Systems Analysis and Design Seminar (CIS270/54)

Weekly Schedule

On Tuesday, April 22nd we will have a catchup/help day in K101 from 9:30 until 4:00. If you are behind come as long as you can and hopefully you can get help from me and work with others in your classes.

Schedule by week Information to cover
You should check the schedule multiple times a week, sometimes I add things during the week. Please keep copies of all work you submit until you receive your final grade at the end of the semester.
Final Your final has been sent to you. It is due on May 13th
Week #13/#14
Week of April 21st/April 28th
CATCH UP WEEK: Be sure you have read the entire textbook including the things at the back of the book, the appendix.
Finish up working on portfolio, projects and New Century.
Week #12
Week of April 14th
Good news! Catch up week coming soon!
If you have not finished creating an electronic portfolio, now is the time.
Please be sure you have read the entire book - your final will definately be easier if you have.
It is course evaluation time and the evaluation is now available at the elearning site for CIS283.
The dairy project should include the following documentation: description of the system, DFD, systems flowchart, programs (list all and document 1), files (list and layout fields for all and document 1 (dictionary)), reports (list and layout fields for all and document 1 (dictionary)), input (list and layout for all document 1). I also want an implementation plan. If you have questions, please contact me. I would go with the examples in your book.
Week #11
Week of April 7th
Read chapter #12 and finish the book after you finish #10 and #11. Then move on and start reading the Toolkits - I want you to read all of them by the end of the semester.
We need to start getting me the systems flowchart for the dairy. When that is set, I want you to pull together a documentation package that will include the listing of input and output and files, the DFD, the systems flowchart and documentation. We will talk about what that means this week.
Evaluate two of the software packages I asked you to find (if you have not found them, now would be the time). You want to understand what functions they can accomplish (payroll, order entry, accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory etc.). You want to look at them related to the business notes I had you read and your own experience and evaluate whether they would work for a small company trying to set up a portion of their business with this software. Look at ease of use, whether the package works, whether it is flexible, whether in fact you could recommend it to a client.
Week #10
Week of March 31st
This week we will continue looking at systems design including systems flowcharts and other techniques and standard business systems.
Please read chapter #10 in the text and start to read chapter #11.
Read the information on Systems Analysis and Design Toolkits (if you haven't already) up through part #D.
I would like you to do some research on RSS feeds and effective searching (part D).
Set up an RSS feed
From there take a look at how to set it up using Blogger as well.
Setting up RSS
Microsoft info on RSS feed
Firefox RSS addons
Pert/CPM assignment
I want you to continue working on the dairy system. This week I want you to draw the systems flowchart and explain briefly what each of the programs does.
Continue with New Century Health Clinic.
Week #9
Week of March 24th
Please read chapter #9 in the text and start into the next chapter. We will still continue studying design, databases, IO etc.
Dairy Project:
First, you need to design a DFD for this project and I want you to draw one.
Second, we are going to decide on the storage/database etc that will be needed. I want you to make a list of tables in third normal form including keys/indexes.
(Be sure to include fields)
Continue with New Century Health Clinic.
Start working on the portfolio.
Spring Break
Week of March 17th
Catch up time!
Week #8
Week of March 10th
There will be a guest speaker from Meditech on Tuesday at 11 in K101.
Please read chapter #8 and #9 in the text. We will continue studying design, databases, IO etc.
Dog Store Database assignment
Dairy System
We will be working on this via email for a couple of weeks. I would suggest that you make some time to go over this with me through email conversation or in person.
First, I want you to decide on the output and input that would be produce and give me a list.
Continue with New Century Health Clinic.
Week #7
Week of March 3rd
Please read chapter #7 in the text.
You should spend this week being sure you are comfortable with Access, relational databases and normalization - hopefully the assignment will have introduced you to the concepts.
You definitely need to do some research on relational databases and how they work.
Assignments: Send me a list with comments on three sites you found that helped you to understand the concepts of a relational database.
Credit Union Assignment
Continue with New Century Health Clinic. I want the essence of what the chapter goes over - not all the questions and not all the details. I just want you to follow the development through chapter by chapter.
Week #6
Week of February 24th
Please read chapter #6 in the text. You should also look at the additional information about relational databases and normalization at this site. We will spend time on that this week.
Since most of you are comfortable with Access (if you aren't be sure to look at the Access tutorials), I am going to ask you to start thinking about normalization as you follow these two example/tutorials.
Assignments: Using Access, I want you to create the following two databases:
Student database example
Payroll database example
