Programming: Logic, Design and Implementation (CIS120/17)

Weekly Schedule

The college wants you to use the Bristol email account when communicating with me.

If when I return an assignment you do not get a grade it means that you have to go over the assignment and fix and resubmit. Remember, all assignments must be done by everyone. There is no makeup on quizzes and tests (some tests are accepted late - check).

Remember HELP is available on Zoom - see HELP section below. I will post more information when my help has been set up by the college.

The CIS pool is now available for students that need to access licensed software that they cannot use from home.
Remote access virtual desktop
Instructional video for using Remote Access Virtual Desktop - HTML

Schedule by week or unit Information to cover
Please note that the first assignment is at the bottom of the list posted here. You should do the work in order! I may add to the weekly schedule during the course of the week, so please check back multiple times. Please keep copies of all work you submit until you receive your final grade at the end of the semester. Play computer means to figure out the results yourself by evaluating the data rather than running the query.
Remember that I record all my classes and capture notes on the Smartboard in the spring and fall when I teach online. The recordings (audio) and the Smartboard are available for all students to use under Audio and Smartboard. This semester you should use the information from 2019 and some from Spring 2020.
HELP schedule I will set up some optional class Zoom meetings that you can attend. Check the week of information to see the times and dates.
For now I will continue with Tues and Thurs at 10AM and Mon and Wed at 1PM if you tell me you would like me to be there. I hold my office hours in Zoom. If it turns out other hours work better for students these may change, so check back. I am also available by request (give me a few time options) especially while we get other support in place. I have been meeting with a lot of students that request it, maybe something you should consider doing. You can email me with a couple of times you can meet and usually one of those will work.
I will send out the information to contact me on Zoom. I will post availability but you can also set something up with me.
Here are some videos you may find useful to connect to resources. Some of these apply to Mac users.
Downloading WinSCP on your PC by SI Joe Fletcher
Connecting to the CIS Pool
How to log into Bristol vlabs using a web broswer
Filezilla on the Mac
There is access to WiFi from your car under the solar canopies on the Fall River Campus.
Week of December 6th


The final will be posted today so that you can ask questions about it at our weekly meeting on Monday at 9PM. The final is due by the end of the day on Monday, Dec 13th. I will accept it a little late but you will loose points.
I will take homework up through Friday, Dec 17th, but... If I get alot of assignments from you at the last minute, I may not have the time to correct them before grades are due. Submit them as you complete them in the format of one assignment per email. Occasional I accept a few things a day or two late if we have made a plan.
If you have a situation I should know about, contact me so we can go over your circumstances. I really want to help you succeed.
The status sheet is a requirement. I need to compare your list with my list and be able to contact you if we differ. It is in your best interest to have that check.
Final Exam
Required Status Sheet
Week #13
Week of November 29th


I have had some health problems recently and am behind and will be out for office hours Monday. I will be able to do online at 9:00 to go over VB and problems:
The STEM Club will be holding a meeting on Thursday, December 2 at 3:30PM. To attend, go to: Meeting ID: 927 8578 4723 Passcode: 422949
I will post information about the final later this week.
If you are having problems with VB, you can also access it via the intranet. Contact me if you want more information.
This week you should continue looking at VB and continue last weeks assignment. We will continue it more next week.


We are continuing with the Visual Basic examples using the same address we used last week.
Visual Basic Programs to download and unzip


Input, work areas and loops
Arrays - compare JS and VB
Write and read files


And more Visual Basic (11/19/19 11:00) Accompanying audio
And more Visual Basic (11/19/19 11:00) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
And more Visual Basic (11/19/19 12:30) Accompanying audio
And more Visual Basic (11/19/19 12:30) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Arrays, read/write VB (11/26/19 11:00) Accompanying audio
Arrays, read/write VB (11/26/19 11:00) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Arrays, read/write VB (11/26/19 12:30) Accompanying audio
Arrays, read/write VB (11/26/19 12:30) Accompanying Smartboard presentation


CATCH-UP WEEK! Please spend your time doing outstanding homework assignments. Extra credit assignment will be posted.
Makeup/Extra Credit Quiz
Extra Credit Visual Basic assignment
I really thing it would be great to do the VB extra credit so high extra credit.
Week #12
Week of November 22nd


This week I will talk about relational databases and Visual Basic at 9:00 Monday if you want to attend.
If you are interested in finding some other students interested in a study group, let me know. I have one.
We are starting Visual Basic this week. The current version is VB2022. Most of the examples are from previous versions but they work, it is the interface that has changed. The first example goes into version 2022 and there is a video to accompany it.
Download Visual Studio from Microsoft Use Community edition.


