Information Technology Fluency II - CIT12

Weekly Schedule

Week Information
Assignments due in one week unless otherwise stated. I may add some things during the week, so double check the schedule each week! Please keep copies of all work you submit until you receive your final grade at the end of the semester.
Final Exam The final is being posted on August 14th, it is due August 21st.
I will also post a status sheet that you must turn in with the final.
Fluency Final
Status Sheet for CIT12
Unit #15 I have gotten some questions, here is cisweb information:
Here is information about using cisweb at BCC
Talks more specifically about portfolio
This is a wrapup unit. Let me know when you would like the final - you can work on it for one week.
Assignments to turn in:
There are two extra credit written assignments this unit: 1)A paper on careers and 2)A paper on relational databases.
I want you to write a paper based on research into careers in computing:
1a) Health students: I would like you to do some research on how computers are used in your field. You need to write a paper dealing with three different areas that are relevant to your potential career. I want depth to the explanations.
1b) All other students: Write a research paper on how computers are used in a field you are considering. You need to deal with three different areas in which computers are used. I want depth to the explanations.
2) Assignment for everyone: Write a short paper researching relational database. Explain normalization and third normal form. Find an example and explain it.
Extra Credit JavaScript assignment: Extra Credit JavaScript
Unit #14 Please do some research on events in JavaScript. This is an address that I suggest: JavaScript events Look at my JavaScript examples. Assignments to turn in:
Find a good JavaScript tutorial and send me the address. JavaScript events assignment
Unit #13 This week I want you to start putting together a portfolio and doing some research about what should go into a portfolio.
Assignments to turn in:
Portfolio Information:
Portfolio information
Templates for portfolio (can make your own or modify these - extra credit if you make your own):
Students who have prior experience with HTML (other than CIT11, should definitely make their own portfolio pages).
Then you should upload some samples of your work and have the table of contents above point to these examples. You can use Brinkster for your portfolio or you can use a cisweb site if you have an address. Please let me know if you would like room on the cisweb server at BCC and I will get you a username and password. You are not required to put up any identifying information, you should only do that if you choose to.
I want you to write a short paper (about a page) on whether you enjoyed using Alice, whether you think it gets the idea of programming across, and what you learned about programming from experimenting with Alice.
I want you to develop a portfolio using HTML. It should include links to some of your work.
JavaScript assignment
Unit #12 Continue looking at my JavaScript examples and tutorials on the web that introduce JavaScript.
Assignments to turn in:
Go back and look at the algorithm assignment you did in week #1, I would like you to do this assignment using JavaScript. You need to get all 4 programs working and send them to me.
Unit #11 I want you to start looking at the JavaScript examples under JavaScript Introduction. Remember, when you look at the page and click on source you can see the source code that created the page. I want you to read about JavaScript in the text book and you will also find resources at my site.
Tutorial on JavaScript
Another JavaScript tutorial
Looks like a good JavaScript tutorial
Assignments to turn in:
Java Script Quiz #1
To do this assignment, copy the JavaScript in the quiz to notepad and save it with a .html extension. Then make the changes I asked for and open it in a browser window to view the results.
Unit #10 I lecture on Alice in CIS17, you can consider looking under the audio for CIS17 for information. There will also be accompanying Smartboard notes. If you start Alice, the tutorial #1 with the ice skater is a good aid as well.
I want to spend more time with Alice this week and I want to start looking at it as a a programming language. Please look at the PowerPoint example and the zipped examples of bouncing balls. I am going to be asking you to write an Alice that has housekeeping/processing/wrapup and other modules as I did in my examples. I just hope you are more creative!!!
ballsbounce examples zipped
Alice programming
If you go to presentations, you can get a zipped version of this presentation that might be easier to see.
Alice Assignment: I want you to write a program using modules/methods, 2 kinds of loops, an if/else and an if/else with an embedded if/else. I want you to do a startup/housekeeping/initialize module/method, a process module/method that handles other modules/methods and a wrapup module/method. Look at my examples (zipped copies of the programs) and PowerPoints on ballsbounce and randomnumber to help with this assignment.
Unit #9 Looking back at Access: Please look at the PowerPoint presentations under Access and Access SQL - I think they will answer a lot of questions and problems that you are having.
If you do not remember how to develop a web page in HTML from the CIT11 course, please review the concepts. When we come to looking at JavaScript in a few weeks remembering HTML will be important.
In unit #8, we looked at writing simple scripts/programs to direct a turtle. This week we are going to look at progamming with Alice.
I want you to look at this PowerPoint presentation on Alice: Using Alice
Zipped version of Using Alice for download
Then I want you to spend time with Alice experimenting with the different things that you can do and looking at the other tutorials etc.
Alice is available at Alice site
If you want to download Alice to work at home, please download version 2.0.
There is a tutorial that shows ice skating which you might find helpful.
Using my Alice presentation as a guide, I want you to create something in Alice. You should have multiple objects (minimum 3). Your Alice code should have a sequence of 10 different methods or things that one of your objects does.
Unit #8 I would like you to have read (skimmed the more advanced chapters), the chapters on databases in your text book. We are not covering some of the more advanced topics which is why I suggested you could skim them.
Look at the presentation on if statements and flowcharting if statements:
Presentation on logical if structures
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on logical if structures
Interesting sites for health care people - I would like to know what you think of them.
Medical Library Association
One persons analysis of health care information on the web
Logic Flowcharts: Draw the logic flowcharts for the queries you did in the query assignment for week #4. You only have to do the if portion of a flowchart, similiar to what I did in the presentation. Note that #1 does not have an if, you can just write the box to process.
Query assignment from week #4
You can do a flowchart using symbols in PowerPoint, Word (please save a a doc version), or you can use Visio which came with your book