Continue working on the New Century Health Clinic at the end of the chapter.
Check back!
Week #5
Week of February 17th
You can get books related to this course from the BCC LRC on line if you are looking for things to supplement. Contact the LRC and ask about how! This week we are going to spend time on DFD diagrams.
Please go over the Systems Analysis and Design Toolkits for Communication Tools, Case Tools and Financial Analysis Tools in your textbook.
Links related to DFD:
Following a book order example
There are several helpful videos on YouTube that explain DFD - you might benefit from watching someone draw and explain.
Be sure to check for notes under notes and handouts that would be helpful in understanding the analysis phrase.
I decided to wait until next week to assign chapter #6.
Analysis/Powerpoint assignment
Tickets DFD assignment
You need to send me a draft of your design and we need to go back and forth. Extra credit: to do this I would like you to set up a google doc account and put your draft up there and invite the other student taking this class to take a look and comment.. Please do not go into comment until you have something you have put up that you can share.
Week #4
Week of February 10th
Please read chapter #5 in the text. Basically you should read a chapter every week
We will start focusing on Data Flow Diagrams.
I want you to spend a lot of time going over the examples in the text (chapter #4) and the example out on one of my presentations very carefully. Do a search on Data Flow Diagrams and see what you find. Some references:
Data flow diagram tutorial
Data Flow Diagrams - Yourdon
Wikipedia on DFD
DFD with Visio
There are also a lot of videos on YouTube so I would check those out as well.
I want you to do a Data Flow diagram for something you are familiar with. Processes that you do at work would be ideal. Put together a diagram and send it to me with an explanation. I am not going to grade this assignment, I am just going to check it off (maybe a check plus for more details).
Continue answering the questions about the New Century Health Clinic at the end of the chapters. At the end of the semester, you should have worked your way through the complete case.
Check back!
Week #3
Week of February 3rd
As you have probably gathered, we will use the text book as only one of our resources to understand what analyzing a system is about. This week I would like you to read chapter #4 in the text book.
I want you to look at decision tables this week. Please read the information posted under notes and handouts and do some research on the web. I also want you to look at the information about data flow diagrams very carefully and I would also like you to research them on the web as well.
We will be getting to databases soon and I just got a link that looks good. Keep it in mind.
Database resource for future assignments
Decision Table assignment
I want you to continue working on the New Century Health Clinic project in the back of the chapters. You do not have to answer all the questions in detail, you can just look at the questions and summarize so I know you understand the point.
Week #2
Week of January 27th
Remember that this is a capstone course - you should keep a portfolio of your work to pass in at the end of semester (it should be web based). I would like you to upload samples of things you have done during your studies in this major. We will look more at your final portfolio later in the semester.
Read chapter #3 in the text.
I would like you to do some reading about copyright and fair use. Some suggested sites are:
University of Maryland Copyright and Fair Use
Stanford Copyright and Fair Use
Copyright crash course
Medical Library Association on copyright and fair use
I would also like you to read some information on computer ethics:
The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics
ACM code of ethics
Computer Ethics (explore some of the information at this site)
Please take this quiz. This is a check off assignment and not a graded assignment so be honest and test yourself. Tell me which ones you got right and which ones you got wrong.
Quiz on copyright and fair use
Write a short paper explaining copyright, fair use and ethics in a way that could be put in a company handbook and that would apply to web development and Internet resources.
Work for chapter #3 New Century Health Clinic at the back of the chapter.
Week #1
Week of January 20th
Read chapter #1 and #2 in the text. I can ask the bookstore to order the text if you need me to. Explore some of the information and resources at the text book site.
Text book site
Part of your work this semester will be to prepare a portfolio of your work. You should spend some time this week looking at sites that talk about what should be part of an electronic portfolio and figuring out what you want to have in yours.
While you are getting the textbook, please start with some research on ecommerce and some review of spreadsheets. If you are not comfortable with spreadsheets and need more information, let me know and I will find a text book for you to use.
First e-commerce assignment: eCommerce Can be delayed a week - next week is lighter.
Spreadsheet assignment: Southworth Nursery spreadsheet due in two weeks to give you time to review Excel
New Century Health Clinic is a case study that continues at the back of each chapter. I want you to do the work for the case study each week. Since I am asking you to read chapter #1 and chapter #2, I want you to do the assignments for these two chapters that are listed in the Case Study. These are check offs - I am looking for understanding of the concepts.

Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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