Weekly Schedule

Remember to email me the final by the start of the final which is 10:30 AM on Monday. If you have questions, email me!

Week Information
Assignments due in one week unless otherwise stated. I may add some things during the week, so double check the schedule each week! Please keep copies of all work you submit until you receive your final grade at the end of the semester.
After finals I have spent the last week at the hospital in NY because of serious complications with the birth of my granddaughter, so my grades will not be posted for about a week. I am working on them slowly, I just did not want you to be concerned.
Week #15
Week of December 12th
I will not be in this week, for family reasons.
Just rechecked the calendar and Friday is officially the last day of classes - even though I said Thursday in class, so you have until Friday.
I can be contacted via email and Mark will be there for all of my classes to help with any problems.
We will still have "show and tell" on Monday an Mark will be there.
There will be an open lab from 9:30 to 3:15 on Tues and Thurs and Mark and Wayne will be there for help.
The final will be posted along with the required status sheet by Monday the 12th. Your final and status sheet need to be emailed to me before 10:30AM on Monday the 19th.
Homework is due by midnight the last day of classes. I will only take one or two things after that if you want them to count when I submit grades. Final Exam and Status Sheet:
Final Exam
Required Status Sheet
Week #14
Week of December 5th
Monday I will be available at 10 in my office (K112).
Tuesday I will be available from 1:45 until 3:15 in K101 and until 5 in my office.
Thursday I will be available from 1:45 until 3:15 in K101 and in my office (K112) until a little after 6.
We went over the DOM examples under JavaScript XHTML at my website. I would like you to do a little research about DOM as well.
Next week we will do "show and tell" of our sites. If you are not going to be there, please post your site on delicious prior to Monday's class.
Assignments to turn in:
I want you to write a page that uses at least six of the things from my examples, I want you to definitely include getElementById, innerHTML, and getElementsByTagName.
Week #13
Week of November 28th
Monday I will be available at 10 in my office (K112)
Tuesday I will be available from 1:45 until 3:15 in K101 and until 4:30 or 5 in my office.
Thursday I will be available from 1:45 until 2:35ish in K101.
We will look at JQuery Mobile this week and then we will look at other things involving SEO etc.
JQuery Mobile introduction
One of the topics to consider is getting good placement of your page. Here are some resources I have found, but you should do some searching for other links:
Promoting web site
Web site promotion
Promote your web site
Less obvious ways to promote
Techniques for placement (Ceasar Cabral)
Promoting a site
Using articles to promote
Search Engine Watch
SEO Guide
SEO on Wiki
SEO Google
Placement (old but still some interesting information)
For information, read:
about robots.txt
Other things to look at for this week:
1)Web ethics:Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics
Bloggers code of ethics
Search tools chart
Yahoo advanced search
Google searching
I would also like you to look at some sites that deal with evaluating the information you find at a web site:
Evaluation from Cornell
Evaluation from Berkeley
Evalution from Ohio
Evaluation from Maryland
Read about DOM - w3schools is a good place to start. We will talk about that briefly next week.
See some examples under DOM under JavaScript at the class website.
Assignments to turn in:
Second web site or modification to first site
You can add a page to your existing site (you can even take it down after I grade, or you can make a small second site - your call.
Week #12
November 21st
Monday I am in my office K112 from 10 to 11 and on Tuesday in K101 from 1:45 until 3:15 and then after that in K112 or the main lab until around 5ish.
This week we will continue with JavaScript. We looked at math programs under HTML5/JavaScript and then we went and looked at more JavaScript under XHTML including the clacavgrom programs under loops and the chktest, optbuttontest and time array and endlessloopx and array rotatex under misc and then we looked at animation examples.
Assignments to turn in:
Here are some problems for you to solve:
Problem #1: Go to the mathfor problems and fix one of them so that when you get the wrong answer you stay in the loop and get three chances.
Problem #2: Look at the endlessloopx example and figure out how to have the loop happen 5 times rather than endlessly.
Problem #3: Finish the quiz problem we started in class this week. Go to C122Nov2111.pdf and look starting at page 30 for the quiz.
If you run into problems with #4, we will hopefully have some time to spend on it next week.
Problem #4: Write the JavaScript to take in a persons name, their pay type (salary or hourly, use radio buttons for this), a text box for pay per hour and a text box for hours worked (only filled in if hourly employee), a text box for salary (only fill in if salary employee), a radio button to choose from three medical plans (Plan A costs $50, Plan B costs 35 and Plan C costs 25). Then have a button to click to calculate the pay and a text box to hold the calculated pay. If the person is a salary employee then divide the salary by 52 to get the weekly salary and then subtract the cost of the appropriate medical plan. If the person is a hourly employee and does not work over 40 hours per week calcualte their pay per hour times hours and subtract their medical. If the hourly employee worked over 40 hours they should get time and a half for the hours over 40. Calculate their pay and subtract their medical.
