Database Programming and Management with Access - CIS61

Weekly Schedule

Schedule by week Information to cover
If you do not have PowerPoint: Free PowerPoint viewer for 97,2000,2002 users
Note that the speaker notes are provided on a separate Word document if you are having trouble accessing them!
I will be available for help most Tuesdays (I will post if I am not) from 2-4 in K116. I will also be availble on Thursdays at 11 in K101. My work study Marissa will be there as well and covering for me if I have to step out. Please try to come if you are having problems. If no one is comes I will be in my office K112.
Week #15 Assignments
Week of May 7th
Let me know when you want the final. You have one week to do it and it should be in by May 16th.
Week #14 Assignments
Week of April 30th
Wrapup week.
Week #13 Assignments
Week of April 23rd
This week I want you to look at Access on the web. Please look at my PowerPoint presentation on Access Web.
Advisement Question: Several students have had difficulty finding the course they wanted if it is a Student Option Enrollment Course. You should look under distance learning in the course catalog - the course is not listed under regular classes. Confusing - YES!!!
Please get a site that you can upload an Access database to - I used Brinkster which offers free educational space ( Upload one of your databases to the site and then maintain the site with adds, changes and deletes and do several queries including a variety of features and multiple tables (5 queries should do it). Take pictures of the screen and send me the results.
Week #12 Assignments
Week of April 16th
This week I want you to make sure you are comfortable with the basics of security covered in your text book including passwords, hyperlinks and data access pages.
Do an assignment to demonstrate some of the elements you read about in the area of security, passwords, hyperlinks and data access pages - 3 different things is fine and you can keep them very basic.
Week #11 Assignments
Week of April 9th
Advisement: Advisement information
On line advisement is available through email or IM. You can also make an appointment for advisement on my door. More dates will be added on my door.
Please read chapter #8, #9 and #10 in the text over the next few weeks - a chapter a week works.
Many of the links I suggested last week relate to this material.
Continue working on the project.
Week #10 Assignments
Week of April 2nd
Please read chapter #7 in the text.
Also read the following:
Example using VB for menu choices
Example of DoCmd in VB
Example of switchboard
Example of hyperlink and introduction to web
DAO with Access and VB
Please also find and read some information about ADO and VB.
Web pages
We need to look at web processing, error trapping and some minor things but I will give you a lot of time to work on this project for the rest of the semester.
Week #9 Assignments
Week of March 26th
Please read the following:
Example of Visual Basic in a payroll form
Examples of Visual Basic using option buttons
Examples of navigation using Visual Basic
Quiz #2
Week #8 Assignments
Week of March 19th
Please read chapter #6 in the text and the following:
Loops in VBAccess
Call and pass in VBAccess
Experiments with VB - calculation, loop, array
This week I would like you to play with VB in Access. Get comfortable with the concepts.
Access, VB Assignment
Week #7 Assignments
Week of March 5th
WNote I have added a help lab in K-101 on Thursdays at 11:00.
Acutally this week on Thursday (Match 8th), I am going to have all my classes from 9:00 until 2:00 open labs. You can come to K-101 during your class time or any time during that period for help. If you are not completely caught up, you should make a point of coming for at least your class hour!
Please finish reading chapter #5 and start reading chapter #6.
Please read the following: Introduction to reports Written for Access2000
Data manipulation in reports Written for Access2000
Start looking at the following information on VBA:
Introduction to VB Access Written for Access97
Continuation of VB Access Introduction Written for Access97
If statements in VB Access Written for Access97
More on IF with nesting Written for Access97
The databases that accompany these examples are at the site.
Macro and Report Assignment
Week #6 Assignments
Week of February 26th
There is an online meeting package called WebHuddle. If you let me know if you think this is a good idea, we can try to set up a meeting.
Read chapter #4 and start reading chapter #5 (finish it next week) in the text and start looking at information on forms.
Read the notes on forms and look at the sample database available at this site.
Introduction to forms - written for Access97
More information on forms - written for Access97
Creating a form using studentrel00.mdb in Access2000
studentrel00.mdb Student relational database with forms
Please look at the information on forms, buttons and macros that is posted on the site.
