Weekly Schedule

Week Information
Assignments due in one week unless otherwise stated. I may add some things during the week, so double check the schedule each week! The topics for this summer will be posted as 14 sets of notes and assignments. You will need to plan your schedule to cover all 14 sets. Note that the first notes and assignments is at the bottom of this list - I have started out with multiple postings to help you plan - you should definately start with Notes and assignments #1.
Notes and assignments #14 Still working on JavaScript. This week I also want you to look at the Composer in Mozilla or Netscape. You can access it through File/New/Composer. I want you to play around with it, check out the features and view the source code.
References that will be helpful when you do the final.
Assignments to turn in:
Fourth and last JavaScript quiz
Use either Mozilla or Netscape composer to create a simple page (try 10 features). After you save it, be sure to view the source.
Contact me when you are ready to do the final. You will have one week.
Notes and assignments #13 We will continue with JavaScript. Please be sure you have looked at the function examples and started looking at loops.
Assignments to turn in:
Extra Credit JavaScript assignment: JavaScript write your own quiz assignment
Third JavaScript quiz
Notes and assignments #12 You should be looking at JavaScript up through functions. Look at the examples and the PowerPoint and be sure to read about functions at an outside source Assignments to turn in:
JavaScript on the Web Project
Notes and assignments #11 I have gotten questions about the outline that will validate - try this: Outline notes
We will continue looking at JavaScript. You should spend time on if statements and look at the examples.
Assignments to turn in:
Sites to check and evaluate
Note (clarification): you are supposed to look at 6 information sites and 6 example sites - hopefully they are all live links but there are enough choices so I am sure you can find 6 of each!
Spend time working on your Web Site Project.
Second quiz
Notes and assignments #10 We are continuing to look at JavaScript. The following is a good tutorial. I recommend you read it - in fact please use it as your logbook entries for this week and next week.
Speaking of log books - you are supposed to give them to me at midsemester for a check off - now would be a good time.
Good tutorial
Assignments to turn in:
Java Script Quiz #1
Notes and assignments #9 Be sure you have looked at the presentations on setting up a site:
Presentation on using links (reference Web7 and Web9) - topic LINKS
      Separate speaker notes to accompany using links - topic LINKS
Presentation on structure of page - topic Page Structure
      Separate speaker notes to accompany presenation on Structure of Page - topic Page Structure
Be sure to look at the four programs under CSS and the Page Layout for some layout examples.
The part of JavaScript we will start with this week is JavaScript Events. Be sure to look at the samples under the topic JavaScript Events and the PowerPoint about JavaScript events.
Recommended book: Programming the Web Using XHTML and JAVASCRIPT by Larry Randles Lagerstrom (McGraw-Hill ISBN # 0-07-256031-2)
You should be finding a tutorial on the Web or acquiring a book on JavaScript if you did not buy the recommended book. The recommended book is a reference book - you should use at this point to help with JavaScript. Check back to see how much futher we get in JavaScript!
Assignments to turn in:
JavaScript Events Assignment
Notes and assignments #8 We will continue looking at the CSS examples as used under XHTML. Be sure to look at the examples that have been posted under CSS sample code (XHTML) and the PowerPoint presentation under Presentations (XHTML).
Notes: The CSS assignment below can come (in part or all) from pages you are doing for your site. I just need you to send them to me separately for an assignment grade.
Looks like an interesting site for CSS information I only explored some things!
Start thinking about your web site. There are two presentations under sites at the following site that might be helpful:
Site Information
We will talk a little about what makes a good site: A starting poing for discussion
Be sure to look at the four programs under CSS and the Page Layout for some layout examples.
Assignments to turn in:
CSS Assignment
Extra credit if you get it to validate in XHTML - it helps if use comments with the CSS.
Evaluation assignment will start in class
Notes and assignments #7 We are going to look at forms, CSS and creating a web page this week. Be sure to look at the examples in XHTML and the PowerPoint presentation.
Look at the examples under CSS - we are first looking at them as they work in HTML and then we will look at them as they work in XHTML (although we have already done a lot there).
You should start looking at web page design and development issues for your log book. Be sure to check back - I will be adding!
Please set up an area on Brinkster or another provider that you can use for your web site. Brinkster is located at and has free student websites. Look at the information on the smartboard presentation.
I have added an introduction to using Brinkster under the smartboard notes.
