Programming: Logic, Design and Implementation (CIS120/17)

Weekly Schedule

All assignments are due by May 10th which is the last day of classes.

Video contest for CIS majors: Information about the Department Video Contest and Prizes

When you are using JavaScript, if you use a technique we have not covered in class, you need to explain it!

Schedule by session Information to cover
Please note that the first assignment is at the bottom of the list posted here. You should do the work in order! I may add to the weekly schedule during the course of the week, so please check back multiple times. Please keep copies of all work you submit until you receive your final grade at the end of the semester.
Week #15
Week of May 7th
We will wrap up and have open labs this week. However Matt Medeiros is coming in on May 8th to talk about careers in networking and web development so plan to come for that. He will talk about a half hour and the rest of the day is an open lab. That means there will be help available from 9:30 into the late afternoon and I can even stay in the evening if enough people want to stay. Thursday May 10th will also be an open lab in K101 from 9:30 - until around 3:30. Monday I have a 10 office hour and I will be available from 12:00 to 2:00 in K101.
No new assignments!
The final is an online final which is due by Tuesday, May 15, 2012 at 10:30AM. It is an individual project - no help accept from me. You can bring me questions at the help labs or you can eamil me.
Final Exam
Required Status Sheet You can also use this to check off and see what you are missing and check with me about any thing you are not sure of.
Week #14
Week of April 30th
I am available Monday at 10 in my office and Tuesday and Thursday at 1:45. I will stay until at least 4 and can stay into the evening if people let me know want to stay. Thursday I will be there until 7 or later Mark is also available and will be available on Friday if enough people are interested.
We are going to make a short return to Access to look at multiple tables.
Normalization (3rd normal form)
Student 4 table database
Next week will be catch up week - no new material. All day Thursday (9:30 to 3:00) will be a catch up day and I will let you know about how much of the day Tuesday will be catch up. I will be available for help and so will Mark.
Something went wrong and the numbering system assignment I posted last week did not show. So, it is an assignment so check back if you did not find it: Number conversion and codes
Database assignment Note that on the last line of the last query, it should say OR instead of and.
Week #13
Week of April 23rd
I am available Monday at 10 in my office and Tuesday and Thursday at 1:45. I will stay until at least 4 and can stay later on Tuesday if people need it. Mark is also available and will be available on Friday if enough people are interested.
This week we will start out by wrapping up Visual Basic.
Numbering systems and code
This handout covers binary and hex well, but it was written over 20 years ago and the code information is historical and not current. We will look at 8-bit ASCII code in class. Reference for ASCII
Soft Skills Paper Due at end of semester
Note, I have asked you to do seven soft skills. If you do more you will get extra credit and the amount of extra credit depends on how many extra soft skills you write about.
Number conversion and codes
Week #12
Week of April 16th
I am available Tuesday at 1:45 and Thursday at 10 and at 1:40. The 10 is in my office - the others are in the lab. Mark is also available after class on Friday if you request it.
This week we will continue to work with Visual Basic. Examples are under programs. Please check back.
This week I am giving you three Visual Basic programs to debug. I have also included a couple of new things in the programs. So look over the programs, see what I did (sometimes I put in comments and other times I did not) and then get these three programs so they will work.
I did not include the right version of PayCalc - I did not put out the one that has comments so I will include them here:
Assume that the person is supposed to work 40 hours, for anything over 40 hours they get time and one half. Include the if to make this happen.
This week is bonus week for every 10 hours a person worked they will get a $20 bonus. Please include this in the program.
Week #11
Week of April 9th
I am available Monday at 10 and 3 and Tuesday and Thursday at 1:45 - Tuesday I will stay for quite a while, Thursday I will only be there about an hour. Advisement starts this week and it would make sense to check in with me Monday or Tuesday if you want to or via email.
This week we are going to start to work with Visual Basic 2010 which is part of Visual Studio. You can either get the full version from MSDN or you can download the express version from: VB2010 Express
Example done on 4/10/12 in class
Basic math problem
Example done on 4/12/12 in class
Under presentations there is a presentation on starting VB 2010.
Do the JavaScript Assignment #1 in Visual Basic
Please check back!
Week #10
Week of April 2nd
I will be around Monday at 10 in my office (K112) and Tuesday and Thursday after my classes are done (1.45) in K101. Contact me if you need help at a different time.