Visual Basic Programs to download and unzip


Make first Visual Basic using version 2022
Make first Visual Basic program using previous versions of VB
Two introductory Visual Basic programs
IF Visual Basic program
If where one thing has to be true and either of two others
More IF examples in VB


Intro Visual Basic (11/12/19 11:00) Accompanying audio
Intro Visual Basic (11/12/19 11:00) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Intro Visual Basic (11/12/19 12:30) Accompanying audio
Intro Visual Basic (11/12/19 12:30) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
More Visual Basic (11/14/19 11:00) Accompanying audio
More Visual Basic (11/14/19 11:00) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
More Visual Basic (11/14/19 12:30) Accompanying audio
More Visual Basic (11/14/19 12:30) Accompanying Smartboard presentation


Visual Basic Assignment I made a copy and paste mistake in #3 - I have fixed it now! Sorry!
Note, this is the last assignment before the final (unless I forgot something). I will post some extra credit assignments as well.
We are having problems with sending zipped files with executables inside using Bristol email. So... for now at least send your zipped Visual Basic from your own email (unless it is gmail because gmail has the same problem) to If you have gmail, you can try zipping it up and changing the extension to jpg and sending it. When I get it I will change it back to zip to open. Sounds like fun!
An alternative approach is to upload the zipped file or files to cisweb and send me the address(es) so I can download it(them). Check back!
Week #11
Week of November 15th


I have to change the Thursday office hour to 11 this week.
Last semester there was a guest speaker: Digital Forensics and Cyber Crimes: First-Hand Knowledge from an Expert in the Field Please reference the following link to view the Zoom recording: Digital Forensics and Cyber Crimte
This week we are going to go back and take another look at databases, but this time we are going to use multiple tables. This is a brief introduction to the concepts so that it will make a little sense when people talk about a relational database and 3rd normal form. There are entire courses on this topic, so again my goal is familiarity.


Normalization (3rd normal form)
Student 4 table database
Student 4 table data needed We will work on this database.


Introduction to relational databases
Example of an order relational databases
Access Student Database
1 to 1, 1 to many and many to many relationships

SMARTBOARD AND AUDIO NOTES FROM Spring 2019 and Fall 2019:

I think the Spring versions have a little more information, but I would look at all of them.
Relational database (4/16/19) Accompanying audio
Relational Database (4/16/19) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Relational database in Access (4/18/19) Accompanying audio
Relational Database in Access (4/18/19) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Relational database continued (4/23/19) Accompanying audio
Relational Database in Access continued (4/23/19) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Databases (10/31/19 11:00) Accompanying audio
Databases (10/31/19 11:00) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Databases (10/31/19 12:30) Accompanying audio
Databases (10/31/19 12:30) Accompanying Smartboard presentation


Donation database you need to do
As always, check back...
Week #10
Week of November 8th


I will do a Zoom at 9:00 on Monday.
The last day to withdraw from classes is Monday, November 15th. Remember that I cannot withdraw you so if you do not complete the course and do not qualify for an incomplete, I will have to give you an F.
This is mainly a CATCH-UP WEEK. The only new assignment is not due for about a month, but I would suggest making your first contact with your mentor this week. Mentor names will be sent out this week.


Career and mentor paper: The mentors are professionals who went through the CIS program at BCC and are now working in the field or continuing their studies. They have generously volunteered to be an email mentor to discuss career and skills with current students. This assignment will need you to interview your mentor. I want you to write a paper about careers in the computer field. There should be two parts to the paper: The first part should be an interview with your mentor about the work he or she does in the computing field or if your mentor is continuing studies in computing, ask about the degree program he or she is in and what they would like to do when they complete their studies. You should also ask your mentor about the soft skills they find are important and why. Your paper should contain information about your mentor's job or degree program with several quotes from your mentor. You should also include information from the panel of CIS alum.
The second part should be researching a career in computing that interests you and writing about what the job involves and the skills that are needed. The paper should include notes citing your sources (I would estimate that you need at least a couple of pages to cover the goals well). In addition, send me a list of the questions you asked your mentor. The paper is due on Thursday, December 2nd by midnight. If you have trouble contacting your mentor, let me know and pass in the mentor part late (the research part must be on time to get full points). If you are too far behind on work and you need to send me a lot of work, I may not send you a mentor until you are more caught up and proved you are participating in this course. If you do not get a mentor this week and you do not think you are that far behind, be sure to contact me.
Week #9
Week of November 1st


