Programming: Logic, Design and Implementation (CIS17)

Weekly Schedule

Schedule by session Information to cover
Please note that the first assignment is at the bottom of the list posted here. You should do the work in order!
Notes and assignments #15
Summer 2007
Please complete this survey that the Division has requested and email it to me or give it to me in class or slide it under my door or give it to Karen Costa in the Division office. CIS Student Survey
Homework is due the day of the final. When you are ready for the final you should send me a request and I will send you the final and the required status sheet.
Notes and assignments #14
Summer 2007
You should also read the handout about numbering systems and codes under Notes and handouts. (Please note that this handout deals with 7 bit ASCII and you are going to deal with 8 bit ASCII as described in your text). You can also find other sites to reference under your site links. Be sure to look up information on 8 bit ASCII.
Binary conversion
Hexadecimal information
We will also look at Game Maker this week. There are two PowerPoint presentations on the topic for you to review. For information about Game Maker, you can start at Game Maker
Game Maker
The ethical use of the Internet is something we all need to consider. Please read the following articles:
Ten Commandments of Computer Ethics
Code of Ethics
Bloggers code of ethics
Check back as always!
Binary/hex/ASCII assignment
I want you to take this quiz and then correct it (the answers are given at the site) - send me the list of what you got right and what you got wrong with an comments about the ones you got wrong (why you got them wrong, do they make sense etc) This is not graded - I will check it off if you do the quiz and it it has the corrections requested. Copyright and Fair Use Quiz
The final will be posted at the end of the week - it is due on May 11th at 12:30PM.
Extra credit: Do a game using GameMaker - there are a lot of tutorials at the site to help you get started!
Extra credit: Do a game using GameMaker that involves scripting.
Notes and assignments #13
Summer 2007
This week we will look at relational databases, normalization, multiple files and indexes in Access and random processing.
Please be sure to look at the two presentations under Access and SQL called Normalization and Relational Database using donor. You should also read the notes under relational database rules called relational database - normalization rules.
Read the information in your textbook nor relational databases and normalization (chapter #16)
As always, check back and see how we are doing!
Following the directions in these assignments, set up the tables in Access and populate them with data:
Student database to develop
Payroll database to develop
Query Assignment:Using the databases that you created above, I want you to do the following queries. Do them using the query designer. Extra credit if you do them a second time using SQL.
First: Print a list of all employees with the department name.
Second: Print a list of all employees who are working on a specific project including the hours they worked on the project. I want the employee name, the project name and the hours the employee worked on the project.
Third: Print a list of all employees, their department name, and the projects they are working on including the name of the project.
Notes and assignments #12
Summer 2007
We are finishing up Visual Basic this week and then we will move on.
Please look at the PowerPoint presentations that deal with sequential and random processing.
Please be sure you have read chapter #10 and #11 in your text.
Presentation on sequential update processing
    Separate speaker notes to accompany sequential update processing
Presentation on random update processing
    Separate speaker notes to accompany random update processing
Write a VB 6 program that will create a file from information entered on the form. Write a second VB 6 program that will read the file you created and display the information on a form. Use my sample programs and PowerPoint presentation to model this.
Sequential processing will be started in class
Random processing exercise will be started in class
Notes and assignments #11
Summer 2007
We are going to continue working on Visual Basic this session - specifically we will look at loops and arrays (there is information on arrays in your text that you should be reading.
Please read chapter #10 and #11. We will look at aspects of these chapters in the next few weeks.
Visual Basic Assignment
Notes and assignments #10
Summer 2007
Please read chapter #8 and I would also like you to look at chapter #9. Both chapters deal with arrays. We will focus on the topics in chapter #8. We will also start on Visual Basic and eventually look at arrays in Visual Basic.
Note that we are using VB version 6 which can be downloaded from MSDN the same way that you downloaded Access. If you are comfortable and would prefer to work in VB.NET, that is fine, you can also download that from MDSN.
There are VB PowerPoints and sample VB programs.
Problem #1:
Write a program using Visual Basic that will let the user key in the hours worked, their pay per hour, and the amount they want to withhold. Have the computer then calculate their pay and display it.
Problem #2:
Write a program with Visual Basic that takes in a student name and a major. Check the major using an IF statement. If the major is CI print a message giving the student's name and a message saying they are majoring in Computer Information Systems, otherwise print the students name and a message saying your are not a CI major.
Notes and assignments #9
Summer 2007
We will continue with Alice and the portfolio project. Please continue looking at Alice and working on your Alice project.You should also look at the HTML portfolio models at the site. You may use these as a basis and modify them or you can develop your own pages.
