Visual Basic - CIS56

Weekly Schedule

Blog for students in summer 2008

Week Information
Information: Assignments due in one week unless otherwise stated. I am going to try to stay with the text to some degree but I am going to cover file handling sooner. If you have a different textbook, that is fine - just be sure to read about the topic we are covering and remember this is VB 2005. Check the schedule several times a week, I may add some things during the week. Please keep copies of all work you submit until you receive your final grade at the end of the semester.
Unit #15 The final is due on August 23rd.
Final Exam
Status Sheet
Unit #14 The final will be posted and is available during the last week of summer classes. Let me know when you are finished with course work and ready for the final.
This is an example of using Visual Basic in Excel. We will look at that this week. Extra credit if you do an example that experiments with this and does even more than my example.
Calc Pay information
Unit #13 Please read chapter #11 and go over the tutorials.
This week we are going to look at VBA. Here are notes and a sample Access Database using 2007. I am going to introduce 2007 and then show you how to do VBA using it. The notes and the sample database are shown (for previous versions you can go to CIS61 and find information).
VBA Basic Notes (word version)
VBA Basic Notes (html version)
VBA Array Notes (word version)
VBA Array Notes (html version)
withVB.accdb (DB with VBA)
I am having trouble loading things to the BCC server so audio and Smartboard from last week are not up.
Please do tutorial 11-3 and 11-4 in the text or make up your on similiar problem.
Also you shoud do something similiar to tutorial 11-5 using your own database.
Extra credit if you do some of the things later in the chapter.
VBA Assignment
Unit #12 We will look at updating and more wizard processing this week. The two examples I looked at are: Update Examples
Please read the chapter on website development. We will be going over the chapter in class. Assignments:
Please write a very basic update to be able to add records to a table, delete records from the table and change information on the table. Keep in basic so you can focus on the update features. I want you to write the code and not use the wizard. Extra credit if you do an update problem using the wizard.
Unit #11 First we will look at the wizard - the chapter in your text has a lot of relevant information.
Notes on ADO with text fields and wizard (html version)
Notes on ADO with text fields and wizard (word version)
Then we will look at a few more coded examples:
More ADO zipped examples
Then we will look at maintenace as well.
VB Update code handout
This unit I want you to experiment with the wizard type things that are in the textbook. Write programs that uses multiple tables together and multiple tables separately - experiment and explain your experiments when you pass in the programs.
Unit #10 We will continue with ADO.
Examples we will start this week: Zipped intro examples
I am looking for you to experiment with things - doing something similiar to my examples is acceptable for this assignment, although, feel free to explore and expand.
Program #1: Write a program that queries an Access table and displays information in text boxes. Code the ability to move to first, next, previous and last. I want you to use code and to use the current path to access the DB.
Progam #2: I want you to write a program similiar to the one in my sample that shows two tables in a one to many relationship. Data from the first table should be in text boxes with the ability to move to first, last, next and previous. Data from the second table should be in a grid. Code the ability to match similiar to the match key in my example (Donortwotables).
Unit #9 We will start ADO, read about it in your book and check back. We are going to do something similiar to the first connection example in chapter 10 (runs up through page 631) in class.
Examples we will start this week: Zipped intro examples
I want you to experiment with connection - nothing elaborate - keep it basic.
Pass in an assignment that shows you have made the connection successfully to a database file that you have set up on one of your drives.
Unit #8 Please look at print, please read the section in the back of your text on this topic. We will also look at Access (we started this last unit).
Array Assignment using structures and redim
Unit #7 You should finish off arrays this unit. We looked at the logic for a Bubble Sort and a Top Down Sort. To help you understand the structure of these sort alogrithms. I used the following presentations:
Topdown sort
    Separate speaker notes to accompany topdown sort
Bubble sort
    Separate speaker notes to accompany bubble sort
Modify my Bubble Sort program so that it does a Top Down sort.
Array Assignment
Check back!
Unit #6 Please continue reading the text. We are going to start with arrays. I am skipping menus because I want to break arrays up rather than too much all together.
Inventory assignment
Please note I should have called the id the item number - they are the same!
Unit #5 Please read along in the textbook and keep pace with the topics. We are at around chapter #6.
We need to finish breaks, then we will start to look at procedures and functions.
Be sure you are using the resources at the site in addition to the text book. Remember, the .NET examples work fine in 2005.
Assignment #1: Loop assignment
Note that these are two separate programs in assignment #1 - I have had some confusion before.
Assignment #2: Write a brief program to take in a name in the format Last/First Middle (for example Doe/John M) and return the name in the format First Middle Last (for example John M Doe).
Unit #4 Read chapter #5 in the text. We looked at loops last week . Be sure you have looked at the PowerPoint presentations and examples.
We are going to continue looking at both conditons and loops.
I want you to modify the quess the number program so that the user only gets a certain number of chances (let's say 5). When they have used all of their chances an appropriate message should display and the Play button should become visible.
Rock, Paper, Scissors Assignment
Unit #3 Read chapter #4. We will continue looking at conditions and we will start looking at loops. We are also going to look at creating and reading sequential files (note that this is not covered in the assigned reading, but you can find it in the text.
Remember, all of the .NET program examples are working fine in 2005, so just open them and test.
Algorithms and program design
We will look at some of these in class.
Please code either #4 or #5 in VB (extra credit if you do #5).
Check back - I think we will make it to this assignment - if not, next week.
Insurance form and file
Unit #2 Read chapter #3 in the text or about IF statements in VB.NET. I want to get to the point we are doing if and calculations because otherwise there really is not a lot to do. So, this week we are going to look more at conditions. Please note that all of my beginning VB.NET examples can and do run just fine under VB 2005. If you download them from the web site and then run them they will go through a small conversion - it does not change my code that I have noticed. So please look at the .NET examples and PowerPoints. There are three Powerpoints having to do with IF and the samples of if statements. Remember there are sample programs available to illustrate all concepts.
If you want copies of the programs to run as I am running or copies of the code to look at in class, please download and print before class.
IF assignment in class students will have the opportunity to start this program in class.
Unit #1 There are 15 units in this course (the last one being the final). This means that you will have to space them out so that you accomplish all of the units. Some weeks you will have to do multiple units. I will post them so you can work ahead. Let me know if you want a faster pace. This course will use Visual Basic.2005 (NET). At the beginning of the course VB.NET will work fine. As we get into some later things, you will need to be using the 2005 version.
Read chapter #1 and chapter #2 in the text.
You should be looking at the beginning examples and programs and the beginning PowerPoints. Note many of these were done for the .NET version and while the code works, there are development differences. The software for this course is available through the text and it is also available through the Microsoft alliance. For information about using the alliance to acquire software for this course: MSDN Alliance Software
When you send me the assignment, please zip the contents of the folder and send me the zipped file.

Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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