My availability is iffy this week. My neighbor's tree took out two cars in my driveway and the power lines leaving me without power. I am elsewhere doing this. So Monday night is probably out, but you can check. Needless to say, this puts me behind in correcting as well. The deadline for the test has been extended a week or two if you need it.
Alum panel discussion from October 28th Password is egc8Vpz%
This week we are going to deal with ASCII. I put the information under week #8 since this is really just a continuation of the binary, hex and coding we started looking at last week.


ASCII assignment ASCII assignment
Check back!
Week #8
Week of October 25th


I will be online at Zoom at 9:00PM Monday, October 25th to go over JavaScript. I recommend you try to attend.
Thursday, October 28th at 12:00 noon a group of CIS alum will about career paths in technology and their experience. Every semester when alum speak the feedback is that people are glad they attended, so please try to attend that too.
I really think the alive Zoom with the possibility to interact with the speakers is more captivating. I sent you the address but if you need it sent again please let me know!
Alum panel Password is egc8Vpz%
This week we are going to wrap up JavaScript and we are going to take a little break from learning coding and look at numbering systems. For those of you that bought the optional book, there are a lot of logic examples that you should reference. If you did not get the book some research on logic flowcharts and pseudocode might be helpful.
Numbering systems and code
This handout covers binary and hex well, but it was written over 20 years ago and the code information is historical and not current. We will look at 8-bit ASCII code which is not covered and look at the link below.
Reference for ASCII You can start looking this week, but the assignment on this will be next week.


A few examples of conversion using binary, decimal and hex.


Numbering systems (10/22/19 11:00) Accompanying audio
Numbering systems (10/22/19 11:00) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Numbering systems (10/22/19 12:30) Accompanying audio
Numbering systems (10/22/19 12:30) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
ASCII and portfolio (10/29/19 11:00) Accompanying audio
I forgot to turn on the recorder so I would suggest using the Audio and Smartboard from the 12:30 class. I did try to record some things from the beginning in a separate recording, but not so good...
ASCII and portfolio(10/29/19 11:00 first few minutes) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
ASCII and portfolio (10/29/19 11:00 rest) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
ASCII and portfolio (10/29/19 12:30) Accompanying audio
ASCII and portfolio (10/29/19 12:30) Accompanying Smartboard presentation


Rock, Paper, Scissors Program: Write the Rock, Paper, Scissors using JavaScript and get it running. I know there are a lot of models out on the web. I want you to write your own code. If you do code that I have not covered,you need to explain what you did and how it works. You should have a loop so that the user can choose to play again. You are playing against the computer which should be a random number. I did a random number example in the guess number program.
Portfolio Project to start (must be done using HTML that you write): I want you to start creating an online portfolio. For CIS majors you can work on this throughout your time at BCC and develop a portfolio to help you when you are looking for a job. For now we are going to do a basic start. You should make a title page with basic information and a link to a second page that should contain a menu with links to a database that you upload, two JavaScript problems you have written and other work for this or another course. You can certainly incorporate your introductory page from week 1.
The index or first page should have basic information. The second page should link to at least four things that you have done. You can put the work in the root of cisweb or you can put it in a folder.
The address should be if any/name of the page. Remember that the port is now 220. If it is html page then it has a .html extension. The database has a .accdb extension. Check with me if you have problems. This is due at the end of the tenth week.
Number conversions You must pass in the work to get a grade higher than C on this assignment
Check back!
Week #7
Week of October 18th


Next week on Thursday, October 28th at 12:00 there will be a panel of alum discussing their computing careers. This will be done on Zoom. You will be assigned a paper to write that includes information from these talks. It will be recorded, but live on Zoom lets you ask questions. I will send out the address.
On Monday, October 18th at 9:00PM I will lecture on some JavaScript topics and take questions at my usual Zoom address.
This week we are going to continue with JavaScript so please continue looking at the rest of the examples under the JavaScript. Eventurally we will look at them all up through and including the series of Guess Game scripts/programs.
The book if you bought it is a reference book, check out the logic explanations.
Recording from 3/8/21 The passcode is oZ!^&30k


Look at the JavaScript examples
For now we are skipping arrays but you should look at the rest.