This week we are going to start to put together a portfolio that you can work on and use when you graduate. The portfolio should be written in HTML (extra credit if you use some JavaScript when putting together the pages).
You should have received an email giving you a user name and password so you can load your portfolio onto the server which will make it accessible on the Internet, but for now you can just create it locally if you did not receive it.
Apparently they decided you should login to putty to change your password before you go into WINSCP. Putty is available on our computers and it is also available to download for free. I made a set of screen shots to show how to use putty for this. We will go over this next Tuesday in class - this Thursday I want to finish Alice.
Using putty to change your password
To load things up on the Internet, we use WINSCP. Please read the WINSCP and cisweb information: (note that in my examples I use as the host, we are now using as the host although the old one is still supported).
Here is information about using cisweb and WINSCP at BCC
Talks more specifically about portfolio
If you want to download WINSCP at home, you can find it at this address.
Portfolio information is available at my website under examples/HTML5 examples and under Notes and Handouts. Please read the information. You might also look at information on the web.
The second topic this week will be Alice. Read chapter 10 on object oriented concepts and try to relate a little to the objects and methods we will be looking at in Alice.
I would like you to have looked at chapters #1 - #6 and #10.
Quiz: Quick Quiz #4 - Due April 10th (extra time since it is a holiday weekend)
Portfolio: (We will wait to put it online until logins have been straightened out, but you can start getting it ready to upload). This will be due by the end of April - earlier is better!
I want you to start creating a portfolio (eventually it will need to be an online portfolio). For CIS majors you can work on this throughout your time at BCC and develop a portfolio to help you when you are looking for a job. For now we are going to do a basic start. You should make a title page with basic information and a link to a second page that should contain a menu with links to a database that you upload, two JavaScript problems you have written and other work for this or another course. Please be sure there are four examples of your work.
Alice Assignment: I want you to write a program using the following: objects, methods, a loop and a loop with the complicated feature, a while loop, an if/else and an if/else with an embedded if/else. I want you to do a startup/housekeeping/initialize method, a process method that handles other methods associated with objects that you write and a wrapup method. Look at my examples (zipped copies of the programs), PowerPoints on ballsbounce and Smartboard/audio from classes to help with this assignment!
For extra credit include the concepts in the balls bounce generic example in the zipped programs.
Week #9
Week of March 26th
I will be around Monday at 10 in K112 (unfortunately I was out sick) and Thursday from 1:45 until around 4 in K101 or K112. Tuesday is an open lab from 9:30 until 3 or 4 depending on when students leave - I will not be on campus and Mark will be running the lab. Please come for as long as you can.
Thursday we looked at a variety of loop programs dealing with math facts and the guess games that will help you with the assignment.
Write the program to play the Rock, Paper, Scissors game. A game is one random guess by the computer compared to user input. Write the program so the user can choose to play again or quit. Your program should be unique and not similiar to any solutions found on the web. It should follow the style we have used in class. You can choose how to construct the if structures (simple, compound or a mixture).
Quiz #3: Due April 3rd (I am putting it up late so you can have a longer period). Quick Quiz on JavaScript
Week #8
Week of March 19th
I will be availabe Monday at 10, 1:40 (I felt terrible so I left). Tues and Thurs I will only be available to sometime between around 2:30ish but I am going to ask Mark to stay longer in K101. Friday Mark is available from 11 to 1 in K102.
Note that I posted the mentor information under last week and you should have gotten an email from me about your mentor if you are an active member of the class. If you did not, please contact me.
This week we will continue looking at JavaScript. we will work with if statements and then move on to loops. Please read chapter #6.
If statement program - example 1
If statement program - example 2
If statement program - example 3
If statement program - example 3a
Thursday we had a guest speaker from Meditech - you can hear his talk in the audio and you can go to to follow his references.
Assignment that will be started in class and should be done by everyone:
JavaScript IF Powerpoint (assignment is last three on the final page).
Loop Assignment JavaScript loop problems
Week #7
Week of March 5th