I want you to go to and set up an online bookmark storage area. Then please find and bookmark 3 tutorials on HTML and then send me the address of your bookmark site.
If you already have a site, simply add to it.
Unit #7 I put out the first part of this assignment early: "I understand that the invitations for MSDN have not gone out yet. If you do not have Access then obviously this is a problem. I am putting up this LOGO assignment to let you do an assignment that will officially come up later in the course."
I have notes and presentations on using LOGO that you should look at and then you can try this assignment. It is an introduction to programming. You are going to be giving the turtle instructions and the turtle will follow your instructions. That is programming!
This is what the assignment will say when it comes up in the later unit:
Now we are going to look at StarLogo. We have looked at the logic of queries, but now soon we are going to move on to writing a program involving the three major steps of programming: sequence, selection, repeating or looping. The turtle in StarLogo can do all three of these and you will see the basic stuctures as you experiment with the package.
You will find a presentation under presentations and you will find a list of StarLogo commands under notes.
You should also look at the information about StarLogo procedures which you will find under Notes.
If you do not want to work in the labs, you will need to download and install a version of StarLogo which is available at:
Do not download and use the new version, use the standard version for this assignment.
The second part of unit #7:
You should have read the chapters on Access in the text book and checked some web sites on Access.
You should also have read about relational databases and normalization including my PowerPoints on the subject.
Assignments (related to LOGO):
Logo assignment
Assignments (related to Access):
Please be sure that you populate the database tables before you do the queries.
Relational Queries
Unit #6 I want to start looking at the concepts of relational databases so I am going to ask you to set up two samples that I have created that will illustrate the set up of relational databases.
I want you to go over these two presentations carefully to help understand the concepts.
Normalization - information on third normal form
      Separate speaker notes to accompany normalization presentation
Relational database using donor
      Separate speaker notes to accompany relational databse using donors presentation
I would also like you to read this very over simplified version of a database for a medical clinic: Medical clinic example
These two examples lead you through setting up a a set of tables that are related. Please do the two examples in Access and send them to me.
Student database
Payroll database example
I want you to design the following database:
More complex student database to design
Next unit, I will have you implement this database in Access and do queries on this database.
Unit #5 I want you to do some more research on Access and on SQL, looking for tutorials and other explanations that help you understand. Here are a few possibilities:
W3Schools SQL
Another SQL tutorial
I want you to look at the presentations under Access and SQL because I want you to experiment with SQL this week. I would also like you to look at the two presentations under Access and SQL. The presentations are:
Presentation on using SQL queries in Access
    Separate speaker notes to accompany fusing SQL queries in Access
Presentation on SQL in Access - a little more
    Speaker Notes to accompany SQL in Access - a little more
Here are some notes on SQL including Smartboard and audio:
Intro SQL in Access (1/27/09) in PDF format Accompanying audio
Intro SQL in Access (1/27/09) in PowerPoint Accompanying audio
Intro SQL in Access (1/27/09) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Look at the presentation on if statements:
Presentation on logical if structures
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on logical if structures
Assignment #1: Using the same database that you used for the last two units, I want you to write five SQL queries. You should write them and send me a text file containing the code you wrote. You should also test them in Access and send me the Access database with the five SQL queries numbered SQL1 through SQL5a and SQL5b. Note that I do not want unneeded parenthesis in your code.
Problem #1: Show three fields and test one of them with a criteria.
Problem #2: Show some of the fields and test two things in an AND relationship.
Problem #3: Show some of the fields and test two things in an OR relationship.
Problem #4: Show all of the fields. You are testing for three things to be true OR just one thing to be true.
Problem #5: Show all of the fields and test three things. The first thing must always be true and then either of the other two must be true. Write the SQL two ways.
Unit #4 Please read the chapter on database queries. In the current text it is chapter #16 A Table with a View: Database Queries. In previous versions it might be chapter #15 or chapter #14. You are looking for the chapter on Database Queries.
Continue to look at the things you can do with Access. Be sure to look at the presentation on if queries in Access (Presentation for if queries in Access).
You should be receiving or have received an invitation to join the MSDN Alliance at your BCC account - if you do not get it, let me know.
For information about software for this course: MSDN Alliance Software
I have put notes from a inclass session on the web under notes. The notes are mostly on Access but also have comments on one of the algorithms.
Query assignment
Please note, I do not want you using the wizard for any of your queries. I want you to learn to do the queries by working out the logic yourself.
Unit #3 The reading depends on what version of the book you have. Essentially I want you to read about databases. In the third edition, read chapter #16 A table with a view: database queries. In edition two they have two chapters #14 which is getting to first base: introduction to database concepts and #15 which is a table with a view: database queries.
If you are not comfortable with Access, you have several resources you can use. There are a series of PowerPoint presentations that will take you through the basics for this assignment (note that they use a previous version of Access, but the logic is the same). You can use Access 2003 or Access 2007 to do your assignments. Under presentations - look for the one about asgn #1 and if statements. There is also a sample database that you can download under examples. You can also choose to get a book on Access. Finally, there are many tutorials on line - some of which are listed under or links.
Practice exercise The solution to the database is on the web (prior to Access 2007) - the queries in the solution on the web are not the same - if you have questions on the queries, contact me and I will send you the solution. Again this is a practice exercise that you can choose to do to develop comfort with Access - you should definately go over the solution and make sure you are comfortable with it.
If you decide to use Access 2007, here are two tutorials you might try:
Access 2007 in pictures
Tutorial at Microsoft
Access tutorial (document)