Final totals etc.
Math facts programs
Math facts continued
Guess game programs


More JavaScript (10/10/19 11:00) Accompanying audio
More JavaScript (10/10/19 11:00) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
More JavaScript (10/10/19 12:30) Accompanying audio
More JavaScript (10/10/19 12:30) Accompanying Smartboard presentation


Flowchart and Pseudocode test This is a test. I will accept it late, but late points will be subtracted. As always it is due the Thursday of the week after it was assigned - so in this case October 28th. The flowcharts are my (not so successful) experiment with a drawing toy! Let me know if you have questions. Remember it is a test so no working with anyone but me.
Second JavaScript assignment
Check back!
Week #6
Week of October 11th


I will try to set up a Zoom meeting someday this week at 9 but you need to check back.
This week we are going to continue with logic - I added a Powerpoint presentation about playing computer into last weeks layout. I think it will be helpful with the Logic Assignment. There are also two Powerpoint presentations on if and loops that you need to definitely look at. As always, be sure you listen to the videos. They go over the topics. For backup there are the Smartboard and audio from last fall which are the lectures that I delivered in class - a lot of students find those very helpful.
Start the week by looking at the logic components and then move on to JavaScript. We will continue with topics like if and loops next week.
Some of the material on JavaScript will definitely be continued next week.
Be sure to go over the Topic Videos on JavaScript and the examples and again I recommend the Smartboard and audio from last fall.
Our goal in the next few weeks is to be able to use logic to figure out how to solve a problem and then write a script/program with JavaScript.
The next topic is the introduction to JavaScript and above all else, I want you to understand the examples so that you to can write the code.


Please look at the JavaScript examples at this address.
Specifically look at the examples up through if statements and next week we will move on through finaltotals.html and maybe beyond..


Explanation of the Logic Powerpoint assignment
Explanation of the IF statement Powerpoint presentation
Explanation of the loop Powerpoint presentation
Introduction to JavaScript
Decisions in JavaScript
Decision where one thing has to be true and either of two others
Debug JavaScript in Firefox
Loops in JavaScript


For help on if statements, look at this presentation: (There is a video that explains this as well)
Presentation on logical if structures
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on logical if structures
Please look at this PowerPoint on loops and repetition: (There is a video that explains this as well)
Presentation on structure (focus on loops)
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation structure (focus on loops)


Logic ifs and loops (9/26/19 11:00) Accompanying audio
Logic ifs and loops (9/26/19 11:00) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Logic ifs and loops (9/26/19 12:30) Accompanying audio
Logic ifs and loops (9/26/19 12:30) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Inclass ifs (10/1/19 11:00) Accompanying audio
Inclass ifs (10/1/19 11:00) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Inclass ifs (10/1/19 12:30) Accompanying audio
Inclass ifs (10/1/19 12:30) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Intro JavaScript (10/3/19 11:00) Accompanying audio
Intro JavaScript (10/3/19 11:00) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Intro JavaScript (10/3/19 12:30) Accompanying audio
Intro JavaScript (10/3/19 12:30) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
JavaScript if and loop (10/8/19 11:00) Accompanying audio
JavaScript if and loop (10/8/19 11:00) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
JavaScript if and loop (10/8/19 12:30) Accompanying audio
JavaScript if and loop (10/8/19 12:30) Accompanying Smartboard presentation


Logic PowerPoint assignment Play computer and determine the output.
First Javascript assignment
Week #5
Week of October 4th


I will be on my Zoom Monday, October 4th at 9:00 to discuss Access. For a while we are going to try the 9:00PM review/introduction to the weeks topics.
Let me know if you want Zoom during my office hours and suggest other times if my office hours do not work and you need some Zoom time.
Recording from Monday, Feb 22nd going over examples (from last year)
Passcode: U0r=mrK&
We are going to start looking at logic this week. Logic is truly the key to successful computing, it is at the root of instructing computers.
The optional book is a reference book so,if you got it use it to help you understand logic.
The first thing to do is the Practice exercise. I would listen to the video for the first one and make sure you understand and then I would try the second one alone before listening to the video. Finally you also want to go through the logic concepts and the file processing video.
Before you do the 30 questions I would listen to that video.
As always I suggest listing to the audio along with the Smartboard from the previous classes.


