When you are using JavaScript, if you use a technique we have not covered in class, you need to explain it!
Schedule by session | Information to cover Please note that the first assignment is at the bottom of the list posted here. You should do the work in order! I may add to the weekly schedule during the course of the week, so please check back multiple times. Please keep copies of all work you submit until you receive your final grade at the end of the semester. |
Week #15 Decemeber 10th |
I have a new grand daughter and everyone is doing well. Continuation of catch up week and start of final week. Max will be available at 9:30 on Tuesday and Thursday and Friday at 9:30 in K116. Sandy will be available at 12:30 on Tuesday and Thursday. Your final is due at or before 10:30 on Tuesday, December 18th. It is an online final. You can check resources to help you with the questions but please remember it is an individual project and there should be no discussion or help from or with other people. If you have questions, email me. I strongly suggest that you look the final over soon so you will have time to ask questions and get them answered. If you have questions about the final please state that in your subject. Final exam REQUIRED STATUS SHEET |
Week #14 December 3rd |
REQUIRED Status Sheet: Needs to be filled in and sent to me before or with the final. I only correct finals that have a status sheet
turned in.
REQUIRED STATUS SHEET Thursday Update: Max is back and will be available Thursday and Friday. Update: Max was in an accident and he tells me he is doing alright, but he will not be able to come in tomorrow. I will be on line using gmail chat if anyone would like to reach me that way and I will also be on line during class time doing a quick turnaround on emails if you have questions. As we discussed, we have covered the material in the course and this week is catch up week. It turns out that I will be in North Carolina this week. So... You can work together, you can work with Max or Sandy or you can contact me about doing a gmail video chat/hangout either during class time or at another time during the week. Contact me if you want to do this and I will send you my gmail contact information. I will also be on line during class time so you can email me with questions and unless I am dealing with someone elses question you will get a quick response. If as a group you want to set up a gmail chat/hangout during class time I can do that. Talk to Max about setting it up. Posted last week: We have finished the topics in CIS120 so this week is catchup/lab week. Max will be in K101 to help on Tues and Thurs at 9:30 and 11:00 and Sandy will be available to help at 12:30. If you have any questions, please email me. I may be off campus for family reasons. There is an extra credit assignment on Excel that you can choose to do. The information I have is for older versions but You Tube has great tutorials on Excel. There is a PowerPoint that introduces Excel at the site. First grade spreadsheet example Second grade spreadsheet example Extra credit: Excel assignment |
Week #13 November 26th |
The plan (subject to change so check with me) is to be available for help Monday at 10, I may have some time between 2 and 4 depending on meetings. I also plan to stay late both Tues and Thurs (until 5ish
and that can change if you let me know. Max will run an all day workshop on Friday in K116. I may be there and it may be just Max. We will continue with numbering systems and codes. We will look at 8-bit ASCII code in class. Reference for ASCII We are going to make a short return to Access to look at multiple tables. Normalization (3rd normal form) Student 4 table database Check back! Assignments: 6th quiz - due by Thursday, November 29th at midnight Number conversion and codes Database assignment Check back! |
Week #12 November 19th |
I am available for help Monday at 10 and Monday afternoon - I have a short meeting around 3 I believe but I will be there the rest of the time until 5ish. On Tuesday I will be available
