Introduction to Programming (COBOL) CIS12

The information at this site is in draft form and is the property of Priscilla Grocer. The information may not be duplicated or distributed without her permission. ©Copyright 2001

Category Information
Information Introduction to CIS12 - methods, expectations etc.
Syllabus for CIS12
Resources Notes and handouts for CIS12
Presentations for CIS12
CIS12 Chat Room
CIS12 Bulletin Board
Sample programs for CIS12
Sample programs and files that you can copy and run on a computer with COBOL installed.
Work Weekly Schedule for CIS12 (includes assignments)
Programs for CIS12
Test information for CIS12
COBOL Links Information about a student version of COBOL. Note: There are other alternatives - this is compatible with the COBOL installed at BCC.
Fujitsu offers a free COBOL compiler Some students have found this works well for them. - another site offering information and links - MicroFocus COBOL home page offering links and information on compiler
Objectz COBOL site
another site for COBOL
COBOL Style Forum
Article on need for COBOL

Notes and handouts Link to retrieve
New Introduction Notes on Hello World program - HELLO.CBL
Notes on ADDDA.CBL
Notes on mathematical calculations
Notes on numeric data
Notes on the COMPUTE statement
Notes on looping examples: ADDDALP.CBL, CREATE1.CBL, READ1.CBL
Introduction Introductory concepts of programming
Introductory notes on programming in COBOL
Sample program with audio explanation
Sample program (SAMPLE1.CBL) with comments and input/output
Show program SAMPLE1.CBL on COBOL coding form
Introductory notes on flowcharting
Relating flowchart for SAMPLE1 to code for SAMPLE1
Instructions Downloading programs from the Internet
COBOL in K104 - login instructions
Compiling and running at BCC
Possible problems installing MicroFocus COBOL at home
More information on using MicroFocus COBOL
Headers Notes on headers
Program with input and output
Report layout and output of headers from SAMPLE2.CBL
Numeric data Notes on literals
Toys1 program with audio - this program is really an example of headers on page 1 with some numeric data editing
Toys1 program with input/output - covers headers on page one and some numeric data editing
Examples of data editing
Same examples of data editing, but with audio explanation
Notes on calculations
Notes on constants
Notes on working with percents
Final Totals Notes on final total lines
Program with final total lines and audio explanation
Flowchart of final total logic with explanations
fintot.html Sample program used as basis for ones below.
fintot1.html Minor changes to a program with a total line.
fintot2.html Different style for writing a total line.
fintot3.html Final total program with calculation on detail line.
fintot4.html Final total program with detail line set up in WORKING-STORAGE
IF conditions, level 88 and case structure Notes on IF statements
Notes on level 88
Notes on case structure
Notes on implied if
Logic flowchart linked to program if88in1.cbl
IF statement program with notes (program is mathif.cbl)
IF statement program with audio explanation
Screen processing Notes on screen processing
Screen output from first screen programs
Editing data for accuracy Notes on checking/editing data for validity
Explanation of payedit program including both written and audio
Flowchart and related code for payedit.cbl
Hierarchy chart for payedit.cbl
Hierarchy chart for payedit1.cbl
Breaks (Minor, Intermediate and Major) Notes on break processing Includes minor, intermediate and major breaks as well as group indicating and group printing
Hierarchy chart and logic flowchart with mapping to program -MINOR.CBL
Tables Notes on one dimensional tables
Notes on two and three dimensional tables

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Presentations Link to retrieve
PowerPoint Presentations: Free viewer for PowerPoint! Students are reporting easier use with Netscape! Note that the speaker notes are provided on a separate Word document if you are having trouble accessing them!
NEW Introduction to COBOL Hello World PowerPoint presentation
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Hello World PowerPoint presentation - HELLO.CBL
Display/Accept program with Add
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Display/Accept program with Add - ADDDA.CBL
Mathematics with Display/Accept program
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Mathematics with Display/Accept program
Loops in COBOL screen programs
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Loops in COBOL screen programs
Totals in COBOL screen programs
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Totals in COBOL screen programs
Standard Introduction to COBOL Presentation on first program - SAMPLE1.CBL
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Presentation on first program - SAMPLE1.CBL
Download programs from the Internet
    Separate speaker notes to accompany download programs from the Internet
Final Totals
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Final Totals
Topics - IF statements IF statements
    Separate speaker notes to accompany If statements
Presentation on second programming assignment
    Separate speaker notes to accompany second programming assignment
Presentation on program if88in1.cbl
    Separate speakers notes to accompany program if88in1.cbl
Topics - Screens Screens using standard DISPLAY/ACCEPT with color or formatting
    Separate speaker notes to accompany screens using standard DISPLAY/ACCEPT
Screen section
    Separate speaker notes to accompany screen section
Topics - Editing Edit screen program - user input to edit
    Separate speaker notes to accompany edit screen program
Edit Program notes
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Edit Program notes
Topics - Breaks Minor break logic and processing
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Minor break logic and processing
Minor, Intermediate and Major break logic and processing
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Minor, Intermediate, and Major break logic and processing
Topics - Tables Introduction to tables
    Separate speaker notes to accompany Introduction to tables
Presentation on 2 and 3 dimemsion tables
    Presentation on 2 and 3 dimension tables

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Programs to write Link to retrieve
Due dates and specifications Unless specified differently on the program, programs are due in three weeks. When a program is passed in, it should include the logic flowchart, the rough code or notes that you made prior to writing the program, a print out of the program code, a print out of the output that the program produced. For web students, the flowchart and rough code should be mailed, put under my door, or put in my box unless you have access to a scanner.
First Programming Assignment: Two parts First programming assignment
Second Programming Assignment: Second programming assignment
Data file for the second programming assignment.
Third Programming Assignment: Programming assignment 3 - EDIT program
Last Programming Assignment: Two parts Break assignment
The .cbl version of the program you need to modify
The .html version of the program you need to modify
The data for the break program

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Test Information Link to retrieve
Final Exam - December 19th at 10:15 The status sheet is a requirement for all students. It must be emailed to me if possible (I will take it if it is handed to me, but I would also like an email copy for a paper trail).
This is the information about the final - it should be read!
Final choices:
    Final - choice #1 (colbreak.dat - the data file for choice 1)
    Final - choice #2
    Final - choice #3

Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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