Week #11
November 14th
Monday I am in my office in K112 at 10:00 and I am in K101 on Tuesday and Thursday from 1:45 until 3:15. On Thursday I am available in my office from 3:15 until 6ish.
Today we are going to continue with JavaScript through functions and loops.
Assignments to turn in:
The assignment this week includes some code I have written that I want you to work with and analyze according to the questions in the zipped file that contain the assignment. If you have questions, contact me.
As you do the JavaScript, you are welcome to find examples on the web. However, if you are using something that I have not covered, I want you to include an explanation of what you found and used or changed.
Assignment use one or more functions in each (extra credit if you successfully use the return from the function):
#1 Using JavaScript: I want you to set up a form where you can enter at item number, a price and quantity bought for 4 different items and I want you to calculate and show the total amount owed.
#2 Using JavaScript: I want you to either use a form or prompts to take in the following information: amount owed, credit status, months to pay. If the credit status is A then you add 5% of the amount owed to the amount owed for interest, if the credit code is anything else then you add 7% of the amount owed to the amount owed for interest. Now divide by the months to pay to figure out what has to be paid each month and display that amount on the screen.
Week #10
November 7th
I am available Monday at 10 and Tueday from 1:35 until 3:15 in K101. It turns out Thursday is fine and I will be there until 6ish with a little time off around 3:30 or 4:00 to meet with my boss.
We will look a little at CSS but mostly at JavaScript this week.
We looked at examples under JavaScript Events, JavaScript Introductory Examples embedded in XHTML, and the first 4 examples under functions.
Assignments to turn in:
Write a page or pages that include the following JavaScript:
Problem #1: Use 4 different events (use one that I did not talk about much or at all).
Problem #2: Code a simple if with one else and have multiple things done if true and multiple things if not true.
Problem #3: Use a nested if (an if within an if).
Problem #4: Use two different kinds of loops.
Week #9
October 31st
Some of you are way behind. If you are, you need to talk to me about how to get caught up and attend some of the help sessions.
I am available for help on Tuesday from 1:45 until 3:15 in K101 and later in my office. Right now I think I am also available on Thursday from 1:45 until 3:15 in K101 and after that in my office in K112 (right now no meetings but we will see there is a Boston meeting that is a possibility). I have office hours Monday at 10.
Continuing experiments with CSS, please look at these:
Using header, footer etc.
More header, footer, images
Challenge: Do some research on ways to keep a footer at the bottom.
Zipped tests to experiment with
The main part of the class will be working with JavaScript. We will hopefully finish up the examples from CIS120/17 and move on. We did finish all but arrays.
We looked at the two CSS above but we did not get to zipped tests to experiment with. We will look at that next week and in fact we did not spend much time on CSS so we did not look at the online site I wanted to go over. Next week home hopefully!
Assignments to turn in:
There is an extra credit challenge question above.
JavaScript assignment
Please continue working on your web site!
Week #8
October 24th
There will be a guest speaker from Meditech in my 11 and 12:30 classes on Tuesday. You are welcome to come and listen in K101. I am available for help on Tuesday from 1:45 until 2:45 in K101 and on Thursday from 1:45 until 3:15 in K101 and after that in my office in K112 (right now no meetings but we will see) I haave office hours Monday at 10. Check these CSS references:
CSS reference - first
CSS reference - second
CSS reference - third
CSS reference - fourth
CSS reference - fifth
CSS reference - sixth
CSS reference - seventh
CSS reference - eighth
CSS reference - ninth
CSS reference - tenth
Visual example on CSS positioning:
Interest CSS positioning experiment
Other recommendations from classes:
CSS reference
CSS reference
Some examples to look at:
Please check out this site:
Selectutorials on CSS
This week we are going to look at a little more CSS including how to set up columns - a fairly basic approach.
Two columns
Two columns (another)
Three columns
Three columns (with header)
Three columns (header and footer)
Refering to setting up a web site, please read these three articles:
We will also start to look at JavaScript.
Assignments to turn in:
Find a template on line for a two column page and a three column page. Modify the template to put up a page where the information comes from you. Be sure to tell me the templates you used.
JavaScript Quiz 1 We may work on in class
Please check back to see how far we got in JavaScript and whether or not there is a JavaScript assignment.
Week #7
October 17th
I am available for help on Tuesday from 1:45 until 3:15 in K101 and in my office later, on Thursday from 1:45 until 3:15 in K101 and in my office later (I will be around until around 6:00 with a one hour meeting I think mixed in there.
This week we will continue with CSS, please check back!
Sample form
Some articles I would like you to read on paths since there seems to be a lot of questions:
Article on relative and absolute paths
About paths
We will talk a little about what makes a good site: A starting point for thought and discussion
Articles on what makes a good website that I have come across recently. Please find a few you like and put them on delicious.