after 1:45 and if you tell me you need me to stay late in the afternoon I will try to manage it. You have to tell me Monday. We have requested that all CIS majors be assigned to a member of the CIS faculty for advisement. If you have a different advisor and have questions, please contact me via email, come to a help session or we can set up an appointment. Things usually work better if you talk to a CIS faculty member or someone associated with IT who understands the ins, outs and peculiarities of the curriculum. For extra credit you can look at StarLogo and do the assignment below. You will find a presentation under presentations and you will find a list of StarLogo commands under notes. Information about LOGO procedures is also available under notes. Information about LOGO If you do not want to work in the labs, you will need to download and install a version of StarLogo which is available at: StarLogo Please look at the PowerPoint on LOGO and the handout on LOGO procedures. Numbering systems and code This handout covers binary and hex well, but it was written over 20 years ago and the code information is historical and not current. We will look at 8-bit ASCII code in class. Assignments: Soft Skills Paper Due in 3 weeks Note, I have asked you to do seven soft skills. If you do more you will get extra credit and the amount of extra credit depends on how many extra soft skills you write about. LOGO for extra credit: Logo assignmentWhen you send me the LOGO, you should also send me a text file with the code you used to direct the turtle copied and pasted into the text file. |
Week #11 November 12th |
I am available for help and advisement this week on Tuesday after 2, on Wed at 10 and after 3 and Thursday after 2. Talk to me if you are staying late - I can not stay late Thursday but
I can the other days. For advisement sign up on my door. If I get 10 people that committ to come on Friday the 16th, Max and I can put in an entire day of help like we did last Friday. Max is available in the afternoon as well. On Thursday during the first part of the class, we have a guest speaker from Meditech coming in to talk about career opportunities with an emphasis on jobs in the programming area. We will continue talking about Visual Basic this week. Please read the WINSCP and cisweb information: (note that in my examples I use cisweb.bristol.mass.edu as the host, we are now using cisweb.bristolcc.edu as the host although the old one is still supported). Here is information about using cisweb and WINSCP at BCC Talks more specifically about portfolio If you want to download WINSCP at home, you can find it at this address. WINSCP Portfolio information is available at my website under examples/HTML5 examples and under Notes and Handouts. Please read the information. You might also look at information on the web. I messed up on the uploads for the Smartboard, they were up but the address was a problem - they are fixed now. Assignments: I want you to start creating an online portfolio. For CIS majors you can work on this throughout your time at BCC and develop a portfolio to help you when you are looking for a job. For now we are going to do a basic start. You should make a title page with basic information and a link to a second page that should contain a menu with links to a database that you upload, two JavaScript problems you have written and other work for this or another course. You have an extra week for this - due December 1st Second VB Assignment |
Week #10 November 5th |
I am available for help Monday at 10 and also at around 3 (I have a meeting so I may be a little late. I will also be available
Tues and Thurs at 1:45 and I will stay late and I will also be there on Friday if I get 10 student emails confirming they are
coming for help. Max will also be available for help if you contact him. Please read chapter #6. This week we will start to look at Visual Basic - we will be using version 2010. When you look under programs for examples, be sure to use the ones that say 2010. Check back! You can also download the express version of Visual Basic 2010: VB 2010 Express Download Remember your mentor paper is due this week - if you have problems with contacting your mentor you can explain and elay that part, but you still need to do the career research segment. Assignments: I want you to go back to the first Javascript assignment and redo it using Visual Basic. Visual Basic assignment #1 (previously Javascript assignment #1 Don't forget, when you send me Visual Basic programs you zip up the whole folder and send that zip file to me. |
Week #9 October 29th |
I am available for help Monday at 10 and also from 4 to 6 - come to K112 or I might be in the lab. I am also available Tuesday and Thursday at 1:45.