Extra credit: I will give extra credit for one extra Alice program - should include programming things like modules and other things that make it a well structured program.
Portfolio project:To start out, your portfolio should have a link to an Access database that you have done, a link to your JavaScript assignment (you should show the assignment and your solutions running) and a link to at least one assignment that you did in word.
Notes and assignments #8
Summer 2007
we are going to start to look at Alice. You can find a PowerPoint presentation at my site explaining its use. The ice skating tutorial that comes with the package is an excellent introduction. Alice can be downloaded from Alice
This session we will continue with Alice and we will also go back to the portfolio project.
We will look at modules in Alice and how to create a program with structure using the Alice objects, methods and modules. I will then ask you to do a second Alice assignment using modules.
The first session of this class, we looked at creating the html pages to put on the web. We will now upload the pages and start to create a portfolio. Remember, do not put any personal information on the web that you are not comfortable with the world seeing - this includes last name, address, phone, email and other identifying information. If you decide to use the portfolio when you are job hunting, you can make adjustments at that time.
Please read chapter #7 in the text.
Alice tutorials: Alice Tutorial from
Alice tutorial
This week we will also start to discuss the service learning project. Please read the description and requirements: Service Learning Project
First Alice Assignment: The first assignment is: Using my Alice presentation as a guide, I want you to create something in Alice. You should have multiple objects (minimum 3). Your Alice code should have a sequence of 10 different methods or things that one of your objects does.
Second Alice Assignment: I want you to write a program using modules, 2 kinds of loops, an if/else and an if/else with an embedded if/else. I want you to do a startup/housekeeping/initialize module, a process module that handles other modules and a wrapup module. Look at my examples (zipped copies of the programs) and PowerPoints on ballsbounce and randomnumber to help with this assignment.
Notes and assignments #7
Summer 2007
Read chapter #7 in the text book. We will talk about logic, totals and control breaks this week and move on to Alice.
Final Totals program in JavaScript
Alice can be downloaded from Alice (go with version 2)
Please watch tutorial 1 about the ice skater under Alice tutorials (within the package) - there is also a presentation at my site.
I want you to look at this PowerPoint presentation on Alice: Using Alice
Zipped version of Using Alice for download
Logic problems This is a challenge assignment - you can work on it alone or with friends. It will be checked off with a check, check minus, check plus or no grade - I am looking for a sincere effort! Extra credit if you get them all right!
Minor Break Processing
Alice Assignment (two weeks): Using my Alice presentation as a guide, I want you to create something in Alice. You should have multiple objects (minimum 3). Your Alice code should have a sequence of 10 different methods or things that one of your objects does.
Notes and assignments #6
Summer 2007
Please read chapter #5 and chapter #6 in the textbook.
Be sure to look at the PowerPoints on JavaScript and the examples that I have posted under programs.
JavaScript tutorial
We will continue working on logic and problem solving this week.
If you look at the smartboard you will see help on doing the flowcharts - you can also listen to the matching audio. A lot of the flowcharts were done together in class and you can take advantage of that!
JavaScript assignment
Notes and assignments #5
Summer 2007
Please remember that there are 15 sets of notes and assignments. There are not 15 weeks in the summer semester so you have to double up some.
We are going to continue our discussion of logic this session by developing the logic for solving some problems. We are also going to look at JavaScript.
You can find Smartboard and audio notes on the logic for guess a number under Spring 2007. The JavaScript programs are:
Guess number, one guess
Guess number, one game
Guess number, multiple games
LOGO assignment:Do a project (or projects) that involves using an if, an if with an else, a loop and a procedure. Send me the project in logo and the code you used separately (notepad or word).
Notes and assignments #4
Summer 2007
You should read chapter #4 in Programming Logic and Design. We will focus on chapter #3 and may get to #4 this session.
Be sure you look at the PowerPoint presentations on logic - especially the one that says it will help with the quiz - it will help with the logic quiz. You should also be looking at the SmartBoard presentations from previous semesters alon with the audio..
Practice exercise: Please do and pass in.
Note that answers to the practice exercise are posted as a SmartBoard presentation
Problem #1 in JavaScript
Problem #2 in JavaScript
I took the two examples in the practice exercise and converted them into a program written using JavaScript within HTML. I would like you to look at the examples - you do not have to understand the language rules to see the basic structure. The Smartboard notes and audio for 9/28/06 should help.
Be sure to check the Smartboard presentations and accompanying audio regularly, especially if you are a distance learning student.
We are going to start to look at StarLogo. You will find a presentation under presentations and you will find a list of StarLogo commands under notes. Information about LOGO procedures is also available under notes. Information about LOGO
If you do not want to work in the labs, you will need to download and install a version of StarLogo which is available at:
On campus, StarLogo is available in K130 and in K101. I believe it is available in some other labs as well.