Be sure to look at the presentation that deals with queries. It is for an earlier version, but the logic is the same.
Presentation for if queries in Access
    Separate speaker notes to accompany if queries in Access
Part 1 of the assignment: Develop a table that would be useful to you in your professional or personal life. I want you to define a table and enter data into the table (should be a mixture of text and numeric data). Explain why you made each field the type and size you decided on. Populate the table. The next set of notes and assignments will have you query the table you created. If you are in a medical/health major, you should design a table related to your area of study.
In developing your database please note the following guidelines: (1) field names should not have embedded spaces and special characters other than Underscore (most database systems are very strict about this and I want you to be aware of this), (2) use appropriate types of data (text vs numbers) and be sure to pick appropriate sizes, (3) designate a primary key that uniquely identifies each record. Part 2 of the assignment: Once you have developed the table I want you to do three queries:
(1) Display 4 fields and have them meet a certain criteria. For example, if state is one of your fields you could display only those that have "MA" in their state.
(2) Display records that meet two criteria in an AND relationship.
(3) Display records that meet two criteria in an OR relationship.
Unit #2 Please read the chapters on Social Implications of IT and Privacy and Digital Security.
We will be starting Access next. If you do not have Access available you can download it using the MSDN Alliance. You should be getting your invitation soon.
I would like you to do some reading about copyright and fair use. Some suggested sites are:
University of Maryland Copyright and Fair Use
Stanford Copyright and Fair Use
Copyright crash course
If you are in HealthCare Information, please read the following:
Medical Library Association on copyright and fair use
I would also like you to read some information on computer ethics:
The Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics
ACM code of ethics
Computer Ethics (explore some of the information at this site)
Please take this quiz. This is a check off assignment and not a graded assignment so be honest and test yourself. Tell me which ones you got right and which ones you got wrong.
Quiz on copyright and fair use
When you pass in work, please put your name, course and which assignment it is on the subject line.
Check back, I am not sure this is complete.
Unit #1 This class has 15 units of work following the normal number of weeks in the course. You are taking it in 6 weeks so that means you need to do three units of work some weeks. To be honest, that is a lot of work, so I am going to make the course available at the beginning of the summer, and put up a couple of units per week so you can start when you want and have an easier pace if you choose to start early. Check back, I will put up the first unit for Monday, June 1st!
If you need help on something, please don't hesitate to send me your partially done assignment and ask for help. You should also know that I take resubmissions on homework and in fact frequently ask you to resubmit if I think you need to understand the material better.
I know that different people have different versions of the book. I would like you to review the chapters on Algorithmic Thinking and on Representing Multimedia Digitally. You should also check this site for a definition of algorithm and more explanation. Algorithm at
One definition of an algorithm
Some of my examples
Do the following assignment: Algorithm Assignment #1
Please email me this assignment. I want you to follow my model and lay out the processing steps and then, still following my model, test using test data you make up. In my example I tested using the numbers 49 and 24. If you have problems with this assignment, we can go over it via email or in person. Send me your best effort and I will try to help.
Check back!


Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer:

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