This week I will have to leave after an hour or an hour and a half on Tuesday and Thursday because I have other committments. Max is available 3:30 on Tues and Thurs. Sandy available as well - need to check with me. Contact Max for help! Please read chapter #5 and do a light concept read of Object-Oriented concepts in chapter #10. We will continue our look at Alice at the beginning of the week. Be sure you look at the Powerpoint on Alice for help. The examples will be looking are under examples/Alice Programming Examples and we will specifically look at ballsbounce examples which is a zipped file containing the examples I will go over in class. Note that we use Alice 2.3 or some version of the second version. Another Alice example I made today that you can download and save We will start looking at Visual Basic next week. We will be using version 2010. You can download it from the MSDN account that you used to download Access if you would like your own version, otherwise it is available in all of the labs. Looks like a helpful set of Alice notes Assignments: The quiz I am posting this week is a little longer so you have until Satuday, November 3, 2012 at midnight. Quiz #5 Alice Assignment: I want you to write a program using the following: objects, methods, a loop and a loop with the complicated feature, a while loop, an if/else and an if/else with an embedded if/else. I want you to do a startup/housekeeping/initialize method, a process method that handles other methods associated with objects that you write and a wrapup method. Look at my examples (zipped copies of the programs), PowerPoints on ballsbounce and Smartboard/audio to help with this assignment! |
Week #8 October 22nd |
This week I am available for help Monday at 10 and at 3:30 and Tuesday and Thursday at 1:45 - I can stay late either Tuesday or
Thursday if you get in touch and we set up a plan (looks like I will be staying until 6). Max is available Tues and Thurs at 3:30 in the main lab and Sandy can be
available on Wed and Fri if you let me know what works. Be sure you have read chapters #1, #2, #3 and #4 in the text book. We will start the week continuing the work on Javascript. If you are having trouble debugging JavaScript, remember in Firefox to go to Tools and the Web Developer and then Error Console. Scroll down to the bottom to see error related to your script. I have gotten questions about rounding in JavaScript. The following code would round a field called ans to two decimal places: ansrounded = Math.round(ans*100)/100; There were also questions about converting upper and lower case. You will find information on that at Case conversion Practice exercise: In class we are going to work on writing the code to solve these exercises Practice exercise we already looked at Note that answers to the practice exercise are posted as a SmartBoard presentation Solution to practice exercises: While solution to problem #1 Do...while solution to problem #1 While solution to problem #2 Do...while solution to problem #2 Next we will start to look at Alice. Alice is at www.alice.org and you should use version 2.3. Alice Assignments: 4th quiz - due by Thursday, October 25th at midnight Assignment that will be started in class and should be done by everyone: JavaScript IF Powerpoint (assignment is last three on the final page). JavaScript loop assignment If you need extra time you can take an extra week, extra credit if it is in on time. |
Week #7 Week of October 15th |
I will be available Tuesday at 1:45 - check back about Thursday. Max and Sandy are available - you need to let me know
if you would like to meet with them. Read chapter #4. We will continue with JavaScript this week - we will be looking at the code under programs, continuing from where we left off last week. We looked at different ways of doing loops and the Guess Game. We did not look at arrays. Assignments: Career and mentor paper: I want you to write a paper about careers in the computer field. There should be two parts to the paper: The first part should be an interview with your mentor about the work he or she does in the computing field or if your mentor is continuing studies in computing, ask about the degree program he or she is in and what they would like to do when they complete their studies. Your paper should contain information about your mentor's job or degree program with several quotes from your mentor. The second part should be researching a career in computing that interests you and writing about what the job involves and the skills that are needed. The paper should include notes citing your sources (I would estimate that you need at least a couple of pages to cover the goals well). In addition, send me a list of the questions you asked your mentor. The paper is due on November 8th by midnight. If you have trouble contacting your mentor, let me know and pass in the mentor part late (the research part must be on time). If you did not get an email giving you a mentor name, let me know. I am sending them out at the beginning of this week. Javascript assignment #1 |
Week #6 Week of October 8th |
I will be available for help late Tuesday afternoon. Please read chapter #3. We are continuing looking at programming logic. We will start to look at the concept of a whole program that includes housekeeping, processing and wrapup. That will be woven into what we do with JavaScript. The first thing we will do with JavaScript is look at the examples under programs at my site - best looked at with Firefox. Assignments: Logic PowerPoint assignment In this assignment, you should play computer and step through the logic and create the report as you go. This assignment should NOT be done using Access or any other application. I would suggest you write the answers in word. Extra Credit: If you alter the mathans.html so it can handle +, -, /, * and ans gets set to 0 if any other answer is entered. It must be passed in before the start of class on Tuesday, Oct 16th to get the extra credit. If you are taking the class on line then it must be passed in by 11 that Tuesday. |
Week #5 Week of October 1st |
This Thursday we will have catch-up day in K101 from 9:30 to 1:45. Come as much as you can if you have things to catch-up! Please
take advantage, bring material and fill in the gaps. I will also be available for a while after 1:45 in my office K112 or in a lab.
