue reading the notes and sample programs on editing.
Edit questions
Be sure to go over the programs on batch editing!
Batch edit questions
Usually I do the sort verb next, but because summer is a litte shorter and I want to be sure you have enough time to understand the update, I am going to start that topic next!
Week #6 Assignments
Week ending July 6th
Read the notes on sequential updates and look at the PowerPoint presentation on the logic of the sequential update.
Look at the PowerPoint presentation on an example of the sequential update - includes logic flowchart and code.
It would be a good idea to check books in the library and information on the Web for additional writeups on sequential updates.
Draw a logic flowchart showing the processing loop that determines the main logic processing (compares MID and TID and the codes). I know the solution has been posted but for your own benefit, you should try to reason this out ourself! This is a check off - not a grade.
Sequential Update Program:
Sequential Update assignment
Old Master data file
Transaction data file
Be sure to view the PowerPoint presentation on the sequential update assignment for notes on this assignment.
Week #7 Assignments
Week ending July 13th
Read the information on sorts and review the examples.
We will start looking at indexed or VSAM files. Please read the first handout on indexed files: Introductory notes on indexed files
Also start looking at the first 4 sample programs under VSAM Programs.
Note I have replaced the data file for the transactions - someone had a problem with it. If you have data problems let me send you the files!
I have handouts on VSAM files that I will send to you if you send me your USMail address!
You should also get information out of a text book at the library or another source if you feel it would be helpful!
Week #8 Assignments
Week ending July 20th
The presentation on VSAM indexes covers information we will be learning this week and beyond. The presentation on VSAM with sequential read covers the first four programs that we looked at last week and this.
Vsam Quiz - this is a quiz that you may discuss with others
Week #9 Assignments
Week ending July 27th
Vsam Quiz - this is a quiz that you may discuss with others
VSAM project
SEQFILE.DAT Data to use with vsamcrea - this will create an indexed file to use in the other programs
Week #10 Assignments
Week ending August 3rd
True/False quiz on indexed VSAM files due next week
Continue working on your programming projects!
Important: I am going away to Europe for two weeks. Continue to send assignments to the usual account. Needless to say I will not be correcting until I get home! If you have questions, then use my email account I will check this account from the Internet cafes when I can. I have also asked my workstudy Wendy and Tess to be available for questions and help while I am gone. The information to contact them is:
Wendy can be reached at or
Tess can be reached at or
You can also set up an appointment with Wendy via email or you can contact Tess in the K building lab Monday,Tuesday and Thursday nights from 4 till 9.
Week #11 Assignments
Week ending August 10th
Read the notes under concepts, features, functions.
Look up the information on ASCII and EBCDIC.
If you would like me to send you the handouts, send me your USMail address and I will send you the information!
See note under week #10 about contacting me!
Week #12 Assignments
Week ending August 17th
Look at the information on date conversion
Continue working on programming projects!
I will be home mid week!
Week #13 Assignments
Week ending August 24th
Continue working on programs!
Final will be posted!
Remember, you must pass in a status sheet with or before the final!
Week #14 Assignments
Week ending August 31st
Final and status sheet due Tuesday at 6:30!

Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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