This week, we will go over some of the principles from the readings above and start looking at logic. We will work on the practice exercise below. Note that there are Smartboard and audio about these examples as well as Topic Videos.

Practice exercise
Practice continued


Topic Video to go with example 1 in practice exercise
Topic Video to go with example 1 in practice exercise (youtube version)
Topic Video to go with example 2 in practice exercise
Topic Video to go with example 2 in practice exercise (youtube version)
Topic Video introducing some logic concepts
Topic Video introducing some logic concepts (youtube version)
Topic Video to go with file processing in practice continued
Topic Video to go with file processing in practice continued (youtube version)
Video introducing the 30 question assignment below. (youtube version)


Presentation on using pseudocode to play computer (This will be helpful for the Logic Assignment.)
    Separate speaker notes to accompany presentation on using pseudocode to play computer


Intro logic (9/24/19 11:00) Accompanying audio
Intro logic (9/24/19 11:00) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Intro logic (9/24/19 12:30) Accompanying audio
Intro logic (9/24/19 12:30) Accompanying Smartboard presentation


Logic Assignment
30 question logic exercise Follow the logic flowchart and process the input, then tell me the output. You can just show the messages to cut down on the writing.
Check back!
Week #4
Week of September 27th


Optional lecture on Access and SQL at 9:00PM Monday and repeated Wednesday at 5:00PM using Zoom.
During my office hours, I am available to go to Zoom if you contact me and arrange a time. If my office hours do not work let me know and we can arrange another meeting.
Please pass in one assignment (all parts of the assignment) in one email so if there are two assignments/quizzes for a week I want separate emails. Make correcting easier.
If you have a question make that clear in the subject.
Please get in touch if you have questions - I really do not want to see anyone fall behind.
This is Enrollment Verification week and I have to verify you are in the class. If you have not passed in work or the email a week verifying you are in the class, then you need to contact me now to make sure you are not withdrawn from the class.
I want to look at SQL (Structured Query Language) this week. I am including some references that will help and I suggest you do some research on your own.
Introduction to SQL
W3Schools on SQL
Inventory database and explanation:
Inventory database
Some SQL examples Let me know if you find a typo.
Reading - there is not a required text but there is reading that will add to your knowledge base and that is required.
The readings below should be done sometime in the next few weeks.

If you bought the optional text, read chapter 1 (you might note that at Amazon much of the first chapter is available for Just Enough Programming Logic and Design in the Look inside feature). Might help you decide about the book and chapter #1 is a key chapter for some of the basic knowledge I want you to acquire.
Compiler definition
Compiler vs interpreter
Types of software
Memory and RAM
Programming Process
Examples: Pseudocode and Flowcharts
Pseudocode and Flowcharts
If statements
Data types
I also want to include some information on skills, so please listen to this video and read this handout about note taking.
Note taking plus other techniques for being successful -I suggest checking out the other links on this page .
Cornell method of note taking


Inventory database and explanation:
Inventory database
Examples of SQL with logic flowcharts using Inventory database
Examples of Access queries done in class:
Query examples from 11:00 class (not sure which semester)
Query examples from 12:30 class (not sure which semester)
Review of Access put up October 3rd 2020 - corrected version Oct 5th Accompanying video


SQL queries
SQL queries (youtube version)
Access review put up October 3rd 2020
Access review (youtube version)


The Smartboard and audio that introduced SQL is part of the listing from week #2.
Queries using SQL (9/19/19 11:00) Accompanying audio
Queries using SQL (9/19/19 11:00) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Queries using SQL (9/19/19 12:30) Accompanying audio
Queries using SQL (9/19/19 12:30) Accompanying Smartboard presentation