Monday I am available at 10 and Tuesday at 1:45 in K112. Max is available at 3:30 on Tues and Thurs and Sandy will be available on
Wednesday (check back for time). Max and Sandy will be in the main lab. Please read chapter #2 and next week read chapter #3. Please look at this PowerPoint on loops and repetition: (we did not get to it last week) Presentation on structure (focus on loops) Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation structure (focus on loops) We will continue looking at logic and will work on the practice exercise below. Practice exercise: Practice exercise Practice continued Presentation on using pseudocode to play computer - help with logic quiz Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on using pseudocode to play computer Assignments: Quiz #3 due by midnight on Thursday. Logic Assignment |
Week #4 Week of September 24th |
This week I have a meeting Monday at 10 so I will be available Monday at 1:45 until around 3. I am also available Tuesday and Thursday
at 1:45 and Thursday I will be around until around 5:30 (with time out from 3:15 to 4:15 to work with a group of students). If I am not in my office (K112) I will leave a note on my door saying where I am. Max is available at 3:30 on Tues and Thurs in the main lab in K Building and Sandy can be available if we can work out a group time. Send me times you prefer if yu want help. This week we really will deal with chapter #1 in the text book and we will spend a lot of time working with logic. For help on if statements, look at this presentation: Presentation on logical if structures Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on logical if structures Some logic if statements to try: Presentation on structure (focus on loops) Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation structure (focus on loops) Assignments: In class logic exercise If you were not in class (proved by signing the list) you need to do this check off assignment and send it to me. Quiz #2 due by midnight on Saturday. Flowchart and Pseudocode assignment Due October 4th |
Week #3 Week of September 17th |
This week I am available Monday from 10-11 in K112 and then Thursday from 1:45 until 3:15. I will let you know about Tuesday. This week we will continue with Access and we will start looking at doing queries with SQL and flowcharts. We will also start to look at some material in chapter #1 in your text book so please read the chapter. payroll.accdb (example we will work with in class). Assignments: Individual Access Assignment: Database assignment Group Assignment:There will be an inclass project on SQL in Access on Thursday. Online students can do this project individually or contact me about a group assignment if they would prefer to work in a group. Access SQL assignment (document version) Access SQL assignment (html version) Access SQL answer sheet Books database with SQL version SQL code (document version)This is a copy of the SQL code in case it gets messed up Note that group projects cannot be resubmitted. |
Week #2 Week of September 10th |
I am available Monday at 10 and Tuesday at 2 in my office (K-112) if you have questions or need help. If you are interested in starting a study group/help session, send me your available times and I will try to set up a couple of options. Please listen to this video and read this handout about note taking. Note taking video Cornell method of note taking is the specific one to read. I also suggest checking out the other links on this page. On Tuesday we will start looking at the Access database. You can download a version of Access using the MSDN account information you were sent. Thursday will be a group project day. If you do not come to class, you will be assigned to an online group to work on the project. Students in the distance learning class can choose to come and work in an inclass group at 11:00 or 12:30 in K101 or they can choose to work on the project with the online group they will be assigned to. Note that there is no resubmit on group projects so be careful! Assignments:Assignments are due by September 20th at midnight unless stated otherwise. QUIZ: Quiz #1 - usually quizzes are due within three days, this week I am putting it up for Monday but we will pretend I posted it on Thursday so it is not due until midnight on Saturday, September 15th. Remember no resubmit on quizzes. Access Database Assignment on BCC College Resources I am attaching a list of the resources that I found that you can use in preparing your database. College Resources Note that I did not find something for all fields - it is acceptable to leave some data blank. Note: Assignments are not due until the week after they are assigned. You are welcome to pass them in early. Group project: This should not be started until Thursday when you are part of a group. For students in class on Thursday, you will break up in groups of 3 and choose a leader who will be responsible for mailing me your answers with a cc to you so you know that it came through. Note, there is no makeup/resubmit on group projects. Note students taking the class online can choose to come and participate in the group project in class even if we can't find you a seat. For web students, I will mail you an email hopefully by Friday with your group and group leader. You can then communicate via email (I am waiting to see who is in class before assigning the web groups).
The group emails to students not in class have been sent out, if you did not get one let me know!