Assignments to turn in:
Form and syl assignment NOTE: Do not use the PRE command to put things into your project. I want you to do the formatting with tables, lists etc. Also make sure your form is different from the samples I provide - be original. If you are having problems getting the form to work, don't worry - send it to me and I will test it. This is not the best way to do forms (the best way is server side forms) - so don't worry if your provider makes it difficult to do.
First web project - should be done in a month
Note that a working web site is required for this course. You cannot pass the course if you do not have a working website written in HTML or XHTML.
Notes and assignments #6 We looked at information on mapping last week in class - distance learning students should look at it this week.
Look at the examples of mapping in both XHTML and HTML shown below:
mapimage.html - validates strict
Mapping an image (HTML)
Example of a mapped flowchart (HTML)
Look at the PowerPoint presentation on mapping.
Assignments to turn in:
Mapping assignment
First Web site project Becomes officially an assignment next week
Notes and assignments #5 We will look at frames next. Be sure to look at the introductory PowerPoint presentation on frames and the introductory examples on frames under XHTML. You should also looking at the information under the HTML examples.
For your log book please read an article that deals with the decision about whether to use frames.
Assignments to turn in:
Introductory assignment on frames this will be started in class on Thursday for those who come to class - other students should do it at home or in the labs on their own time.
Extra credit: Can you set up frames so that you do not see the borders? Send me the answer plus an illustration if you are successful before next week!
Check back as always. Frame assignment
Notes and assignments #4 We started covering tables in the last set, we will continue this week. Please cover the examples and presentation under XHTML (if you want to, you can also look at the examples under HTML).
Please look at the example on embedded lists: Embedded lists
This week, we will start looking at images. Please look at the examples and presentation under XHTML (again, you can also look at the examples under HTML if you want to).
By the end of this set, you should have looked at all of the examples under links, tables and all of the examples under images.
You should also have looked at the PowerPoint Presentations up through images. Presentations
In addition, you should have found and be looking at one or more tutorials on these topics for your log book.
Let me know if you are having problems!
As always, check back to see how we are doing...
Assignments to turn in:
Assignment on images and tables This should be done with XHTML and it should validate transitional. Extra credit if you write code that validates strict
Notes and assignments #3 We will continue with looking at style and we will start looking at links this set. You should look at all of the examples under style and links and you should look at the accompanying PowerPoints.
We are going to start looking at tables, you should look at the examples and the PowerPoint for tables.
Check back to see where we are!
Assignments to turn in:
Style (CSS) and links assignment
Notes and assignments #2 Finish looking at the examples under XHTML -Intro and look at the second PowerPoint presentation.
Look at the examples under CSS and formatting and look at the third PowerPoint presentation.
Be sure you note what validates and what does not validate as you experiment and try validating with strict and with transitional. You should read something about the difference between strict and transitional for one of your log entries.
Note that the best source for telling if my examples validated is the PowerPoint presentation or the comments on the listing.
Last semester I ran into some problems with validating, this example shows the DOCTYPE that worked for me - some examples you find on the web do not seem to work as well. I am constantly working on XHTML issues, I will keep you posted.
DOCTYPE that seems to work well
Site to use to try and validate your XHTML code
Assignments to turn in:
Second XHTML assignment
Extra Credit: Extra credit if you get it to validate - I will take it using either XHTML or HTML to get the color.
Search assignmnet #2 (due in two weeks)
Notes and assignments #1 The topics for this summer course will be posted as 14 sets of notes and assignments. You will need to plan your schedule to cover all 14 sets. The summer is not 14 weeks so plan accordingly.
Look at the examples under XHTML - Getting started at: XHTML samples.
Also look at the first PowerPoint that explains the examples. It is located at XHTML presentations.
Note that these sites can be reached by clicking on XHTML sample code and Presentations (XHTML) under Site Resources on the left side of the CIS44 home page.
Next you should look at the first 6 examples under XHTML intro. In addition you should start to look at the second PowerPoint that explains the introduction samples. You only need to go through the PowerPoint to see the explaination for the first 6 examples.
You should familiarize yourself with the site so you can locate information.
Assignments to turn in:
Although assignments are frequently posted at the beginning of the week, some of the assignments cannot be done until you have covered all the material in the posting. The search engine assignment is something to research on your own, I will not go over the material at this site.
Survey of past experience - must be completed by all students
Log book - 3 entries per week required - due at midsemester for check, at end of semester for grade
First XHTML assignment
First search assignment
Check back several times each week, I sometimes add something so you should check out the schedule as the week progresses!

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