Advanced COBOL - CIS51

Weekly Schedule

Schedule by week Information to cover - links are from other locations at this site
NOTE: This page will be updated during the week - the information posted should be checked multiple times during the week.
Week #1 (ending September 8th) - Read/Study Review the notes on 1, 2 and 3 dimension tables.
Review the notes on screens.
Review the sample programs under tables and screens.
Look at the PowerPoint presentation on tables.
Read the first 3 notes on Table search (don't have to read the binary search yet!)
Look at the PowerPoint presentation on table search.
Review the programs under Indirect subscript - searching a table.
This may spill over into next week - you can hope!!!!
Week #1 (ending September 8th) - Work To Do YOURSRCH
Data for YOURSRCH program - ins.dat
Table assignment based on soup table
Week #2 (ending September 15th) - Read/Study Read the notes on a binary search.
Next topic is filling an empty table: Please read the notes, study the 3 programs and view the presentation. I tried to clarify some of the information in the notes in the presentation!
Week #2 (ending September 15th) - Work To Do Binary Search Assignment posted 9/13/00 must be in by 9/20/00
Week #3 (ending September 22nd) - Read/Study Please view the presentation on TBLSOUP1.CBL as you are looking at the code. The presentation should clarify some of the questions about the code.
You should also go over the sample programs tblsoup2.cbl and tblsoup3.cbl
Several people have had trouble with the binary search so we will spend time on it in class on Thursday. You still have to pass in a try by then!
Week #3 (ending September 22nd) - Work To Do Finish binary search!
Week #4 (ending September 29th) - Read/Study Look at the sample program that can be used to create data.
Read the notes on editing data. (Review from CIS12)
Look at the sample programs that are examples of edit programs. We will be continuing these next week so you don't have to have them all done this week!!!
Also, read the information on the MOD11 check digit and view the presentation.
Presentation on Mod 11 Check Digit
    Speaker notes to accompany Presentation on Mod 11 Check Digit
Week #4 (ending September 29th) - Work To Do Modify the search program to use the search verb. SRCHVBDO Due next week
Complete fill table program: Fill assignment
YOURFILL Due in three weeks
Data for YOURFILL program - stuuour.dat
Week #5 (ending October 6th) - Read/Study Review the notes about the alternative check digit.
Continue looking at the sample edit programs.
Week #5 (ending October 6th) - Work To Do Rough code a solution to the alternative check digit notes. Your code will be checked off - not graded. We will go over the solution.
Questions on the edit program that handles errors in a table. Edit questions
Week #6 (ending October 13th) - Read/Study Finish covering all of sample edit programs - emphasis will be on batch examples this week.
Read the notes on the sort verb and look at the program examples.
Week #6 (ending October 13th) - Work To Do Batch edit questions
Extra credit: Write a program that uses the SORT verb to sort an existing file. Send me the program, the before file and the after file.
Week #7 (ending October 20th) - Read/Study Read the notes on sequential updates and look at the PowerPoint presentation on the logic of the sequential update.
Look at the PowerPoint presentation on an example of the sequential update - includes logic flowchart and code.
It would be a good idea to check books in the library and information on the Web for additional writeups on sequential updates.
Week #7 (ending October 20th) - Work To Do Draw a logic flowchart showing the processing loop that determines the main logic processing (compares MID and TID and the codes). This is a check off - not a grade.
Sequential Update Program:
Sequential Update assignment
Old Master data file
Transaction data file
Be sure to view the PowerPoint presentation on the sequential update assignment for notes on this assignment.
Week #8 (ending October 27th) - Read/Study There are three PowerPoint presentations dealing with the sequential update - one dealing specifically with the assignment. I strongly suggest that you view them!
Start to read the notes on indexed files and start looking at the examples of VSAM files.
Spend some serious time on the Sequential Update assignment!!!!!!!
Week #8 (ending October 27th) - Work To Do Work on the Sequential Update!!!!
Week #9 (ending November 3rd) - Read/Study Read the notes on VSAM files, watch the VSAM PowerPoint presentation and review the sample VSAM programs.
Week #9 (ending November 3rd) - Work To Do Vsam Quiz - this is a quiz that you may discuss with others
Work on the sequential update!
Week #10 (ending November 10th) - Read/Study Continue reading and studying about VSAM files and processing using VSAM files. True/False quiz on indexed VSAM files due next Friday
The syllabus calls for an exam other than the final. I have decided that I would rather have you work on the programming assignments rather than take the time to do a "mid-semester" exam. That would mean that the 10% of your grade schedule for this exam would be reassigned to homework programming making that 80% of your grade. Please let me know if this is agreeable to you. If anyone would prefer to take the exam and keep the percents in the syllabus, they can contact me and make arrangements to take the exam!
Please be sure to see me this week for advisement. I am trying to advise as many second year students as possible before advisement starts. The sign up sheet for Monday and Tuesday is on my door.
Week #10 (ending November 10th) - Work To Do Continue working on Sequential Update and continue reading about VSAM.
Week #11 (ending November 17th) - Read/Study Find some information on the Web or in a text about the physical structure of VSAM files and read it. If you need a source, send me your address and I will send some information.
Week #11 (ending November 17th) - Work To Do VSAM project (6 programs posted, 7th to be posted)
VSAM project - written assignment
SEQFILE.DAT Data to use with vsamcrea - this will create an indexed file to use in the other programs
Week #12 (ending November 24th) - Read/Study Continue with VSAM!
Week #12 (ending November 24th) - Work To Do Class will meet in K-104 both Tuesday and Wednesday (Friday's schedule) - come with programs to work on!
Week #13 (ending December 1st) - Read Study Look at copy call and file status notes.
Week #13 (ending December 1st) - Work To Do Continue working on programs - last VSAM has been posted and it includes elements that will be part of the final.
Week #14 & #15 (ending December 8th/15th) - Information Please read the following:
COBOL Concepts
COBOL Features
COBOL Functions
Note that these were done at different times and there is some duplication.
You must take the final exam - two parts, modifications to Program 7 in VSAM and the answers to these questions.
The exam must be emailed to me by 10:15 on Tuesday, December 19th at both my home email address and
You must also fill out the status sheet that will be posted next week and send that to me by 10:15 on Tuesday, December 19th.
Remember! The status sheet is your insurance. If your records and my records are not in agreement, I will be in touch!
Final Exam
Required status sheet

Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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