I am available Monday at 10, Wednesday at some times (an hour here and there between meetings - I will tell you when I know) and Thursday at 1:45 until around 3:00 in K101 (sorry a meeting was changed). Mark will be available Tuesday from 1:45 until 3 and Friday from 11 - 1. Let me know if there are other times when you would like Mark to be available.
We will continue with JavaScript. Please check back.
JavaScript Assignment #1
Career and mentor paper: I want you to write a paper about careers in the computer field. There should be two parts to the paper:
The first part should be an interview with your mentor about the work he or she does in the computing field or if your mentor is continuing studies in computing, ask about the degree program he or she is in and what they would like to do when they complete their studies. Your paper should contain information about your mentor's job or degree program with several quotes from your mentor.
The second part should be researching a career that interests you and writing about what the job involves and the skills that are needed.
The paper should include notes citing your sources (I would estimate that you need at least a couple of pages to cover the goals well).
In addition, send me a list of the questions you asked your mentor.
The paper is due on April 7th by midnight. If you have trouble contacting your mentor, let me know and pass in the mentor part late (the research part must be on time).
Week #6
Week of February 27th
I am available Tues and Thurs from 1:45 until 3 (K101) and Monday from 10 to 11 (K112) and Mark is available Friday from 11-1 (K102 or K101).
We will be continuing with logic this week. Please check back.
Please read chapter #4 and then move on to chapter #5 next week.
We will continue looking at logic and will work on the practice exercise below.
Practice exercise: Practice exercise
Practice continued
Presentation on using pseudocode to play computer - help with logic quiz
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on using pseudocode to play computer
We will start to look at the concept of a whole program that includes housekeeping, processing and wrapup. We started doing that last week. That will be woven into what we do with JavaScript. The first thing we will do with JavaScript is look at the examples under programs at my site - best looked at with Firefox.
Second Quiz which is due by Thursday (March 1st) at midnight.
Logic Assignment (word format)
EXTRA CREDIT (can be used to help poor grades in any of the Access assignments):
Extra Credit Access pass in text of SQL and the database
As always, check back!
Week #5
Week of February 20th
I will be available Tues at 11 and also around 4 to 5:30 hopefully in K112. Check back about my availability on Thursday.
Mark will be available Thursday (hopefully starting right after class - check back - definitely at 1:45 in K112 and Friday from 11 to 1 or later in K102 or K101.
Because there were problems getting the book, I have only asked you to read chapter #1. Now I am asking you to read chapter #2 and next week I want you to read chapter #3.
Please look at this PowerPoint on loops and repetition:
Presentation on structure (focus on loops)
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation structure (focus on loops)
Logic assignment We will work on this in class. The entire assignment needs to be turned in so what is not done in class has to be done on your own.
Homework quiz (not due until next Saturday, March 3rd).
Week #4
Week of February 13th
If you are lost or confused, don't let it go - plan to see Mark or me at one of our available times or let me know what will work. I want you to remember that help is available and working together we can get you on track!
If I have not received an email from you (if I did not respond I probably did not get it so send another) you are in danger of being dropped - get in touch now!
This week I will be available Mon at 10 and possibly 3:30 in K112 and Tues and Thurs at 1:45 in K101.
Mark will be available from 11 to 1 or later on Friday in K102 (note the change in room).
If you would like to set up another time for help with Mark, let me know!
This week we will focus on logic.
For help on if statements, look at this presentation:
Presentation on logical if structures
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on logical if structures
NOTE: We did not get to the loops this week - we will look at them next week.
Please look at this PowerPoint on loops and repetition:
Presentation on structure (focus on loops)
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation structure (focus on loops)
Quick Quiz: Due on by Thursday, Feb 16th midnight
Quiz #1
In class logic exercise If you were in class and signed the attendance sheet you only have to pass in from #16 on. Other students need to pass in the whole assignment. It is a check off assignment.
Flowchart assignment (we will spend time on this in class) Everyone needs to turn in the whole assignment.
Week #3
Week of February 6th
This week I am available Monday from 10-11 in K112 and then 3:30ish (might be a little earler) until 4 in K112 and then from 5 to 6 in K112. Tuesday I will be available from 1:45 until around 3:30 (I might leave a little earlier if no one is there) in K101 (or K112)) and on Thursday I am available from 1:45 until 3ish in K101. Mark will be available on Friday from 11 to 1 and later if needed in K101. If you have other times you would like to request, let me know.