Please do not start the logic quiz until you have looked at the practice exercise. Logic quiz (html format) the quiz is best viewed with Explorer
Logic quiz (word format)
Logo assignment
Notes and assignments #3
Summer 2007
Remember that the lectures from previous semesters are on the web under audio and the Smartboard presentations are under Smartboard - the pdf version is best and I think I will actually stop using other ways of looking at them.
We are going to focus on chapter #2 this session and hopefully start looking at the material in Chapter #3 so you should read that as well (Programming Logic and Design).
Look at the first PowerPoint presentation under Logic including Pseudocode and flowcharts that is on structure (focus on loops).
You should also look at the second presentation is this group called presentation on logical if structures.
Presentation on structure (focus on loops)
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation structure (focus on loops)
Presentation on logical if structures
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on logical if structures
Logic assignment In this assignment, you should play computer and step through the logic and create the report as you go. This assignment should NOT be done using Access. I would suggest you write the answers in word.
Access Design and SQL Project
Please paste the SQL into a word document and pass that in as well!
Notes and assignments #2
Summer 2007
Please let me know if you do not have a place on the web to put your portfolio. So, we are going to take a look at the Access database this session. If you are not comfortable creating a table in an Access database and then creating a simple query, you should see the Power Point presentation on Assignment #1 / Access which is under Presentations. You should also down load the Assignment #1 Access database which is under Examples - Access database for asgn1.
There are several Access tutorials available on the Web site: Links to Access
If you do not know the basics of Access you can also see me and I will try to locate a book on the topic for you to use.
I posted some notes on using Access under Notes and Handouts but most of them are more than you need to know right now.
For students that come to the BCC campus, all software is available in labs.
For students who need Access at home, it is available through the MSDN Alliance. You should have received an invitation to join the Alliance, if not, please send me an email.
There is a presentation on Data on files and tables that will help with Quiz #1.
You should also look at Smartboard presentations and audio from this semester and previous semesters.
Please read chapter #2 in Programming Logic and Design.
Note: Assignments are not due until the week after they are assigned. You are welcome to pass them in early.
Practice exercise The solution to the database is on the web - the queries will be covered in class (the queries I am asking for are different from the ones in the example).
Game collection table to be developed
For your own benefit (not to pass in): Exercises at the back of chapter #2.
Quiz on chapter #1
I would like you to keep taking this quiz until you get 100, however, you can stop when you get a grade that you are satisfied with! Note that the quiz grade gets reported to me however - it would be nice backup to save a copy of the grade and you should also send me a picture of the screen with your name and the grade.
Notes and assignments #1
Summer 2007
There will be 15 notes and assignments, schedule them to finish during the semester and maintain a steady progress toward this goal.
CIS career students are going to be required to prepare a portfolio that will be worked on and evaluated in their capstone course. The portfolio will be started in this course. This is a work in progress, so some things may change between now and your capstone course, but you will have time in your capstone course to pull it all together!
This session we are going to start learning HTML. I will help you develop some of the basic skills to start your portfolio. If you know more advanced HTML or XHTML I invite you to incorporate your skills into the development of the portfolio. However, the requirement is simply a basic set of pages.
You will find presentations on HTML and on Portfolio Development under Presentations and you will find HTML examples under Examples. These examples include two basic templates that can be modified or you can design your own look. You will also find links to tutorials on HTML under links and tutorials.
My availablity this summer
The schedule can also be accessed through my home page. I will keep updating.
Please read chapter #1 in Programming Logic and Design.
Note: Some assignments require software. If you are a distance learning student you have to make arrangements to access the software needed. If distance learning students are having problems with software, they should contact me so we can try to work out a plan.
For students that come to the BCC campus, all software is available in labs.
For students who need Access, it is available through the MSN Alliance. Click on this link to get a copy: MSDN Alliance Software
I leave up the Smartboard Notes from previous semesters since much of the material is the same. You should look up Smartboard presentations on topics that you want to go over.
I am going to record some of the lectures in this class and put them on the web. This means that whatever you and I say may be available on the web for all to hear. I will always announce that I am recording prior to turning the recorder on. Lectures from last semester are available to download.
For your own benefit (not to pass in): Exercises at the back of the chapter.
Portfolio Project
This session, I want you to start developing the pages that will form the structure of your portfolio. You do not have to pass in anything this session.
Please check back every week to see if I have added anything!


Send e-mail to Mrs. Grocer (if you have or are taking a course, use the email you were given for the class):

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