Good website
Developing site
What makes a good web site
Assignments to turn in:
CSS Assignment
First project now assigned: First web project Note that a working web site is required for this course. You cannot pass the course if you do not have a working website written using HTML5/XHTML and CSS. I would like the project by mid November.
Week #6
October 10th
Note that this week, our class will be on Tuesday. I am available for help on Thurday for 1:45 until around 5 although I have a one hour meeting sometime around 3:30. I will be in K101 prior to 3:15 and from then on you can find me in my office or a note on my door telling where I am.
We will look at forms, iframes and CSS. Please check back for an assignment.
We finished up the basics of html including forms and iframes. We also covered the first section of CSS under XHTML.
Assignments to turn in:
Syllabus Assignment All style should be done with CSS. More extra credit if you also include an iframe! Please do not use pre.
Week #5
October 3rd
I am available for help at 10:00 on Monday in K112 and from 1:45 to 3:15 in K101 on Tuesday. If you want additional help, I suggest you go to the tutoring center and ask for an appointment with Wayne Dupont.
We are going to look at images and mapping in HTML5 this week and if we have enough time we will go and spend some time looking at some things in XHTML.
I also want to look at embedded lists etc that we skipped. Look at these examples:
Embedded lists HTML
Embedded list example XHTML
embeddedlists5.html (embedded lists) - passed
In addition, we went back to XHTML and looked at frames, so please look at those examples and be sure to look at the ones that include target.
Assignments to turn in:
Table, Image and Map Assignment
Please develop a frame page that has one row across the whole page and beneath it a row that is broken up into three columns. I do not care what pages you show in those frames. If you did this in class and signed the check off list, you are all set.
Week #4
September 26th
I will be available for help Tues and Thurs afternoon. On Tues I am available from 1:45 until 2:30 and on Thurs I am available from 1:45 until 3:00 and then from 4:00ish until around 6:00 for anyone who wants some help. Hopefully I will be in K101, if not look for me in my office (K112)and we will find a lab. The late hours on Thurs will be my office.
I also have an office hour before class in my office, 10:00 in K112.
We will continue to look at HTML5 and we will look back at some XHTML. Hopefully we will get through tables and images. We will see!
Assignments to turn in:
I want you to do the tables part of last weeks assignment.
Exercise: Exercise we will start in class.
Note: Standard practice in this class, if you decide to work as a group everyone has to do all of the problems - in other words the purpose of working together is discussing the problem and catching each others errors!
Week #3
September 19th
I will be available for help Tues and Thurs afternoon. On Tues I am available from 1:45 until 3:15 and on Thurs I am available from 1:45 until 3:30 and then from 4:30 until around 6:00 for anyone who wants some help. Hopefully I will be in K101, if not look for me in my office (K112)and we will find a lab. The late hours on Thurs will be my office.
I also have an office hour before class in my office, K112.
We will continue on looking at HTML5 and XHTML. I plan to go through an introduction to CSS, links and tables.
Here is some information on CSS:
CSS Intro
W3 Schools
WINSCP information:
Here are some notes on logging in and uploading your pages to the server in the public_html area. Note that the host is (in the notes it says - that also works but we prefer that you use bristolcc).
Here is information about using cisweb at BCC
Talks more specifically about portfolio
Here is some information on CSS:
Assignments to turn in:
CSS, links and tables assignment
We did not get to tables so you can hold that as part of the assignment for next week.
If you upload your pages onto the server you will get extra credit.
Week #2
September 12th
This is the first week of classes for this course. I am sticking with the calendar, so I am calling it week #2, but...
This semester we will be looking at both HTML5 and XHTML. Here is an example of both styles:
Code for a basic example of HTML5
Code for a basic example of XHTML
I want you to look at HTML5 sample code and then HTML5 - intro and XHTML sample code and then XHTML - intro. You can also look at getting started under XHTML. There are presentations to accompany XHTML. Because I do the Smartboard, I have stopped doing the presentations and focused on the Smartboard explanations.
We will also look at validation in both HTML5 and XHTML. The validator is located at W3. If you validate by File Upload and browse to find your file and then click on check, the validator will give you feedback.
I will be available for help Tues and Thurs afternoon from 1:45 until 3:15 for anyone who wants some help. Hopefully I will be in K101, if not look for me in K112 and we will find a lab.
Assignments to turn in:
Please browse my website and become familiar with what is there.
Survey of past experience - must be completed by all students
First HTML assignment
Week #1
September 5th
Because of the Labor Day Holiday, your first class will be on September 12th. There is no required book for this course, but you might find it helpful to look up some resources and tutorials on HTML, XHTML and HTML5 because we will start to look at using HTML in its various versions when we start the course.


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