Note: On the flowcharts in the assignment, sometimes the word Technology is cut off and you see Course instead of Course Technology.Please note that in the groups everyone should work on all the problems! Group DB assignment Group DB assignment (html version) Answer sheet for group project Book Database to use in answering questions (Access 2010 or 2007) Finally I want you to load your web page up to the server. If you have password problems, let me know. You should get it up by next Thursday (September 20th). |
Week #1 Week of September 3rd |
Each week, I will post information prior to the start of the Tuesday class. Please
check back several times during the week because I may add information and/or
assignments as the week progresses. I am setting up extra labs where
students can come for questions and help - the schedule is not available yet but I will be available
in my office (K-112) or in K-101 at 2:00 on both Tuesday and Thursday this week. Please read chapter #1 in Programming Logic and Design. If you can't get the book, next week is fine. The first topics do not rely on the book. We will start to look at the material in the text next week. You will be getting an invitation to the MSDN Alliance in the next few weeks that will allow you to download the Microsoft software you will use in tis class. (Information: MSDN Alliance Software) You should have received login information for cisweb which is the server you can upload web pages to. I leave up the Smartboard Notes and audio lectures from previous semesters since much of the material is the similar. You should look up Smartboard presentations on topics that you want to go over. I record most of the classes where I deliver a lecture so you should always assume that the class is being recorded. If you want to know, just ask! We will start looking at HTML/HTML5 to develop a web page this week. Please look at the samples under Examples. These are the pages you need to go over and understand: HTML5intro.html HTML5list.html HTML5linkpage.html HTML5CSSlist.html HTML5CSSimage.html HTML5CSStable.html There is an HTML presentation that also looks at writing code with HTML. It is under presentations and it is zipped. Note that it does not use examples with the optional DOCTYPE on the first line. Zipped version of Introduction to HTML A great reference for writing HTML is W3Schools Note that I will not always repeat the address here in the week of - I will just point you to where it can be found. Please note that this class used to be CIS17 and some of the handouts will say CIS17, that is why I refer to the class as CIS120/CIS17. Remember that the CSS skills are embedded in this course. For example time management and learning style readings will help you to write the web page introducing yourself and telling me how you are going to handle your time and use your knowledge about learning styles to be successful in this course. For us there are two definitions of CSS - one is the College Success Strategies and one is Cascading Style Sheets. I got questions about where to find information on HTML and CSS so here is a list. I frequently search with the word tutorial when I want basic information. HTML: http://www.w3schools.com/html/html_intro.asp http://www.tizag.com/htmlT/ http://www.html.net/tutorials/html/ Cascading Style Sheets: http://www.w3schools.com/css/ http://www.tizag.com/cssT/ www.csstutorial.net/ Uploading to the Web: We looked at login to cisweb this week so check the notes on the Smartboard and the accompanying audio as well as the notes below. To load things up on the Internet, we use WINSCP. Please read the WINSCP and cisweb information: (note that in my examples I use cisweb.bristol.mass.edu as the host, we are now using cisweb.bristolcc.edu as the host although the old one is still supported). Here is information about using cisweb and WINSCP at BCC Talks more specifically about portfolio We will be looking at making a portfolio later in the semester. If you want to download WINSCP at home, you can find it at this address. WINSCP Assignments: This weeks assignments are due by Thursday, September 13th at midnight. All assignments must be turned in using the email that I sent you on September 2nd. Note: Assignments are not due until the week after they are assigned. Specifically, they are due the Thursday of the next week which gives you a week to do them no matter when during the week I assign them. You are welcome to pass them in early. Late assignments will loose points - see the syllabus for details. There is also an Assignment Summary (look under Weekly Schedule in the menu on the left). We will be looking at soft skills later in the semester and as a foundation for that, I want you to take this survey: Survey Send me an email letting me know you have taken it. Your assignment for this week: HTML page to introduce yourself I should clarify that you should use a lot of the HTML we are discussing in class so you should use things like lists, tables, images, CSS etc to get the best grade. If you use extra HTML that you research and use to create the page you will get extra credit. |