This week we will continue with Access.
payroll.accdb (example we will work with in class).
Individual Access Assignment: Database assignment
Group Assignment:There will be an inclass project on SQL in Access on Thursday. Online students will be assigned a group after I find out who is in class. As always, online students are invited to come to class for the project.
Access SQL assignment (document version)
Access SQL assignment (html version)
Access SQL answer sheet
Books database with SQL version
SQL code (document version)This is a copy of the SQL code in case it gets messed up
Note that group projects cannot be resubmitted. I have sent out the groups for the online assignment. If you did not get one let me know!
Week #2
Week of January 30th
Mark will be available on Friday, Feb 3rd from 11 to 1 and maybe later in K101 if anyone needs help.
If you are interested in starting a study group/help session, send me your available times and I will try to set up a couple of options.
I had a little problem with my email, I think I have responded to everyone who has sent me work or a question, but if something has not been dealt with, please send me another email. Thanks!
If you have HTML questions, I will be available for help Monday at 10:00 in my office (K112) and Tuesday at 1:45 in K101 (or in my office if there is a room problem).
Thursday will be a group project day and Mark will be there to help if you have questions. If you do not come to class, you will be assigned to an online group to work on the project. Students in the distance learning class can choose to come and work in an inclass group at 11:00 in K101 or they can choose to work on the project with the online group they are assigned to.
Access Database Assignment on BCC College Resources
Note: Assignments are not due until the week after they are assigned. You are welcome to pass them in early.
Group project:
For students in class on Thursday, you will break up in groups of 3 and choose a leader who will be responsible for mailing me your answers with a cc to you so you know that it came through. Note, there is no makeup/resubmit on group projects.
Note students taking the class online can choose to come and participate in the group project in class even if we can't find you a seat.
For web students, I will mail you an email hopefully by Friday with your group and group leader. You can then communicate via email (I am waiting to see who is in class before assigning the web groups).
The group emails to students not in class have been sent out, if you did not get one let me know!
Note: On the flowcharts in the assignment, sometimes the word Technology is cut off and you see Course instead of Course Technology.
Group DB assignment
Group DB assignment (html version)
Answer sheet for group project
Book Database to use in answering questions (Access 2010 or 2007)
Week #1
Week of January 23rd
Each week, I will post information prior to the start of the Tuesday class. Please check back several times during the week because I may add information and/or assignments as the week progresses. I am setting up extra labs where students can come for questions and help - the schedule is not available yet but I will be available in my office (K-112) or in K-101 at 2:00 on both Tuesday and Thursday this week.
Please read chapter #1 in Programming Logic and Design. If you can't get the book, next week is fine. The first topics do not rely on the book. We will start to look at the material in the text next week.
You will be getting an invitation to the MSDN Alliance in the next few weeks that will allow you to download the Microsoft software you will use in tis class.
to get information: MSDN Alliance Software
I leave up the Smartboard Notes and audio lectures from previous semesters since much of the material is the similar. You should look up Smartboard presentations on topics that you want to go over.
I record most of the classes where I deliver a lecture so you should always assume that the class is being recorded. If you want to know, just ask!
We will start looking at HTML/HTML5 to develop a web page this week. Please look at the samples under Examples.
These are the pages you need to go over and understand:
There is an HTML presentation that also looks at writing code with HTML. It is under presentations and it is zipped.
Note that it does not use examples with the optional DOCTYPE on the first line.
Zipped version of Introduction to HTML
A great reference for writing HTML is W3Schools
Note that I will not always repeat the address here in the week of - I will just point you to where it can be found.
Note: Assignments are not due until the week after they are assigned. You are welcome to pass them in early. Late assignments will loose points - see the syllabus for details.
We will be looking at soft skills later in the semester and as a foundation for that, I want you to take this survey:
Your assignment for this week:
HTML page to introduce yourself


Send e-mail to Priscilla Grocer (if you have or are taking a course, use the email you were given for the class):

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