Visual Basic - CIS56

Weekly Schedule

Week Information
Information: Assignments due in one week unless otherwise stated. I am going to try to stay with the text to some degree but I am going to cover file handling sooner. If you have a different textbook, that is fine - just be sure to read about the topic we are covering and remember this is VB 2005/2008. We can work with either the 2005 or the 2008 version of the textbook. Check the schedule several times a week, I may add some things during the week. Please keep copies of all work you submit until you receive your final grade at the end of the semester.
Unit #14 I wanted to get most things up for you by the end of July. I will add something under unit #14, but I want to see how things are going The next thing is the final.
I would like you to work with ADO and experiment with the following writing your on code and not using the wizard: 1) displaying specific things in a grid, 2) displaying information from multiple tables on a form, 3) displaying records that meet a specific criteria Now I would like you to do the same things using the wizard.
The final is ready, I would like you to email me to request it. It is due on Aug 21st. I have had some requests, so we can extend the due date for the final until Sunday, Aug 22nd.
Unit #13 Please go over the tutorials in the text and pay attention to the Kayak tutorial.
Please bring your text to class this week, we will be looking at the tutorials on web development (Chapter #11). As always, please check back.
ASP intro
ASP and db
I would like you to write another program on your own that does something interesting as a web site. You need to have a variety of things on the web pages and you should upload them to a website. I strongly recommend using a free site at Brinkster ( to accomplish this.
I would also like you to use another web site that that uses a database to access information.
These should both be loaded up on the web. I am recommending that you get a free site at to do this. When I work with Brinkster, I use the classic file manager. I suggest you look at the Smartboard notes that I will post to see the process using Brinkster.
Unit #12 Continue looking at the book and how to use the wizard and my examples which tend to focus more on code. I would like you to be comfortable with both.
ADO assignment
Unit #11 Programs to look at: ADO getting started (from last week)
Programs to look at: More ADO
Unit #10 I have family visiting for the week of July 16th so I am going to basically be on vacation. I will check my email but only periodically.
This week we are going to start to talk about databases and connection to databases.
Example - getting started: ADO demo
Programs to look at: ADO getting started
I want you to write some programs similiar to my examples to make sure you are comfortable with my examples. You need to send me what you do!
Unit #9 We will continue with arrays this week and look at menus and forms.
While we are looking at arrays, we will look at the logic of a sort.
Bubble sort
    Separate speaker notes to accompany bubble sort
Topdown sort
    Separate speaker notes to accompany topdown sort
After that, our major project will be ADO, before we go there I need to have you experiment with Access.
I want you to modify the program on arrays and sorting (arraysort) and modify it to use the topdown sort explained in the PowerPoint above.
Please work with developing tables and a database in Access. If you have not worked with Access, check examples under CIS17 and CIS61.
Unit #8 Continue reading about arrays, the assignment this unit will continue working with them.
I want you to write a program that will meet the following specifications:
1) Set up a structure with multiple types of data that will be used as the type for an array – the structure should have a dept number, a dept name and a dept budget
2) The dept numbers should be something like 11, 18, 29, 33, 36, 38, 41, 44, 47 (note there are significant gaps between the numbers)
3) You should take in a dept number from the user and use it to access the department name and the department budget
4) Use redim to establish the size of the array
5) Use redim preserve to increase the size of the array and add to the populating data
Unit #7 This unit, I want you to continue with procedues and functions. Please check out the examples.
We will skip and come back to menus, so that we can get to arrays this unit.
Write a program or programs of your own design that includes the following:
•  One dimension array: You need to set up a structure for the elements of the array.
•  You need to load information into the array.
•  You also need to write a search to search the array.
•  I also want you to create and access a two dimension array.
•  Write a function that you pass information to. Experiment with byref and byval.
•  Write a procedure that you pass information to.
•  Write a program to take in a name in the format Last/First Middle (for example Doe/John M) and return the name in the format First Middle Last (for example John M Doe). I want you to do this using functions that exist in VB to do the flip.
Unit #6 We will continue looking at breaks.
Break flowchart and code PowerPoint
Break flowchart and code zipped
If we have time, we will start to look at procedures and functions, we will continue it on Monday.
The programs involved in this exercise are discussed in the Smartboard from last semester. They are located in the Breaks and validation programs: PrMIM and the validation program. The listing of the code is at Code for break and validation programs
Unit #5 We will be continuing to look at loops and programming techniques.
On this assignment, try to make it look fun to play.
Rock, Paper, Scissors Assignment
Unit #4 Remember I am putting up two units a week at the beginning so you can work on them at a pace that works for you, there are 15 units in all so you can plan how to fit things into your summer schedule.
Please finish if structures and take a look at loops.
As always, you should be reading about loops in your text book (last unit you should have read about if statements).
Loop Assignment
Unit #3 You should continue looking at if statements.
Read chapter #4. Please note that I really want you to read along in the book, a chapter per week, but the main purpose of the book is for reference. We will look at loops next week We also looked at creating and reading sequential files (note that this is not covered in the assigned reading, but I suggest you model on my examples).
Remember, all of the .NET program examples are working fine in 2005, so just open them and test. I have also tested them in 2008 and had no problems.
Algorithms and program design
We will look at some of these in class.
If you had CIS17 some of these look should look familiar. For those students, go back and look at what you did and modify them a little to follow how you might handle them in VB. Please code either #4 or #5 in VB (extra credit if you do #5).
Insurance form and file
Unit #2 We will continue with beginning examples and look at the IF statement.
Read chapter #3 in the text or about IF statements in some resource. I want to get to the point we are doing if and calculations because otherwise there really is not a lot to do. So, this week we are going to look more at conditions. Please note that all of my beginning VB.NET examples can and do run just fine under VB 2005/2008. If you download them from the web site and then run them they will go through a small conversion - it does not change my code that I have noticed. So please look at the .NET examples and PowerPoints. There are three Powerpoints having to do with IF and the samples of if statements. Remember there are sample programs available to illustrate all concepts.
Presentation on logical if structures
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on logical if structures
If you want copies of the programs to run as I am running or copies of the code to look at in class, please download and print before class.
IF assignment #1
If you are not comfortable with if statements, you should work on getting this assignment laid out but wait until we have looked at more ifs before you put in the if statements.
IF assignment #2
Unit #1 There are 15 units of work during the summer course to match the work done during the Fall or Spring semester. So, during the summer, there are some weeks where you need to do two units of work. I strongly recommend, that you do the extra units at the beginning to give yourself some flexibility. Please check back often, I may add things during the week. If you need help, check my on campus schedule on the home page of this site or contact me via email. Please use the email address I sent you with information about the course.
This course will use Visual Basic.2008 (NET) (You may use 2005 for homework).
Read chapter #1 and chapter #2 in the text.
There was a problem with the text, if it is not in we will proceed based on lectures and you can do the reading when you get the book.
You should be looking at the beginning examples and programs and the beginning PowerPoints. Note many of these were done for the .NET version and while the code works, there are development differences. The software for this course is available through the text and it is also available through the Microsoft alliance. For information about using the alliance to acquire software for this course: MSDN Alliance Software
For your first VB assignment, I want you to:
a) use labels, textboxes and buttons
b) have at least one button to process, one button to clear and one to end
c) do a couple of calculations (one should be an add)
d) format the form (things like color, font)
e) define and use a variable
Note, I will post unit 2 in the middle of the week.

Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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