Systems Analysis and Design - CIS54

Weekly Schedule

Week Information
Assignments due in one week unless otherwise stated
Week #1 Assignments
Week of June 3rd
Read chapter #1 and #2 in the text. The text is available at the text book site.
Explore some of the information and resources at the text book site.
Text book site
You should also acquire case tool software to experiment with. There is a list of case tools at the text book site and there is a trial version of Visible Analyst that is used in the book available at Visible
Start to acquire some sample software for use later in this course. These are some that I have found, you can look for your own.
Information on software demos for this course
First e-commerce assignment: Link issue
Week #2 Assignments
Week of June 10th
Read chapter #3 and chapter #4 in the text.
Do research and write a paper on the future of e-commerce (I am looking for a paper about 3 pages). Please site your sources!
Look for some resources on data flow diagrams on the web to supplement your reading.
This week we will focus on decision tables so I would like you to read the handout on decision tables that is posted at the site and the handout on decision table examples. There are also some links on the site and some information and resources at the text book site.
Decision table assignment due in two weeks
Week #3 Assignments
Week of June 17th
Read chapter #5 in the text even though we will still focus on the information in chapter #4.
Data Flow Diagram assignment
Week #4 Assignments
Week of June 24th
Read chapter #6 which wraps up the information on the analysis portion of the text.
Look for information on analysis, data modeling, data flow diagrams, data dictionaries etc. on the web to supplement what is in the text. Be sure to look at the information at the site supporting the text. The focus is still on chapter #4 so be sure you are comfortable with the concepts.
If you do not know how to use PowerPoint, find a tutorial on the web or a textbook and familiarize yourself with its use.
The Case Study on New Century Health Clinic is on page 4.47/4.48. Do the assignments that accompany this case study (they are on page 4.48).
Week #5 Assignments
Week of July 1st
Read chapter #7 in the text.
Be sure to check for notes under notes and handouts that would be helpful in understanding the analysis phrase.
Homework is on chapter #5 - do #4 in Apply Your Knowledge on page 5.36 in the text.
Project: (this should be done over a couple of weeks)
Go back and read the New Cenury Health Clinic information at the end of the chapters. Then develop a PowerPoint presentation that will explain the analysis of the Clinic and your recommended results from the analysis.
Analysis/Powerpoint assignment.
Week #6 Assignments
Week of July 8th
Read chapter #8 in the text.
Read the design notes overview: Design notes
Be sure to check out the text book site for other information on design and relational databases.
Read the notes on data dictionaries. We will be doing some design work after chapter #9 and it is important to understand what can go into the data dictionary.
Notes on data dictionaries
Look back to chapter #4 and the detailed information on data dictionaries there.
You need to focus on normalization. You can use Access or Oracle as the database to look at and there are a lot of Access and Oracle notes at this site. Be sure to read the information on relational databases and third normal forms and look at the PowerPoint slides on the topic.
If you want additional information on Access you can also look under CIS61, if you want additional information on Oracle you can look at the notes under CIS50.
Do the assignments at the end of chapter #7 and chapter #8 that relate to the New Century Health Clinic. You will need to reference back to the information at the end of each chapter to make sure you have the necessary information base. Note, you are simply designing. You are not implementing using Access or Oracle.
Week #7 Assignments
Week of July 15th
Read the next chapter, chapter #9.
make sure you are comfortable with the concepts of DFDs and systems flowcharts. There is a presentation on DFD and a presentation on Systems Flowcharts that should be viewed. Also make sure you have viewed the presentations on relational databases and are comfortable with the concepts presented.
Dairy System
We will be working on this via email.
First, I want you to decide on the output and input that would be produce and give me a list.
Second, I want you to lay out the files needed for this database in a relational database using the rules of third normal form. Send me what you think in sketch form - in other words listing the fields and the keys. I will look at it and after we agree, I want you to implement the file design in Access or Oracle. After you have designed the files, you also need to pick one of the files to document in a Data Dictionary.
Third, I want you to do a systems flowchart to show the flow of processing needed for the dairy system. Look at the powerpoint presentation on systems flowcharts relating to business. Read some information about systems flowcharts from the web.
You might consider doing a DFD prior to the systems flow chart (extra credit). Again sketch it and let me view the results and discuss with you.
Week #8 Assignments
Week of July 22nd
Please read chapter #10.
Read the notes under Business systems - notes for discussion.
Your next project will be to test two of the business packages that I asked you to send away for and evaluate according to these notes. You should be sure that you have received these packages.
Be sure you have looked at the powerpoint presentation on systems flowcharts relating to business. Read some information about systems flowcharts from the web.
This week you should continue working on the dairy system.
Week #9 Assignments
Week of July 29th
Read chapter #11.
Remember the business software packages that I asked you to send away for at the beginning of the semester - well now I want you to look at them!
Evaluate two of the software packages. You want to understand what functions they can accomplish (payroll, order entry, accounts receivable, accounts payable, inventory etc.). You want to look at them related to the business notes I had you read and your own experience and evaluate whether they would work for a small company trying to set up a portion of their business with this software. Look at ease of use, whether the package works, whether it is flexible, whether in fact you could recommend it to a client.
Continue working on the dairy system.
Week #10 Assignments
Week of August 5th
Please read chapter #12. You should be continuing to work on the dairy.
Putting the dairy project together, I would like the following:
  • A data flow diagram
  • A list of output
  • A list of input
  • A list of files/tables (organized as a relational database)
  • A list of programs explaining very briefly what each program will do
  • A systems flowchart
Week #11 Assignments
Week of August 12th
Read the Systems Analysis Tool Kit section of the text book.
Check out the following site for drawing software:
There are also tutorials at this site - for example, the tutorial for DFDs is:
DFD Tutorial
And examples:
DFD Examples
Looking at Entity Relation Diagrams:
Entity Relation Diagrams
Looking at Systems Flowcharts (variety of styles):
Variety of Systems Flowcharts styles
Interesting information on flow
Read my notes on CPM and Pert charts as well as the notes in the book. CPM/Pert notes
and then do the following assignment:
Pert/CPM assignment
I need to hear from you on the Dairy - the design needs to include diagramming, a layout of files (relational) and all that good stuff so lets start working on the plan.

Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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