This is a group assignment. You will get an email for your group designating a group leader. You can work with email or set up a Zoom account where you can work. The goal is to talk it over and figure out the answers. I am running late on the groups because I need to drop students that are not involved in the course for enrollment verification and I want to make sure they are not part of the groups. So, I will extend the due date until the following week (Thursday). Student that are way behind were not put in a group - they can contact me and if you think I made a mistake and did not include you that is another reason to contact me.
This assignment involves the user interface and logic - it does not get into SQL. This is NOT an assignment that can be resubmitted.
Note: On the flowcharts in the assignment, sometimes the word Technology is cut off and you see Course instead of Course Technology.
DB assignment
DB assignment (html version)
Answer sheet for project
Book Database to use in answering questions

Database assignment to query with SQL: You need to send me the database and a list of the SQL queries you wrote so that if the queries get "Microsoft fixed" I can see what you wrote. Remember, the queries have to all be done in SQL. This is not a group project. It needs to be done individually.
Softskills database to query with SQL
Week #3
Week of September 20th


I will do a Zoom at 9PM Monday at my Zoom site to go over Access. It is optional but I believe helpful. During my office hours, I am available on Zoom. If my office hours do not work let me know and we can arrange another meeting.
Last week I asked you to look at using Access to develop databases. This week we will continue exploring Access. Be sure that you have looked carefully at the notes I put up for you to look at last week.
Here are some articles you can read if you want support in working with Access. Many go beyond what we are doing in class. They are a resource you can choose to use.
Create a table
Create a query
Create a table from Microsoft
Create a table (uses older version of Access)
Create a query (uses older version of Access)
Here is another sample database I created:
Explain Database21.accdb


The databases we created in class a previous semester are shown below so you can take a look:
Created in 11:00 previous year (student.accdb)
Created in 12:30 previous year (studb.accdb)
I suggest you look at the notes in this presentation and try to create the table following the steps. Presentation on creating an Access 2016 database and table


Quick example of using CIS pool to get Access
Quick example of using CIS pool to get Access (youtube version)
Access review
Access review (youtube version)


Be sure to look at the Access videos under Week #2.
Access Database Assignment on BCC College Resources This assignment must be done with the user interface covered in the notes and examples last week. it should not be done with SQL - next weeks assignment will deal with SQL. It is acceptable to leave some data blank but you should find some data on your own as well.
There have been questions about the plan to use code. The plan to use code is simply you saying whether you plan to use that resource. You can have a Y, N, M for yes, no, maybe or you can decide on your own codes.
Week #2
Week of September 13th


This week I will talk about HTML5 and how it works on Tuesday, September 14th at 8:00PM. I will also experiment with some other times, so check back. I have a doctor's appointment on Wed, so my office hour is cancelled.
I will go to my Zoom are a during office hours this week.
This week I will have you load your page up to the server and then we will start looking at the concepts of a database and how to create one in Access. The notes and examples for getting started with Access are shown.
Access is part of Office 365 and can be accessed there or it can be accessed through the CIS pool.
There is a lot happening this week so do not hesitate to contact Kevin or me if you have questions or need help.


Example I used in video


Downloading WinSCP on your PC by SI Joe Fletcher
Using WinSCP to upload to cisweb
Using WinSCP to upload to cisweb (youtube version)
Quick example of using CIS pool to get Access
Quick example of using CIS pool to get Access (youtube version)
Introduction to using Access
Introduction to using Access (youtube version)
Access from Smartboard with flowcharts
Access from Smartboard with flowcharts (youtube version)
More Access Queries
More Access Queries (youtube version)

SMARTBOARD AND AUDIO NOTES FROM Spring 2020 and Fall 2019:

There were two sections of the CIS120 last Fall (11:00 and 12:30)and each had two days of Smartboard and audio. I am showing them all so you can choose what to watch. Note also that you should look at the introSQL part next week.
WinSCP and intro Access (9/10/19 11:00) Accompanying audio
WinSCP and intro Access (9/10/19 11:00) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
WinSCP and intro Access (9/10/19 12:30) Accompanying audio
WinSCP and intro Access (9/10/19 12:30) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Access queries and intro SQL (9/12/19 11:00) Accompanying audio
Access queries and intro SQL (9/12/19 11:00) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Access queries and intro SQL (9/12/19 12:30) Accompanying audio
Access queries and intro SQL (9/12/19 12:30) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
In my notes I talk about Things have changed and you should now use and the port number should be 220.
You can also check the notes on the Smartboard and the accompanying audio as well as the notes below.
Note from the IT Help Desk in response to a student loosing files using a Virtual machine: "It sounds like this student is saving their files to the virtual machine local hard drive on the CIS or student pool. You cannot save anything to the desktop, documents or download folder. These virtual machines reset when you log off, so anything saved to the hard drive will erased. Not only that, but the odds of reconnecting to the same virtual machine the next time you log in are next to none. When using this system, students must save their files to their OneDrive to avoid losing their work."
Again: To load things up on the Internet, we use WINSCP. Please read the WINSCP and cisweb information: (note that in my examples I use as the host and 22 as the port, we are now using as the host and 220 as the port.
Here is information about using cisweb and WINSCP at BCC
Talks more specifically about portfolio We will be looking at making a portfolio later in the semester.
If you want to download WINSCP at home, you can find it at this address.
Remember the host is and the port is 220.


Assignment #1: You need to go into Zoom and talk to Kevin or me and ask any questions you might have. Then let me know you went! Note that if you go to the HELP Schedule it tells how to contact him. I have asked Kevin for a Zoom link.
Assignment #2: Upload your web page introducing yourself to the cisweb server and send me the address.
Quiz #1: Quick Quiz that is due next Thursday. I DO NOT accept late quizzes.
Week #1
Week of September 6th


Lots of information this week!
Introduction to CIS120 - Fall 2021
Past introductions:
Introduction to CIS120 - Summer 2021
Introduction to CIS120 (5/27/20)
Introduction to CIS120
Each week, I will post information at the start of the week. Please check back several times during the week because I may add information and/or assignments as the week progresses.
Check the help session for support!
If you are just starting as a CIS major, I recommend that you double check your fall schedule with me if you have questions.
You should have gotten login information in at your Bristol email acount. Please be sure to check for them. We will use them at various points in the course.
Please check the examples, the topic videos and the other resources posted at my site that I list and that relate to what we are covering.
There are lots of resources at my site, some that we will never use. Please use the resources I tell you to use about the current topic beinging covered.When this course runs in class, I record my lectures (under Audio) and capture my notes and examples using Smartboard. These are available some from the Spring of 2020 but mostly from the Fall of 2019. I strongly recomment you look at them as well.
We will look at HTML/HTML5 and CSS this week to develop a web page. Please look at the samples under Examples and reproduced here.
So, to summarize. This week look at the examples under EXAMPLES TO LOOK AT and the explanation of these examples under TOPIC VIDEOS. You should also try out the SMARTBOARD AND AUDIO NOTES so you can hear the lecture and see the notes from the class.




This is an intro from a previous semester in case you want to here a slightly different version (this is also out on youtube)
Starting a NEW HTML page
Starting a NEW HTML page (youtube version)
Introduction to HTML
Introduction to HTML (youtube version)
Continuing HTML and introducing CSS
Continuing HTML and introducing CSS (youtube version)
Adding images and tables to your page
Adding images and tables to your page (you tube version)
linking between pages
linkingbetween pages (youtube version)

SMARTBOARD AND AUDIO NOTES FROM Spring 2020 and Fall 2019:

First day and intro to HTML (1/23/20 11:00) Accompanying audio
First day and intro to HTML (1/23/20 11:00) Accompanying Smartboard presentation
Second day and more HTML/CSS (1/28/20 11:00) Accompanying audio
Second day and more HTML/CSS (1/28/20 11:00) Accompanying Smartboard presentation


All assignments must be turned in using
Assignments are due the Thursday of the week after they are assigned. So assignments for this week are due next Thursday, SEPTEMBER 16th.
I would try to get it in sooner because their will be a couple of assignments next week. We will be looking at soft skills later in the semester and as a foundation for that, I want you to take this survey:
Send me an email letting me know you have taken it.
Your assignment for this week:
HTML page to introduce yourself (needs to include CSS)
I should clarify that you should use a lot of the HTML in the examples so you should use things like lists, tables, images, CSS etc to get the best grade. If you use extra HTML that you research and use to create the page you need to explain the commands for extra credit.
Also extra credit for having more than one page and linking them.
Note: You do not need to put your web page(s) on line this week. We will do that next week.

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