Creating a form with buttons - Written for Access2000
More options on forms - Written for Access2000
Creating a form menu - Written for Access2000
Macros Written for Access2000
Depending on the version of Access you are using, you should find appropriate notes on creating forms on the web.
Here are a few sites to check out:
Access tutorials
Collection of Access tutorials, articles etc
Assignment on forms
Please post a tutorial you found helpful at the CIS61 blog.
Week #5 Assignments
Week of February 19th
I have posted information about normalization and relational databases on the site. See if those help with the design/development assignment.
This is an interesting reference I came across
Please read chapter #3 in the text.
Look at the following:
textmanipu.mdb Functions etc.
Function examples Written for Access2000
I have also posted tutorials to help with this assignment at the site. Please view the PowerPoint presentation on importing and linking:
Importing and linking from Access
      Separate speaker notes to accompany importing and linking from Access
The sample database that I used was:
import.mdb Experimenting with importing and linking
Quiz #1
Week #4 Assignments
Week of February 12th
Read tutorial #3 this week.
Some SQL information sources are available at the class account.
Please continue to review the requirements for the core Access Microsoft exam. Make sure that you are comfortable with the things under Planning and Designing Databases, Working with Access and Building and Modifying Tables.
Access 2003 Core
Please view the following presentation:
Formatting data sheet and basic tools
      Separate speaker notes to accompany Formatting data sheet and basic tools
Please read the following (some of the presentations, notes and examples are for older versions of Access, please check out changes in more current versions - note that the basics tend to remain the same - also check the class site for more current info):
Data properties Written for Access97
Building a table Written for Access2000
Data assignment
Week #3 Assignments
Week of February 5th
Continue looking at relational databases - it is important to understand!
Find information on the web or in a text relating to SQL to help you understand how to work with it!
Please read the following.
Functions etc with SQL
Maintenance through SQL
Look at the examples in the database shown:
Newdonor.mdb database with advanced SQL
Please review the requirements for the core Access 2000/XP2002/2003 exams.
If you are using a different version, check the requirements for your version.
General page on exams
You should be checking this list as the course goes along to make sure you know the material that Access is stressing.
Continue reading tutorial #2 in the text.
SQL assignment using the Credit Union database
Week #2 Assignments
Week of January 29th
I have had some questions about how to take pictures of screens. The answer can be found at PrintScreen
Please read tutorial #2.
You should also read about relational databases and third normal form. You can use the links provided at this site or another source.
You should also look at the Presentations listed under Relational Databases.
I want you to design the database tables for the credit union problem and let me review the design before you implement it. You should then implement it in Access.
Assume that we will go back and forth a couple of times in the design process.
Credit Union Assignment
Week #1 Assignments
Week of January 22nd
Please review introductory material on Access. Please order the text for this course (see syllabus). Order the version that matches the version of Access that you are using. When you receive it, please read tutorial #1 in the text - it is a combination review and intro. Note that you can get a copy of Access through our arrangement with Microsoft. For information: MSDN Alliance Software

Read the notes on Access - Introduction to Access 97 (I know this is an older version, but the information is still valid even though the screen shots are not). Look at the PowerPoints: Introduction to Access 2000 and Introduction to SQL in Access.
All of the versions of Access have a basic similarity so it really is up to you which version you use.
We are going to start with creating a simple table and querying it using the Access query language and SQL.
You should also read information about SQL from the Web or a book. I recommend that you spend time with this tutorial: SQL tutorial
Again, it is not about the current version of Access, but SQL has not changed.
Another tutorial/course on SQL is: SQL course
And one more: SQL tutorial
And one more just in case: SQL zoo
If you are having trouble with SQL, please let me know.
First Access Assignment
I said to take pictures of the screens, but in fact it is probably easier to just mail be the database, so why don't you do that instead.

Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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